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2024-02-21 | Linuxnews

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2024

Unter dem Motto „Zeichen setzen“ laden die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage am 16. und 17. März 2024 in das Zentrale Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude der Technischen Universität Chemnitz ein. Die Besucherinnen und Besucher erwartet ein abwechslungsreiches Vortrags- und Workshop-Programm, Raum und Gelegenheit zum Austausch im Ausstellerbereich sowie zahlreiche weitere Angebote rund um Linux und Open Source.
2024-02-21 | euronews.com

Completely carparked: Study finds 546 words for getting 'drunk' in the English language

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.
2024-02-21 | Yahoo

This is why Brits have 546 different words for ‘drunk’

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.
2024-02-20 | The Guardian

Sloshed, plastered and gazeboed: why Britons have 546 words for drunkenness

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.
2024-02-20 | worldtimetodays.com

From “carparked” to “cabbaged,” Brits have over 500 words for “drunk” – so what’s your favorite?

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.
2024-02-20 | The Week

Word of the Day: Drunkonym

A uniquely British synonym for intoxication. Researchers from Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany found that the English language has 546 words meaning drunk, many of which are nouns with an "ed" added to the end, such as "trolleyed" or "bladdered".
2024-02-20 | The Sun

Brits have invented 546 words for being drunk – no surprise there, we love making up nonsense, just ask Michael McIntyre

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.
2024-02-20 | itvNEWS

Have you ever been completely gazeboed? German linguists find 546 'drunkonyms' in English language

Britain's unique drinking culture and sense of humour have given the English language 546 words meaning drunk, researchers have found.
2024-02-20 | The Times

English got completely gazeboed and came up with 546 words for drunk

Britain's unique drinking culture and sense of humour have given the English language 546 words meaning drunk, researchers have found.
2024-02-20 | The Drinks Business

"I'm gonna get totally and utterly X'"': Can you really use any English word to mean 'drunk'?

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.

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