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Die TU Chemnitz in den Medien – Archiv

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10859 Suchergebnisse

2022-04-27 | nationworldnews.com

Electronic skin anticipates and feels touch from different directions for the first time

A research team from Chemnitz and Dresden has taken a major step forward in the development of sensitive electronic skin (e-skin) with integrated artificial hairs. E-skins are flexible electronic systems that try to mimic the sensitivity of their natural human skin counterparts. Applications range from skin replacement and medical sensors on the body to humanoid robots and artificial skin for Android.
2022-04-27 | vervetimes.com

Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time — ScienceDaily

A research team from Chemnitz and Dresden has taken a major step forward in the development of sensitive electronic skin (e-skin) with integrated artificial hairs. E-skins are flexible electronic systems that try to mimic the sensitivity of their natural human skin counterparts. Applications range from skin replacement and medical sensors on the body to artificial skin for humanoid robots and androids.
2022-04-27 | techilive.in

Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time

A research team from Chemnitz and Dresden has taken a major step forward in the development of sensitive electronic skin (e-skin) with integrated artificial hairs. E-skins are flexible electronic systems that try to mimic the sensitivity of their natural human skin counterparts. Applications range from skin replacement and medical sensors on the body to artificial skin for humanoid robots and androids.
2022-04-27 | Science Daily

Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time

Scientists have developed a new approach for miniaturization of soft ultra-compact and highly integrated sensor units for directional tactile sensitivity in e-skin systems.
2022-04-27 | EurekAlert

Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time

Scientists from Chemnitz University of Technology and Leibniz IFW Dresden develop a new approach for miniaturization of soft ultra-compact and highly integrated sensor units for directional tactile sensitivity in e-skin systems.
2022-04-27 | guetsel.de

TU Chemnitz, mehr Entspannung und weniger Stress durch kombinierte Yoga Techniken

TU Chemnitz veröffentlicht erste zusammenfassende Studie zur Wirksamkeit kombinierter Yoga Übungen.
2022-04-26 | SR.de

2,5 Millionen Euro für Hirnforschung bei Programmierern

Was passiert in den Köpfen von Programmierern, wenn sie sich mit Programmcode beschäftigen? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich ein Projekt, das vom Europäischen Forschungsrat über die nächsten fünf Jahre mit rund 2,5 Mio.€ gefördert wird. Daran beteiligt ist unter anderem Janet Siegmund, Professorin für Softwaretechnik an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz.
2022-04-26 | t3n.de

Bertolt Meyer: „Das ultimative Ziel des Transhumanismus ist die Unsterblichkeit“

Professor Bertolt Meyer forscht an der TU Chemnitz zur Zukunft der Mensch-Maschine-Kollaboration und trägt selbst eine bionische Prothese. Im Interview erklärt er, warum er sich dennoch nicht als „Cyborg“ sieht und worauf es in der Zusammenarbeit mit Maschinen ankommt.
2022-04-26 | AZO Nano

Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanoparticles May Enhance Anticancer Drug Nintedanib

Last year, an APTES monolayer covering self-assembled magnetic nanospheres for controlled drug delivery of the anticancer drug, Nintedanib, was downloaded 4,458 times, according to a joint research study from Chemnitz University of Technology and Shivaji University (India). This places the publication in the top ten most accessed papers in Nature’s peer-reviewed magazine Scientific Reports.
2022-04-25 | Oiger

Magnet-Nanokugeln sollen beim Kampf gegen Lungenkrebs helfen

Forscher der TU Chemnitz und aus Indien schleusen mit selbstorganisierenden Nanokugeln Krebsmedikamente zielgenauer zum Tumor.

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