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Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities 

Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities

Hosting six different institutes, the Faculty of Humanities is the biggest and most diverse faculty at TU Chemnitz. Traditional courses of study like English, German, Political Science and European History are combined with modern subjects such as Media Studies, Intercultural Communication and European Studies.

The Faculty of Humanities offers:
  • engaging fields of study,
  • excellent conditions for students,
  • personal support and assistance,
  • lively and innovational research and publication activities,
  • motivated exchange across disciplines,
  • and extensive Ph.D. progammes.

Collaborative Research Centre "Hybrid Societies: Humans Interacting with Embodied Technologies" at the Faculty of Humanities

A collage showing different people interacting with different robots

Image: Jacob Müller

An interdisciplinary team of 30 professors and senior researchers from Chemnitz University of Technology are investigating how efficient coordination takes place between people and embodied technologies in the Collaborative Research Centre "Hybrid Societies", which has been approved by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Experts from the Institutes of English/American Studies, German Studies and Intercultural Communication as well as Media Research at the Faculty of Humanities are also conducting research on the topic of "Hybrid Societies - People Interacting with Embodied Technologies".

Events in the next days

  • Thursday, 04.04.2025 Between Data and Dialogue: Focusing on Participants in Migration Research. 4th Annual IMISCOE Meth@Mig Workshop (Workshop)