Individual. Forthright. People-focussed.
Computer science, as a key technology of the 21th century, has an exceptional impact on our everyday life and living standards. The Faculty of Computer Science represents this scientific field in a comprehensive and proficient manner with an application-orientated choice of topics.
In the fields of
- Embedded and self-organizing systems
- Intelligent multimedia systems
- Parallel and distributed systems
we offer research and development for current problems and challenges on an internationally competitive level. The guiding principle of our education is the continuous innovation through advances in research. Consequently, we are able to provide modern Bachelor and Master programs with excellent academic conditions. The faculty strives to provide a maximally personal interaction between students and staff.
Our degree programs
Dates and Events
Helge Ülo Dinkelbach M.Sc.
Public defence of doctoral thesis, Theme: " Efficient Simulation of Biologically Realistic Neural Networks on Different Parallel Hardware Using Code Generation"
Orientation week winter semester 2024/2025
Information regarding the orientation week of the winter semester 2024/2025 you can find here (FSR:IF).
University News: Computer Science
Join us at the IEEE ISCSET 2024: A Premier Platform for Innovation and Collaboration
The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Science and Educational Technology will take place from July 17th to 19th at the IBS Foundation in Lauta/Laubusch
From autonomous robots to intelligent systems
17th edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments will be held at Chemnitz University of Technology on 20-21 June, 2024
Preparing for the Examinations in the University Library
Extended opening hours, opening on Sundays and additional reservable teamwork spaces in the University Library during the examination period from July 14 to August 10, 2024