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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 
Foto: © Thomas Maurer

Principles for Responsible Management Education at the Faculty

PRME-Logo Based on our PRME membership we follow the PRME principles and share information on our progress continuously. Below you can see the faculty activities and the progress achieved from May 2022 to May 2024 (started from May 2018).

  • Sustainability is a key topic expressed by the university’s sustainability mission statement as well as in research and teaching in our faculty.
  • The TU Chemnitz launched its first sustainability report in February 2022 by applying a whole-institution approach, meaning integrating students from different faculties, organizational members from administration, research and cooperative institutions, e.g. student union. A main goal is to address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and initiate a system-wide transformational process towards sustainability.
  • Students and all organisational members are able to engage in the Task Force Sustainability for incorporating sustainability in academia and value transformation towards sustainability as well as for a sustainable campus development.

  • There is ongoing dialogue within the faculty and between the faculty and the university management as well as the State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK) to reflect, discuss and embed specific sustainability issues as well as ongoing change towards more sustainability in the university and its practices.
  • Since 2019, an academia-wide process hast been initiated to progress sustainability in and beyond academia. In line with the Sustainability Code sustainability is reflected and incorporated on the levels strategy, governance, research, teaching, administration, process and operation, etc. There are ongoing initiatives to extend bike mobility, sustainable purchase, sustainable energy and becoming a fair-trade university. Sustainable purchasing guidelines were implemented in 2023 and bicycle mobility was expanded. The university has installed flowering meadows and actively participates in the annual German Sustainability Action Days / European Sustainability Week. Moreover, there is a university-wide transfer platform offering discarded inventory of the university for internal use. This avoids new acquisitions and unnecessary waste.
  • The university’s sustainability mission statement is guiding teaching, research, administration and transfer.
  • There are recommendations towards strengthening sustainable procurement and selected sustainability topics to enhance sustainability in academia in a sustainability blog.
  • Since 2024, the TUC has successfully obtained certification in the “Shaping Diversity” diversity audit and stands for tolerance, mutual respect and non-discrimination.
  • We aim is to infuse our academic endeavors, curricula, and operational methods with the ethos of global social responsibility, drawing inspiration from esteemed international initiatives like the United Nations Global Compact. By incorporating the values of global social responsibility into our education and practices, we prepare students to become responsible and conscientious people who contribute positively to both business success and societal well-being on a global scale.

  • We follow Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aiming at the development of both knowledge about sustainable behavior and the skills and methods to implement it within a learner-teacher relationship. The United Nations emphasizes the importance of education for a transformation towards sustainability. The Agenda 2030, the national sustainability strategy, the Saxon Sustainability Strategy and the Saxon State Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development strengthen the broad and deep anchoring of sustainability and sustainability skills in all educational institutions. As Chemnitz University of Technology, we contribute to this by teaching ESD in a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary ways, for example in Lecture and exercise courses, colloquia, seminars, practical collaborations and student projects. In particular, the Studium generale enables an interdisciplinary approach.
  • We are constantly developing our degree programs. For example, in addition to the cross-sectional integration of sustainability in the respective modules, Business Administration (B.Sc.) has explicitly anchored sustainability and responsibility in the minor and major.
  • There is a vivid integration of sustainability in lectures, courses, seminars and workshops, e.g.
    • Establishment of a faculty-wide module "Responsible Decision-Making" in the Business Administration (B.Sc.) addressing ethical and fact-based decisions in all areas of business management and economics.
    • The Chair of Business Taxation and Auditing Standard of fair taxation, principle of trust in tax law, proper accounting, and thus addresses issues of environmental, social and economic sustainability in lectures and seminars as well as in students’ projects.
    • The Chair of International Accounting and Auditing addresses issues of environmental, social and economic sustainability in lectures and seminars as well as in students’ projects. The courses address topics as sustainability reporting requirements of PIEs in the European Union and measurement of environmental, social and governance disclosures of PIEs. In addition, the chair supervises students’ projects on several topics concerning scope and quality of environmental and social reporting requirements.
    • The Chair of Management Accounting and Controlling addresses issues of sustainability and instruments like Material Flow Cost Accounting among others in the courses Life Cycle Engineering, Life Cycle-oriented Management, Subsystems of Management and Control and IT-supported evaluation of material flows and process chains. Numerous (group work) projects, seminars and theses which deal with the evaluation of ecological, economic and social sustainability are a constant part of the teaching portfolio of the Chair.
    • The Chair of Banking and Corporate Finance integrates a variety of sustainability topics in its bachelor and master lectures and seminars, e.g. Sustainable Finance. The Seminar Energy & Climate Finance covers a wide range of topics on risks associated with climate change. Biodiversity loss is addressed from a business perspective and financial tools to dampen and reverse its impact are discussed.
    • Various courses (lectures, tutorials, seminars, and student projects) of the Chair of Organization and International Management deal with issues of ecological, social, and economic sustainability in organizational contexts and related problems such as climate change, responsible consumption, gender inequality, discrimination, precariousness, and decent work. In the courses, especially in the tutorials and seminars, students are encouraged to critically reflect on their own as well as others' actions, to identify existing problems in organizations, and to uncover mechanisms of reproduction.
    • The Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies addresses issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability in lectures, tutorials, seminars as well as in student projects. The courses address topics such as environmental and social sustainability in Human Resource Management (green HRM, socially responsible HRM and sustainable HRM), social sustainability in leadership (leadership development, meaningful leadership, ethical leadership, leadership and gender) as well as meaningful work. In addition, the Chair supervises students’ projects on topics such as “Remote Work & COVID-19 - Implications for the Design of Sustainable Human Resources Management” or “Perception and Promotion of Meaningful Work”.
    • The Chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management offers various lectures and seminars, like Management of Sustainability Innovations in the course Technology and Innovation Management: Introduction, Lecture on Technology Assessment and Design of Technology for a Sustainable Development in the course Technology Management, Corporate Social Responsibility in the lecture series Strategic Management, seminar Innovation Research on Sustainability Innovations, or seminar Development of Sustainable Innovation.
    • The Chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability offers a variety and range of courses and learning formats. The Chair develops and implements interactive courses as well as agile methods (e.g. systemic structural constellations, interactive scenario development) particularly aiming at a holistic view and independently solving of complex sustainability contexts strictly following ESD competencies. Practicing SDG is a cross-university seminar including partners from business, administration and municipality in learning contexts. Moreover, it continuously integrates practical lectures into the teaching process. The development of courses including materials that support alternative learning habits, environments, and E-Learning formats, using innovative programs and tools (e.g., Adobe Captivate; OPAL), is part of the digitization strategy of the professorship. The toolbox Sustainability virtual is one outcome. Moreover, combining sustainability and digitisation as well as developing sustainable future instructional design taking rebound effects into account academia-wide perspectives were investigated and discussed.
    • The Chair of Marketing and Retail applies educational frameworks, materials, processes, and environments that foster effective learning experiences for cultivating responsible leadership. By creating educational frameworks, materials, processes, and environments that prioritize responsible leadership in marketing, we empower students to become ethical and socially conscious marketers who can drive positive change in the industry and society at large, e.g. Ethical Marketing Curriculum and Interactive Learning Materials and Ethics-focused Learning Environments by using Case Studies Research, Practical Application through Internships, and Guest lectures.
    • The Chair of Information Systems – Business Process and Information Management offers several courses which cover various topics of sustainability, ethics, etc. in the context of digital transformation, big data, business analytics and artificial intelligence, For example, in the course “information management” the students gain data literacy skills emphasizing the responsible and ethical use of data.
    • The Chair of Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights integrates topics of obligations and responsibilities of supply chains into teaching, for example in the lecture "Strategic Corporate Law".
    • The Chair of Public Law manages a transdisciplinary faculty-wide seminar Business and Economy meets Science (Wirtschaft meets Wissenschaft) where students work scientifically on specific business problems together with company representatives applying vivid and divers learning formats. The Chair is also offering lectures in Energy Law, Energy-management legislation, and Renewable Energy Law.
    • The Chair of Macroeconomics offers various lectures and seminars, like Environmental and Resource Economics, Climate Economics, Critical Aspects of the Economics of Climate Change or Climate Policy in Germany and the European Union or Economics of Inequality.
    • The Chair of Economics offers a dynamic range of courses that align closely with the department's commitment to integrating responsible management practices into its curriculum, e.g. "Advanced Seminar in Ecological Economics Research" and "Economics of Climate Change and Sustainable Finance," focus on sustainable and ecological economics, directly supporting the mission to educate students on the critical intersection of environmental and economic issues. The inclusion of "Agent-Based and Behavioral Macroeconomics" and "Topics and Methods in Sustainable Macro-Finance Research" further illustrates a curriculum that not only addresses complex economic theories but also trains students to consider the broader societal impacts of economic practices. These courses are structured to enhance students' understanding of sustainable finance and responsible economic management, which is essential for fostering a deeper awareness of global challenges and the development of solutions that promote long-term sustainability and ethical management in economics.
    • The Chair of Empirical Economics integrates the topics of environmental, social, and economic sustainability into its lectures and tutorials. Students gain the knowledge and skills needed to apply empirical methods to investigate these critical issues.
  • With the project Joint Expertise we aim to form a multi-level, permanent and academic cooperation in responsible, sustainable and global aware management education and practice especially for master and doctoral students between the University of Technology Chemnitz, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), School of Management, IT and Governance. The 2023 Summer and Winter School – 15th AAE Summer School: “A holistic and integrated approach to creativity, innovation and sustainable development in the age of disruption”” paves the ongoing joint learning spaces, including (online) lectures held by TU Chemnitz professors for students of the University KwaZulu Natal. Furthermore, jointly developed modules were offered to the students.
  • The cross-continental 4th ARTEM OCC “From disruption to development: Moving forward with the relationship between creativity and sustainability“ took place in April 2022 in Nancy.

  • Due to disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the faculty innovative solutions are developed for regional economy and society and beyond – always focusing on the faculty’s core research areas as sustainability. There is a vivid research culture around sustainability topics represented in contributions to conferences, papers as well as discussions in PhD workshops.
  • The Chemnitz Economic Research Seminar regularly hosts talks on topics relevant for PRME goals, especially on the economics of the green energy transition as well as green finance and climate risks. The audience includes both researchers and students and members of the general public.
  • The Chair of Organization and International Management conducts empirical research on sufficiency among management researchers, gender implications at higher education institutions in Germany, institutionalization of sustainable research data management, stigmatization of temporary agency workers, participation in cooperatives, and marginalized entrepreneurships. Studies were presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference, and the Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors. In addition, students' projects on sustainability management at Siemens Energy, participation in organisations, and new modes of work in various companies are carried out and supervised by the staff of the Chair.
  • The Chair of Business Taxation and Auditing conducted an international project on tax morale, a dissertation on Provisions for the dismantling of onshore wind turbines was completed.
  • The Chair of International Accounting and Auditing conducts empirical research on sustainability reporting quality by European PIEs. In addition, a catalog of criteria for social sustainability was developed together with the chair of Management Accounting and Control.
  • The chair of Management Accounting and Control was and is involved in several interdisciplinary projects addressing issues of sustainability: e.g., “Digital assistance systems in cattle farming" (Cattle Hub), “Sustainable mobility” (NaMo) as a project of the “Smart Rail Connectivity Campus” (SRCC), “Evaluation and control of sustainable business models for smart composites” (2BEsmart_R) and the young researcher group "Combination of FEM and methods of LCE for sustainable material selection and automated AI-controlled preform-manufacturing of fiber-plastic composites” (autoPre), funded by the European Social Fonds ESF and the Free State of Saxony.
  • The Chair of Banking and Corporate Finance addresses sustainable finance in municipalities for realising the taxonomy conformity of a municipality for the preparation of sustainable finance measures. Sustainability is integrated into the Asset Management and Institutions of the Financial Market lectures. Asset management deals with sustainability strategies on the financial markets. The lecture on institutions teaches the structure and functioning of sustainable financial products and the supervisory sustainability regulation of banks. The Chair is currently involved in a European research project and bid for funding on Biodiversity, risks associated with its loss, and the design of financial instruments needed to manage and to reduce these risks.
  • The Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies investigates the role and the perception of sustainable Human Resource Management systems and meaningful work in family firms using a qualitative empirical research approach. Another qualitative empirical research project examines how leaders can influence their followers’ perception of meaningful work especially in the digital age. Several Bachelor’s and Master’s theses have already been conducted on the important topic of sustainability in HRM (with different practice partners): e.g. Socially Responsible Human Resource Management, Sustainable Human Resource Management, Meaningful Work, Meaningful Leadership, Inclusive Leadership and Gender Inequalities, Sustainable Careers, Promotion of Female Leaders etc.
  • The Chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management initiated several research projects linking to sustainability: e.g. "Joint Expertise" for Responsible, Sustainable and Global Aware Management, funded by the DAAD and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the program "Specialised Partnership with Universities in Developing Countries"; “Sustainability of Mobility”, funded by the  Federal Ministry of Education and Research; “ReFoSocI” - Regional focus groups for social innovations in Saxony; R&D-Projects relating to the connection of sustainability with topics like frugal innovation, education, NGOs; and sustainability research projects in the Management & Organisation Studies and Business Engineering.
  • The Chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability initiates joint projects with diverse stakeholders progressing circularity, sustainable transformation and cultural change; and engages in the international network ISDRS.
  • The Chair of Information Systems – Business Process and Information Management addresses in research projects various PRME related topics in the context of digital transformation. Currently, in the three-year project DIONA a broad range of research questions about the digital circular economy (CE) is investigated and a digital hub as well as a cyber-physical lab are set up to foster information exchange and collaboration between CE stakeholders and to enable especially SMEs for CE. In addition, topics of sustainability and the interplay of humans and digital twins / actors (e.g. in processes) are subject to research.
  • The Chair of Public Law deals with public consumer protection law and renewable energy law or environmental law.
  • The Chair of Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights concerns how blockchain technology can make a significant contribution to a sustainable economy and society, such as responsibility in circular economy processes or the legal support of energy and emissions trading. Particularly in the context of the supply chain law, blockchain technology can help companies to comply their corporate obligations. In the area of emissions trading, blockchain technology in conjunction with the Internet of Things (IoT) and the tokenisation of machines, raw materials, but also CO2, ensures sustainable use of existing resources and can thus make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the legally compliant implementation of sustainable work processes is addressed, especially in the transformation of work. The focus here is on the implementation of sustainable remuneration and working time models as well as the legally required compliance systems, including the design of reporting and complaint procedures, which are to be established mandatory with the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive.
    The professorship also deals with supply chain legislation and the question of how the obligations and resulting responsibilities in supply chains can be implemented in the corporate organization in a legally compliant manner. To this end, the research also includes the content that arises in discussions in the countries at the end of this value chain, such as the raw material suppliers from Mongolia. After all, responsibility in the supply chain also means keeping an eye on the interests and needs of foreign partners.
  • The Chair of Marketing and Retail is committed to actively pursue conceptual and empirical research that deepens our understanding of the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in fostering sustainable social, environmental, and economic value creation. By engaging in rigorous conceptual and empirical research on the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in sustainable value creation, we can advance knowledge in the field of marketing and contribute to the development of strategies that promote both business success and societal well-being, e.g. by (i) Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing and its Influence on Customer Behavior, (ii) Artificial intelligence and its marketing potential from a sustainability perspective, (iii) Digital Crowdfunding: Differences in Communicating Sustainable versus Commercial Digital Campaigns, (iv) Gender Bias through the use of Generative AI for Marketing Purposes, (v) Social Responsibility Marketing – How to benefit from the “Supply Chain Act” in Marketing, (vi) Responsible Development and Marketing of Digital and AI-based Innovations for an Educationally Equitable Society.
  • The Chair of Macroeconomics investigates the role of tax and spending policies to promote sustainable growth and the socio-ecological transition. The cooperation project “Monetary Policy and Energy Prices” investigates the impact of monetary policy and energy prices. The project aims to develop well-founded statements on two current and interwoven economic policy problems based on the current state of scientific knowledge. These are the effect of energy price changes on consumption and the associated CO2 emissions and the effect of (conventional) monetary policy on growth, prices and employment.
  • The Chair of Economics is actively engaged in various research activities focusing on the intersections of climate change, financial stability, and energy transitions. The work at the Chair is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, utilizing advanced methodologies like Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) to explore the dynamics between pandemics, fiscal stimuli, and climate policies. The Chair's research covers various themes, including the economic implications of climate-related transition risks for the banking sector, the systemic under-pricing of climate risks in financial markets, and the economic challenges of critical minerals in the low-carbon transition. 
  • The Chair of Empirical Economics conducts research on sustainable economic growth and development and addresses topics of inequality.
  • The Junior Professorship in European Management fosters knowledge on the resilience of managers & organizations (esp. hospitals).
  • The Joint German-Portuguese Research Group on Sustainability Evaluation, Engineering and Management – SustEEM-Group – pursues the superordinate target of bundling interdisciplinary activities of and competencies for basic and application-oriented research on life cycle-oriented evaluation and on the engineering and management of sustainable resources, processes, products, technologies and systems fostering the UN Sustainable Development Goals fulfilment and the adaptation and evolution of industry and society to 4rd Industrial Revolution.
  • Publications: Chemnitz Economic Papers, Faculty Papers on sustainability in our library.
  • Bachelor theses and master theses on the subject of Sustainability (with different practice partners): Sustainable Product Management, Responsible Research and Innovation, Sustainability in Education, Sustainability Assessment, Sustainable Development Goals, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Project Management, Sustainability Label, Sustainable Frugal Innovations, Education for Sustainable Development, Sustainability and Business Models, Intercultural Sustainability, Social Sustainability, Social Sustainable Innovations, Climate change, Financial institutions, Marketing of Ecologically Sustainable Products, Sustainability and Covid-19, gendered organization, work and employment in the sustainable organisation (by the professorships of Management Accounting and Controlling, Banking and Corporate Finance, Organization and International Management, Production and Industrial Management, Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability, Innovation Research and Technology Management, International Accounting and Auditing, Economic Policy, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance and Marketing and Retail).

  • Several professors engage in trainings and continuing education programs (TUCed) to distribute sustainability knowledge into the practitioners’ world.
  • There is ongoing cooperation and exchange with the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts and the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture as well as the Carlowitz-Gesellschaft e. V., including joint guest lectures of inspiring experts open to all interested people or the co-organisation of the UNESCO Project Schools Symposium 2022 in Chemnitz.
  • In the Smart Rail Connectivity Campus (SRCC) project, a globally visible research and development facility is to be permanently established at the Annaberg-Buchholz site. Research, development and innovation works on digitized, networked, automated and sustainable, i. e., economically, ecologically and socially effective and efficient mobility, are accomplished in cooperation between the TU Chemnitz, the city of Annaberg-Buchholz and many other network partners. Networking with regional partners, but also national companies and research institutions, creates interdisciplinary cooperation and a powerful platform for innovations.
  • In cooperation with a local authority, the Chair of Banking and Corporate Finance has developed checklists for around 40 activities, which present the taxonomy ordinance in a clear manner and reflect the requirements in simple language in tabular form. The questionnaires can be used as an audit aid and as a verification tool for documenting taxonomy compliance. The Chair and 5 Master's students were involved in the project. The city of Braunschweig was also involved with 6 departments and associated companies.
    In addition, presentations were prepared and given at the German Association of Cities on the topic of sustainability and specifically on the disclosure ordinance. Work was carried out on a sustainability guideline for the banking association. As part of the "Center for Municipal Financial Management (ZKFM)", training is provided for employees in municipal treasuries. Sustainability topics were integrated into this training.
  • The Chair of Marketing, actively collaborate with stakeholders from business (e.g., Recup), government (e.g., Bundesministerium für Gesundheit), and academia (e.g., Stanford) to promote responsible and accountable management education and practice. By engaging with diverse perspectives and expertise, we aim to enhance our understanding of the role of marketing in addressing societal and environmental challenges while fostering sustainable business practices. Furthermore, we are committed to interacting with managers of business corporations to gain insights into the unique challenges they face in fulfilling their social and environmental responsibilities. Through these interactions, we seek to identify areas where marketing can play a pivotal role in driving positive change and explore effective approaches to addressing these challenges collaboratively.
  • The Chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability was integrated in the development of the Saxon State Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and other dialogue fora, e.g. as member in the Advisory Board Innovation of the SMEKUL (until December 2023) or the working group of the State Rectors' Conference Sustainability and Climate Neutrality.
  • The Chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management partners in multiple ways in projects with the local cultural and creative scene of Chemnitz, the city of Chemnitz, the Impact Hub Leipzig and others on social innovations and related subjects.
  • The Chair of Macroeconomics cooperates with the platform https://www.kowa-leipzig.de/ to bring in touch SME, students and researchers on issues of carbon pricing, with the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research and the Dezernat Zukunft, a Berlin-based think tank considering sustainable fiscal policies as well as with Deloitte Saxony on evaluation of public environmental actions and funding.
  • The Chair of Economics is dedicated to fostering responsible and accountable management education and practice. We actively participate in public discussions, publish in renowned journals, and have been invited to speak at important international conferences to broaden our academic influence and encourage essential dialogues across various sectors. This multidisciplinary approach is key for merging scientific research with policymaking, ensuring our educational efforts align with real-world challenges. By collaborating with respected organizations like the World Bank, OECD, and central banks across Europe, the Chair enhances academic understanding and shapes global strategies, contributing to a strong, resilient, and sustainable global financial system. These efforts highlight our commitment to connecting theoretical insights with practical applications, essential for tackling today's complex social and financial issues.

  • Chemnitz University of Technology is constantly working on integrating ESD into its own programs and making ESD even more interdisciplinary. To this end, a self-assessment of sustainability and an ESD reflection sheet are offered as an organizational tool. The Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) (online version) for sustainability-oriented areas of action in everyday university life can highlight your own commitment and development options. It is used for self-reflection on possible sustainability activities of all organizational members of Chemnitz University of Technology and to identify fields of action for the implementation of sustainability in and at Chemnitz University of Technology. The ESD reflection sheet reflects ESD commitment in teaching and in each module. It also provides a wide range of suggestions on the topic of sustainable procurement.
  • In regular meetings, topics and issues of sustainability are reflected and discussed in strategy workshops and faculty-based activities and practices, embedded in curricula as well as joint research activities.
  • The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics has set itself the task of counteracting potential sources of discrimination and all forms of sexual harassment and sexualized violence in the workplace. In 2023, the faculty adopted an innovative and Germany-wide leading equality and women's advancement plan to strengthen and permanently anchor equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Our faculty members use an extensive range of environmentally friendly brands and products for office supplies, fairtrade coffee, a digital filing system for printing less, environmentally friendly way to work as using the bike or walk, switching off electrical appliances or turn down the heating, etc. Business trips are planned in an environmentally friendly way by using the train or forming car pools.

  • The Chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability organized a poster series presenting recommendation for daily enhancement of sustainability for everybody. The series is presented in public, at university, at schools, at fair, etc. partly including discussion about it. The task force sustainability is a working group on sustainable campus development at Chemnitz University of Technology advocating more sustainable action on campus. The active participation of people from all areas of the university enables a broad discussion of ideas and performances. Prof. Dr. Arnold is an ambassador for the Saxony Environmental and Climate Alliance (2023-2028).
  • Members of the Chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability and Innovation Research and Technology Management take regularly part in round tables with politicians, citizens and other stakeholder to develop the region and Saxony towards more sustainability.
  • The Chair of Management Accounting and Control regularly organizes lectures of practitioners for the course "practical problems" in the study program Energy efficient technologies to bring practical and academic perspectives together.
  • The Chair of Macroeconomics gives interviews in local and international media about Inflation and monetary policy or the climate bonus and provides Podcasts about Inequality and Corporate taxation in Germany.

PRME-Logo Based on our PRME membership we follow the PRME principles and share information on our progress continuously. Below you can see the faculty activities and the progress achieved from May 2020 to May 2022 (started from May 2018).

  • Sustainability is a key topic expressed by the university’s sustainability mission statement as well as in research and teaching in our faculty.
  • The TU Chemnitz launched its first sustainability report in February 2022 by applying a whole-institution approach, meaning integrating students from different faculties, organizational members from administration, research and cooperative institutions, e.g. student union. A main goal is to address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and initiate a system-wide transformational process towards sustainability.
  • Students and all organisational members are able to engage in the Task Force Sustainability for incorporating sustainability in academia and value transformation towards sustainability as well as for a sustainable campus development.

  • In regular meetings, topics and issues of sustainability are reflected and discussed in strategy workshops and faculty-based activities and practices, embedded in curricula as well as joint research activities.
  • There is ongoing dialogue within the faculty and between the faculty and the university management as well as the State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK) to reflect, discuss and embed specific sustainability issues as well as ongoing change towards more sustainability in the university and its practices.
  • Since 2019, an academia-wide process hast been initiated to progress sustainability in and beyond academia. In line with the Sustainability Code sustainability is reflected and incorporated on the levels strategy, governance, research, teaching, administration, process and operation, etc. There are initiatives to extend bike mobility, sustainable purchase, sustainable energy and becoming a fair-trade university. Moreover, there is a university-wide transfer platform offering discarded inventory of the university for internal use. This avoids new acquisitions and unnecessary waste.
  • The university’s sustainability mission statement is guiding teaching, research, administration and transfer.
  • There are recommendations towards strengthening sustainable procurement and selected sustainability topics to enhance sustainability in academia in a sustainability blog.

  • There is a vivid integration of sustainability in lectures, courses, seminars and workshops, e.g.
    • Establishment of a faculty-wide module "Responsible Decision-Making" in the Business Administration (B.Sc.) addressing ethical and fact-based decisions in all areas of business management and economics.
    • The chair of Business Taxation and Auditing regularly conducts case studies in cooperation with tax practitioners, where students have to work in teams. We also use role-playing to train their capabilities to develop chairmanship in tricky tax negotiations. The chair also routinely addresses tax measures to enforce political ecological goals, e.g. special allowances for electric mobility, the tax incentives or inhibitent tax factors for renewable energy, or the influence of current and acquisition taxes on real estate on sustainable housing costs in overcrowded areas in teaching.
    • The chair of Management Accounting and Control addresses issues of sustainability and instruments like Material Flow Cost Accounting among others in the courses Life Cycle Engineering, Life Cycle-oriented Management, Subsystems of Management and Control and IT-supported evaluation of material flows and process chains. Numerous (group work) projects, seminars and theses which deal with the evaluation of ecological, economic and social sustainability are a constant part of the teaching portfolio of the chair.
    • The chair of Banking and Corporate Finance integrates a variety of sustainability topics in its bachelor and master lectures and seminars, e.g. Sustainable Finance.
    • Various courses (lectures, tutorials, seminars, and student projects) of the chair of Organization and International Management deal with issues of ecological, social, and economic sustainability in organizational contexts and related problems such as climate change, responsible consumption, gender inequality, discrimination, precariousness, and decent work. In the courses, especially in the tutorials and seminars, students are encouraged to critically reflect on their own as well as others' actions, to identify existing problems in organizations, and to uncover mechanisms of reproduction.
    • The chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies addresses issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability in lectures, tutorials, seminars as well as in student projects. The courses address topics such as environmental and social sustainability in Human Resource Management (green HRM, socially responsible HRM and sustainable HRM), social sustainability in leadership (leadership development, meaningful leadership, ethical leadership, leadership and gender) as well as meaningful work. In addition, the chair supervises students’ projects on topics such as “Remote Work & COVID-19 - Implications for the Design of Sustainable Human Resources Management” or “Perception and Promotion of Meaningful Work”.
    • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management offers various lectures and seminars, like Management of Sustainability Innovations in the course Technology and Innovation Management: Introduction, Lecture on Technology Assessment and Design of Technology for a Sustainable Development in the course Technology Management, Corporate Social Responsibility in the lecture series Strategic Management, seminars Innovation Research on Sustainability Innovations or Economy & Society and seminars & projects in professional fields.
    • The chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability offers a variety and range of courses and learning formats. The chair develops and implements interactive courses as well as agile methods (e.g. systemic structural constellations, SCRUM) particularly aiming at a holistic view and independently solving of complex sustainability contexts. Practicing SDG is a cross-university seminar including partners from business, administration and municipality in learning contexts. Moreover, it continuously integrates practical lectures into the teaching process. The development of courses including materials that support alternative learning habits, environments, and E-Learning formats, using innovative programs and tools (e.g., Adobe Captivate; OPAL), is part of the digitization strategy of the professorship. The toolbox Sustainability virtual is one outcome. Moreover, combining sustainability and digitisation as well as developing sustainable future instructional design taking rebound effects into account academia-wide perspectives were investigated and discussed.
    • The chair of Marketing and Retail addresses cultural influences as well as ethical business in the lecture "Consumer Behaviour". Besides learning about the fundamental theories of culture, students are taught the impacts that culture has on everyday behaviour including its effects on consumer behaviour as well as how it should be respected in marketing. It teaches students what it means to be an ethical business, including issues such as bribery, product safety, international advertising self-regulation, Social Marketing, Consumer Well-being, and the dark sides of consumption behaviour (e.g., gaming addiction), and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Students also learn that their consumption behaviour has a direct impact on the behaviour of companies, thus reinforcing ethical consumption behaviour on the consumer side. Furthermore, the lecture “Sensory Marketing” focuses on ethical questions in marketing practice (e.g., whether subliminal advertising and other attempts to manipulate consumers can be justified from an ethical point of view). The chair regularly conducts case studies where students have to work in teams on marketing problems with a focus on ecological sustainability, e.g., optimizing product offer compositions of green electricity tariffs. In various seminars on scientific work students are encouraged to reflect on ethical topics in marketing and consumer behaviour (e.g., nudging and Libertarian Paternalism).
    • The chair of Public Law manages a transdisciplinary faculty-wide seminar Business and Economy meets Science (Wirtschaft meets Wissenschaft) where students work scientifically on specific business problems together with company representatives applying vivid and divers learning formats. The chair is also offering lectures in Energy Law, Energy-management legislation, and Renewable Energy Law.
    • The chair of Macroeconomics offers various lectures and seminars, like Environmental and Resource Economics, Critical Aspects of the Economics of Climate Change or Climate Policy in Germany and the European Union.
  • With the project Joint Expertise we aim to form a multi-level, permanent and academic cooperation in responsible, sustainable and global aware management education and practice especially for master and doctoral students between the University of Technology Chemnitz, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), School of Management, IT and Governance. The 2018 Summer School – 12th American-African-European Summer School in South Africa on the subject of “Responsible and Sustainable Management of Innovation in Urban and Global Contexts” is one example of the ongoing joint learning spaces. Fortunately, the project was prolonged until December 2021 to continue with the cooperation digitally. During this phase we had different online lectures held by TU Chemnitz professors for students of the University KwaZulu Natal. Furthermore, jointly developed modules were offered to the students.
  • The 3rd Artem international conference on Organizational Creativity and Sustainability (ARTEM OCC 2020) planned to be be held in March 2020 in Chemnitz as an inter- and transdisciplinary and faculty-based event was cancelled due to Corona Pandemic circumstance. The missing presentations lead into Special Issues publications. The 4th ARTEM OCC took place in April 2022 in Nancy.

  • There is a vivid research culture around sustainability topics represented in contributions to conferences, papers as well as discussions in PhD workshops.
  • The chair of Organization and International Management conducts empirical research on sufficiency among management researchers, gender implications at higher education institutions in Germany, institutionalization of sustainable research data management, stigmatization of temporary agency workers, participation in cooperatives, and marginalized entrepreneurships. Studies were presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference, and the Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors. In addition, students' projects on sustainability management at Siemens Energy, participation in organisations, and new modes of work in various companies are carried out and supervised by the staff of the chair.
  • The chair of Business Taxation and Auditing conducted an interdisciplinary project with socio-psychologic/organizational researchers in the field of aggressive tax planning by multinational corporations. In addition, the real estate tax reform is of key interest.
  • The chair of Management Accounting and Control was and is involved in several interdisciplinary projects addressing issues of sustainability: e.g. "Technological and economic assessment of the application of active flow control to Optimize the wind harvesting capacity of Wind power plants" (TOpWind), „Green Energy in industrial groups" (GRIDS), Digital assistance systems in cattle farming" (Cattle Hub) and the young researcher groups "Automated, component contour-near production of bio-based lightweight sandwich structures" (ecoWing) and "New materials for fuel cells" (NeMaCell), funded by the European Social Fonds ESF and the Free State of Saxony.
  • The chair of Banking and Corporate Finance addresses sustainable finance in municipalities for realising the taxonomy conformity of a municipality for the preparation of sustainable finance measures.
  • The chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies investigates the role and the perception of sustainable Human Resource Management systems and meaningful work in family firms using a qualitative empirical research approach. Another qualitative empirical research project examines how leaders can influence their followers’ perception of meaningful work especially in the digital age. Several Bachelor’s and Master’s theses have already been conducted on the important topic of sustainability in HRM (with different practice partners): e.g. Socially Responsible Human Resource Management, Sustainable Human Resource Management, Meaningful Work, Meaningful Leadership, Inclusive Leadership and Gender Inequalities, Sustainable Careers, Promotion of Female Leaders etc.
  • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management initiated several research projects linking to sustainability: e.g. "Joint Expertise" for Responsible, Sustainable and Global Aware Management, funded by the DAAD and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the program "Specialised Partnership with Universities in Developing Countries", “Sustainable mobility chains”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research; R&D-Projects relating to the connection of sustainability with topics like frugal and inclusive innovation, education, NGOs; and sustainability research projects in the Management & Organisation Studies and Business Engineering. The chair also participated in the BMBF project “Gesellschaft der Ideen. Wettbewerb für Soziale Innovationen” and supported the application of several projects as part of the “Forum Sozialer Innovationen”. The supported project “Acren” that aims to support and facilitate the funding of local sustainability projects in a transparent way using a blockchain platform was chosen for a two-year funding.
  • The chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability initiates joint projects with diverse stakeholders and engages in the international network ISDRS.
  • The chair of Public Law deals with public consumer protection law and renewable energy law or environmental law.
  • The chair of Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights concerns how blockchain technology can make a significant contribution to a sustainable economy and society, such as responsibility in circular economy processes or the legal support of energy and emissions trading. Particularly in the context of the supply chain law, blockchain technology can help companies to comply their corporate obligations. In the area of emissions trading, blockchain technology in conjunction with the Internet of Things (IoT) and the tokenisation of machines, raw materials, but also CO2, ensures sustainable use of existing resources and can thus make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the legally compliant implementation of sustainable work processes is addressed, especially in the transformation of work. The focus here is on the implementation of sustainable remuneration and working time models as well as the legally required compliance systems, including the design of reporting and complaint procedures, which are to be established mandatory with the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive.
  • The chair of Marketing and Retail addresses responsibility and ethics in marketing based on consumer manipulation techniques within the chair´s core research topic of context effects in consumer decision making. Another core research topic is sensory marketing. Here the chair is doing research in healthy and sustainable food products. For example, the chair cooperates with industry partners in projects that seek to improve product recipes in order to let them meet requirements introduced by the NUTRI-SCORE principles.
  • The chair of Macroeconomics investigates the role of tax and spending policies to promote sustainable growth and the socio-ecological transition.
  • The Junior Professorship in European Management fosters knowledge on the resilience of managers & organizations (esp. hospitals).
  • The Joint German-Portuguese Research Group on Sustainability Evaluation, Engineering and Management – SustEEM-Group – pursues the superordinate target of bundling interdisciplinary activities of and competencies for basic and application-oriented research on life cycle-oriented evaluation and on the engineering and management of sustainable resources, processes, products, technologies and systems fostering the UN Sustainable Development Goals fulfilment and the adaptation and evolution of industry and society to 4rd Industrial Revolution.
  • Publications: Chemnitz Economic Papers, Faculty Papers on sustainability in our library.
  • Bachelor theses and master theses on the subject of Sustainability (with different practice partners): Sustainable Product Management, Responsible Research and Innovation, Sustainability in Education, Sustainability Assessment, Sustainable Development Goals, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Project Management, Sustainability Label, Sustainable Frugal Innovations, Education for Sustainable Development, Sustainability and Business Models, Intercultural Sustainability, Social Sustainability, Social Sustainable Innovations, Climate change, Financial institutions, Marketing of Ecologically Sustainable Products, Sustainability and Covid-19, gendered organization, work and employment in the sustainable organisation (by the professorships of Management Accounting and Controlling, Banking and Corporate Finance, Organization and International Management, Production and Industrial Management, Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability, Innovation Research and Technology Management, International Accounting and Auditing, Economic Policy, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance and Marketing and Retail).

  • Especially the chair of Banking and Corporate Finance becomes involved in sustainability topics like sustainable finance or the reduction of noise.
  • The annual Sustainable Textile School is an inter-faculty-based project for cooperation between stakeholders in business, civil society, and academia.
  • Several professors engage in trainings and continuing education programs (TUCed) to distribute sustainability knowledge into the practitioners’ world.
  • The chair of Management Accounting and Control regularly organises lectures of practitioners for the course "practical problems" in the study program Energy efficient technologies to bring practical and academic perspectives together.
  • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management started a research project with the local cultural and creative scene of Chemnitz in January 2021. The aim is to understand corona-related challenges for actors in culture. The cultural and creative scene, which has been fighting with challenging circumstance to stay active since corona started, is viewed as an important driver for the transformation of societies within sustainable development.
  • The chair of Macroeconomics cooperates with a specific platform to bring in touch SME, students and researchers on issues of carbon pricing.

  • There is ongoing cooperation and exchange with the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts and the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture as well as the Carlowitz-Gesellschaft e. V., including joint guest lectures of inspiring experts open to all interested people or the co-organisation of the UNESCO Project Schools Symposium 2022 in Chemnitz.
  • The chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability was integrated in the development of the Saxon State Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and other dialogue fora, e.g. as member in the Advisory Board Innovation of the SMEKUL (until December 2023) or the working group of the State Rectors' Conference Sustainability and Climate Neutrality.
  • In April 2019 the chair of Banking and Corporate Finance fostered the dialog between universities and representatives of more than 200 German cities at a conference. We discussed with them the concept of the "three approaches to sustainability".
  • The chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability organized a poster series presenting recommendation for daily enhancement of sustainability for everybody. The series is presented in public, at university, at schools, at fair, etc. partly including discussion about it. The task force sustainability is a working group on sustainable campus development at Chemnitz University of Technology advocating more sustainable action on campus. The active participation of people from all areas of the university enables a broad discussion of ideas and performances.
  • Members of the chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability and Innovation Research and Technology Management take regularly part in round tables with politicians, citizens and other stakeholder to develop the region and Saxony towards more sustainability.
  • The annual Sustainable Textile School aims at a vivid discussion between practitioners, scientists, students and interested stakeholders to address challenges and impacts of textile value chains.
  • Members of the chair of Macroeconomics have contributed to research projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, the Umweltbundesamt and advised the World Bank on issues of carbon pricing and modelling of sustainable development indicators.
  • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management partnered with VDI/VDI IT and SEND e.V. to conceptualize a future platform for social innovation in Saxony. On behalf of the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Cohesion the project was accomplished between September 2021 and February 2022.
  • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management started a research project called “Value Capital Innovation” in January 2022. Based on the concept of innovation systems, the research aids understanding the pillar of economic sustainability. Embedded in the local context of Saxony, we are partnering with enterprises, society, banks, and financial institutions to discuss sustainable finance and instruments for small and medium sized organisations.
  • Transfer activities are provided faculty-wide, as an example the chair of Organization and International Management were interviewed on the topic of "social sustainability" by public broadcasting (ARD’s week “#wie leben”) and took part in the podcast "Democratize Work!" on the topic of "Cooperatives & collectives: How do they practice democracy in everyday (work) life?".
  • In the Smart Rail Connectivity Campus (SRCC) project, a globally visible research and development facility is to be permanently established at the Annaberg-Buchholz site. Research, development and innovation works on digitized, networked, automated and sustainable, i. e., economically, ecologically and socially effective and efficient mobility, are accomplished in cooperation between the TU Chemnitz, the city of Annaberg-Buchholz and many other network partners. Networking with regional partners, but also national companies and research institutions, creates interdisciplinary cooperation and a powerful platform for innovations.

PRME-Logo Based on our PRME membership we follow the PRME principles and share information on our progress continuously. Below you can see the faculty activities and the progress achieved from May 2018 to May 2020.

  • Sustainability is a key topic in the university’s mission statement as well as in research and teaching in our faculty.
  • The TU Chemnitz will develop its first sustainability report by integrating students from different faculties, organizational members from administration, research and cooperative institutions, e.g. student union. A main goal is to address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and initiate a system-wide transformational process towards sustainability.

  • In regular meetings, topics and issues of sustainability are reflected and discussed in strategy workshops and faculty-based activities and practices, embedded in curricula as well as joint research activities.
  • There is ongoing dialogue within the faculty and between the faculty and the university management as well as the State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK) to reflect, discuss and embed specific sustainability issues as well as ongoing change towards more sustainability in the university and its practices.
  • In 2019, an academia-wide process was initiated to develop the first sustainability report. In line with the Sustainability Code sustainability is reflected and incorporated on the levels strategy, governance, research, teaching, administration, process and operation, etc. The first TUC sustainability report is to be expected in 2021.

  • There is a vivid integration of sustainability in lectures, courses, seminars and workshops, e.g.
    • The lecture Social Entrepreneurship approaches the development of sustainable business models in a social, ecological and economical sense. Unlike in for-profit enterprises, the „impact model“ is the main focus of the course. In addition, the course centers around the question, how the „impact model“ can be linked to a business model.
    • The Junior Professorship Entrepreneurship in Business Creation and Succession Management (Endowed Professorship by Sparkasse Chemnitz) offers an Impact Challenge. In this extra course, the participants are guided by experienced mentors and get the chance to work on innovative solutions for real social and economic problems in interdisciplinary teams.
    • The chair of Business Taxation and Auditing regularly conducts case studies in cooperation with tax practitioners, where students have to work in teams. We also use role-playing to train their capabilities to develop chairmanship in tricky tax negotiations.
    • The chair of Business Taxation and Auditing also routinely addresses tax measures to enforce political ecological goals, e.g. special allowances for electric mobility, the tax incentives or inhibitent tax factors for renewable energy, or the influence of current and acquisition taxes on real estate on sustainable housing costs in overcrowded areas in teaching.
    • The seminar "Modern Organization Theory - Social Categorization in Organizational Contexts" (organized by the chair of Organization and International Management) approaches issues of social categorization and related problems such as inequality, discrimination and under-representation of specific social groups in organizational contexts. During the seminar students are encouraged to better reflect their actions, to question social injustice in organizations and to uncover mechanisms of reproduction related to social inequalities.
    • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management offers various lectures and seminars, like Management of Sustainability Innovations in the course Technology and Innovation Management: Introduction, Lecture on Technology Assessment and Design of Technology for a Sustainable Development in the course Technology Management, Corporate Social Responsibility in the lecture series Strategic Management, seminars Innovation Research on Sustainability Innovations or Economy & Society and seminars & projects in professional fields. Moreover, the chair organised a study project "Sustainability Officer" ("Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte/r"), funded by the "Verbundvorhaben Lehrpraxis im Transfer" (LiT) der sächsischen Universitäten (Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen) in 2015 and 2016.
    • The chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability offers a variety and range of courses. The chair develops and implements interactive courses as well as agile methods (e.g. systemic structural constellations, SCRUM) particularly aiming at a holistic view and independently solving of complex sustainability contexts. Moreover, it continuously integrates practical lectures into the teaching process. The development of courses including materials that support alternative learning habits, environments, and e-learning formats, using innovative programs and tools (e.g., Adobe Captivate; OPAL), is part of the digitization strategy of the professorship.
  • With the project Joint Expertise we aim to form a multi-level, permanent and academic cooperation in responsible, sustainable and global aware management education and practice especially for master and doctoral students between the University of Technology Chemnitz, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), School of Management, IT and Governance. The 2018 Summer School – 12th American-African-European Summer School in South Africa on the subject of “Responsible and Sustainable Management of Innovation in Urban and Global Contexts” is one example of the ongoing joint learning spaces. Part of this summer school was a cooperative Guest Lecture between Prof. Marlen Gabriele Arnold and Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel "Experiencing Sustainability Globally and Systemically - Interactive Workshop on vivid topics around sustainability" in Durban, August 2018.
  • The third Artem international conference on Organizational Creativity and Sustainability (ARTEM OCC 2020) will be held in March 2020 in Chemnitz and is organized as an inter- and transdisciplinary and faculty-based event. Sustainability Multidisciplinary is a core track.

  • The chair of Organization and International Management investigates the labour market integration of refugees and the reasons for the disadvantages they face on the German labour market. Among others, a work by Cardone, P., Kurfürst, S. and Bort. S. with the title: "Refugees' labour market integration: A symbolic capital perspective", presented at the EURAM Conference in summer 2019 in Lisbon. In addition, a student project with the topic "Problems of labour market integration - Influence of the information policy of Saxon companies on the willingness to employ refugees" is running in the MOS Master’s programme. A group of students aims to uncover labour market entry barriers for refugees in the Saxon labour market from an organizational perspective and to develop a manual for companies on hiring refugees with different residence status in order to close information gaps and reduce uncertainties.
  • The chair of Business Taxation and Auditing conducted an interdisciplinary project with socio-psychologic/organizational researchers in the field of aggressive tax planning by multinational corporations.
  • The chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management initiated several research projects linking to sustainability: e.g. "Joint Expertise" for Responsible, Sustainable and Global Aware Management, funded by the DAAD and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the program "Specialised Partnership with Universities in Developing Countries", "Sustainability Management at Islamic Relief Germany and in the NGO-sector in Germany" and "Management in the Context of Social Organizations", R&D-Projects; Sustainability research projects in the Management & Organisation Studies and Business Engineering.
  • The chair of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability initiates joint projects with diverse stakeholders.
  • The chair of Public Law deals with public consumer protection law and renewable energy law or environmental law.
  • Publications: Chemnitz Economic Papers, Faculty Papers on sustainability in our library.
  • Bachelor theses and master theses on the subject of Sustainability (with different practice partners): Sustainable Product Management, Responsible Research and Innovation, Sustainability in Education, Sustainability Assessment, Sustainable Development Goals, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Project Management, Sustainability Label, Sustainable Frugal Innovations, Education for Sustainable Development, Sustainability and Business Models, Intercultural Sustainability, Social Sustainability, Social Sustainable Innovations, Climate change, Financial institutions (by the professorships of Management Accounting and Controlling, Banking and Corporate Finance, Organization and International Management, Production and Industrial Management, Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability, Innovation Research and Technology Management, International Accounting and Auditing, Economic Policy, Microeconomics and Public Finance).

  • The Junior Professorship Entrepreneurship in Business Creation and Succession Management (Endowed Professorship by Sparkasse Chemnitz) offers an Impact Challenge. In this extra course, the participants are guided by experienced mentors and get the chance to work on innovative solutions for real social and economic problems in interdisciplinary teams.
  • Especially the chair of Banking and Corporate Finance becomes involved in sustainability topics like sustainable finance or the reduction of noise.
  • The annual Sustainable Textile School is an inter-faculty based project for cooperation between stakeholders in business, civil society, and academia.
  • Several professors engage in trainings and continuing education programs (TUCed) to distribute sustainability knowledge into the practitioners’ world.

Foto: © Thomas Maurer