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Student panel survey

Your participation for better study conditions!

We want to show you in a short video why it is important to participate in the TUCpanel.

Participation ranking

In th following overview you can see the participation rate for TUCpanel 2021 in the different faculties.

Overview with the current participation rate

TUCpanel - Background

TUCpanel gives you the opportunity to improve study conditions both for yourself and for future students!

Since 2017, we have been using TUCpanel on an annual basis to ask students about their study conditions and overall satisfaction. This includes topics such as program organisation, exams, course offerings and course and degree design.

With your feedback, we can contribute to the overall improvement of study conditions at Chemnitz University of Technology and the overall development of your degree programs.

TUCpanel is an essential component of the Management System for Study Success at Chemnitz University of Technology. Survey results are prepared annually for all study commissions, with the intent to shine light on the development potential of the respective courses of study.

However, this can only be possible if enough students participate in the surveys. If there are fewer than five participants per cohort (per degree program and year of study), no results can be delivered. This is due to existing data privacy regulations. The information collected in these surveys is subject to data privacy regulations and cannot be traced back to individual persons.