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Faculty of Humanities


The Faculty of Humanities has a strong international focus due to its reasearch areas and geographical vacinty to Central and Eastern Europe. With a high number of Erasmus Partnerships   and a growing proportion of international students, the Faculty of Humanities collaborates internationally with partner institutions in teaching and research.

With 20 Erasmus partnerships each, Poland and the Czech Republic are the major partnership countries besides France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Further intense cooperation is maintained with universities in the Russian Federation, in China, in India, in the UK and in Canada. The Student Buddy Programme of the International Office takes care of inbound students and provides information for outbound students together with the officals for the Erasmus programmes at the institutes.

Many courses offered at the Faculty of Humanities – European history, European studies, English or political science – possess international comparative aspects. Students of our university have been vastly successful at the National Model United Nations (NMUN), since 2004 the delegation of TU Chemnitz won four awards in the years 2010, 2014 and 2016. The growing number of lectures held in English demonstrates the faculty’s international orientation. Additionally, several international courses were introduced in the Winter Semester of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 in order to strengthen the cooperation with universities abroad. The Institut for European History offers the binational Master course "Europäische Geschichte" in cooperation with the university in Wroclaw/Breslau.