Accessibility statement of Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology continuously aims to make its websites accessible for disabled persons in accordance with the Saxon Inklusionsgesetz and the Barrierefreie-Websites-Gesetz in combination with the Verordnung zur Schaffung barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0).
This accessibility statement applies to the websites of Chemnitz University of Technology with the URL and does not apply to project websites and websites of individual chairs that are not based on the TUCAL framework used at Chemnitz University of Technology as a system to support authors during layout and design.
Compliance status of compatibility with web accessibility principles and guidelines
Basis for barrier-free websites are the internationally valid Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) on conformity level AA and the European standard EN 301 549, Version 3.1.1. For PDF documents, the international standard PDF/UA-1 is also observed. According to the above-mentioned guidelines, the websites of Chemnitz University of Technology are only partially barrier-free due to the following incompatibilities or exceptions.
Parts of the content that are non-accessible
- Sometimes accessible alternatives or alternative texts for images or graphic elements or control elements are missing.
- Some tables lack description and classification of table cells.
- The hierarchy of headings is sometimes not respected.
- Links can be unclear, that means the purpose of some links cannot be determined from the link text alone.
- For embedded videos, audio transcription or subtitles presenting equivalent information are not always available.
- Not all integrated documents are available in a barrier-free version.
- The position of the keyboard focus is not always clearly identifiable.
- Contrasts of buttons are sometimes not adequate.
- Integrated maps, which are used for example for route description, have not yet been supplemented by a textual alternative.
- The site plans in the campus map are not yet available in barrier-free form.
- Moving contents (sliders) cannot always be switched off.
- The tab order of the mobile display is not logical.
- Text cannot be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent in a way that does not require the user to scroll horizontally to read a line of text on a full-screen window.
- The presentation of event dates in calendars is not always barrier-free.
- The website is bilingual (German and English). The corresponding English translations are not yet available for all German-language content. Words and sections in other languages are currently not marked very carefully. Incorrect or missing language markings will be successively added or corrected.
- The websites are not available in easy-to-understand language or German Sign Language.
- Interactive elements do not always correspond to the minimum size or minimum distance.
Chemnitz University of Technology has a very extensive and complex web content, which was published before 23 September 2018. The contents of the websites are maintained decentrally. Content is created by many web authors in the different structural units. Not all web authors use the centrally provided web framework TUCAL.
Awareness raising and training of employees, especially of web authors, who also have a high fluctuation rate, regarding the accessibility of websites and documents is a long and ongoing process, which is also resource dependent. Additionally, the availability of tools and provision of necessary software must be financed and financially feasible.
In the case of new PDF documents for download, we make every effort to provide since September 2020 an accessible version directly. In the case of particularly short publication deadlines or very extensive documents, such as research reports, this is sometimes not possible. In such cases, we aim to create and publish the accessible version as soon as possible. Due to the large number of older PDF documents and Office documents, it has not been possible to transfer them completely into a barrier-free format yet. We are currently working on a step-by-step adaptation of these older PDF documents. The effort of converting all official announcements (Amtliche Bekanntmachungen) as well as the agendas and records of the Senate (oldest meeting 12/2009) available as PDF documents (oldest volume 2002) seems disproportionate. If you need a specific PDF file that is not yet available barrier-free, please feel free to contact us at the address below and indicate in which form you need the file and to which e-mail address / postal address we can send it. There is no influence on the accessibility of documents provided by third parties.
To stop the spread of the corona virus since the 2020 summer semester there are no or less lectures as classroom teaching. Recorded videos or PDF learning materials are offered in the case of asynchronous online teaching formats. Due to a disproportional workload, it is often not possible to provide barrier-free alternatives, but this is of course done if demand arises.
The following contents are currently not barrier-free; however, they are exempt from the guidelines according to § 1 section 2 sentence 1 BfWebG in combination with article 1 section 4 of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council:
- office file formats published before 23 September 2018, unless such content is needed for active administrative processes relating to the tasks performed by the public sector body concerned
- pre-recorded time-based media published before 23 September 2020
- live time-based media
- online maps and mapping services, as long as essential information is provided in an accessible digital manner for maps intended for navigational use
- third-party content that is neither funded nor developed by, nor under the control of Chemnitz University of Technology
- content of intranets, published before 23 September 2019, until such websites undergo a substantial revision
- content of websites qualifying as archives, meaning that they only contain content that is neither needed for active administrative processes nor updated or edited after 23 September 2019. This includes, for example, finished research projects whose contents are now only kept for documentation purposes.
Changes will be made step by step and existing barriers in the context of updates of affected websites and within the development cycles of the used web framework TUCAL will be overcome. At Chemnitz University of Technology, courses are offered by third parties and regular in-house training courses have been held to a large extent since 2021 in order to regularly sensitise the people involved in the processes with regard to accessibility requirements and to enable them to implement them.
In addition, the internal advisory service regarding accessible documents and websites at the TU Chemnitz has been greatly expanded. In 2021, the network "Accessibility at the TU Chemnitz" was set up via the OPAL learning platform and a weekly online consultation hour is offered.
Accessible alternatives
- In the case of videos without any textual alternative, please contact the appropriate university office that provided the video.
- For all other cases please use the following feedback and contact details.
Integrated functionalities of third-party providers in the websites of the Chemnitz University of Technology
An overview of the accessibility status of the tools used at the Chemnitz University of Technology is given below, which will be extended step by step.
- There is no BITV conformity test for OPAL yet. Standard elements such as login, the forum and downloads are accessible. The calendar and examination tasks in OPAL are generally not accessible.
- HISinOne interfaces are tested for user-friendliness and usability by a specially trained team. For this purpose, regular tests and reviews take place under external supervision. HISinOne makes every effort to ensure that the interfaces of its websites and mobile applications are accessible in accordance with legal requirements. HISinOne's websites and their interface components are fully compliant with WCAG 2.2 Level AA as well as BITV 2.0:2019. Currently, the following features / elements are not yet offered barrier-free:
- incorrect focus sequence or incorrect focusing
- individual paragraphs, headings, page breaks, lists, information texts, English texts and tables are not accessible
- Use of nested tables
- missing label for form elements
- Error messages are partly not meaningful enough and they are not correct marked
- Use of screen reader partially inefficient
- Use of tables for layout purposes
- Drag & drop not implemented barrier-free
- Navigation problems of individual areas or regions of the site
- BigBlueButton achieves level AA of WCAG 2.2 with the following limitations: The presentations and documents shown cannot be shown accessibly via the presentation mode. They must be designed according to accessibility rules and made accessible to students in another way. The "shared notes" window is not accessible. The subtitle function is only accessible to a limited extent. The help is not accessible. Further information can be found at the Homepage of BigBlueButton
- On the homepage of GitLab you will find the conformity report on the accessibility of the Gitlab instance used at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This accessibility statement was prepared on 04 September 2020. The statement was last reviewed on 02 August 2024.
The status of website accessibility is determined by Chemnitz University of Technology through its own reviews in the sense of a continuous self-assessment with support. The basis is formed by centrally provided instructions for action, checklists for accessible websites and PDF documents, and training courses. Since 2021, the monitoring system Siteimprove has been used to support the structural areas in checking and improving the quality and accessibility of their web presences. For example, the tool displays broken links and spelling errors and analyzes conformity with WCAG standards. Furthermore, the Microsoft Word add-in axesWord was procured, which can be used to create accessible, PDF/UA and WCAG-compliant files with considerable time savings. The Siteimprove and axesWord annual licenses are financed by funds from Saxony based on the budget passed by the members of the Saxon State Parliament ("Inclusion at Universities"). If interested, the Web Coordinator for Digital Accessibility at the University Computing Center provides feedback to the structural areas regarding accessibility compliance on their websites and supports and advises on the implementation of accessible websites and website content.
Feedback and contact information
Shortcomings of our websites with regard to the compliance with accessibility standards can be reported at any time by e-mail addressed to We will try to correct the reported issues immediately. We will also provide information in barrier-free format without delay.
If you have any questions, feedback, or if you need information on non-accessible content, you can contact the following representatives:
Dr. Uwe Dombeck (Central web coordinator for digital accessibility at the University Computer Centre)
Phone: +49 371 531-36742
Visitor address: Straße der Nationen 62, room 1/B302B (new: A11.302.2), 09111 Chemnitz
Dr. Daniela Menzel (Coordinator for inclusion / Adviser for students with disabilities)
Phone: +49 371 531-34939
Visitor address: Straße der Nationen 62, room 1/047 (new: A10.047), 09111 Chemnitz
Social inclusion and accessibility at Chemnitz University of Technology [de]
Enforcement procedure
Of course, Chemnitz University of Technology will make every effort to answer your comments, suggestions, and inquiries within a sufficient period (usually a maximum of four weeks). If there is no reply or if you are not satisfied with the results, you can contact the Saxon enforcement body (Durchsetzungsstelle).
The enforcement body supports out-of-court agreements when conflicts arise between public authorities in Saxony and people with disabilities. This conciliation procedure is free of charge. The involvement of a legal advisor is not necessary. You can contact the enforcement body as follows:
Office of the State Commissioner for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities at the Saxon State Chancellery:
Postal address: Archivstraße 1, 01097 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 564-10713
Fax: +49 351 564-10999