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National Scholarship Program


The Chemnitz University of Technology will award approx

33 scholarships

for the winter semester 2023/24 to students with extraordinary performances in their studies and promising accomplishments in a future job. The scholarships consist of a payment of 300 euros per month at first for a year. The scholarships are by one half paid by funds from the government and the other half from private funds.

Some of the scholarships require earmarking from private sponsors regarding the field or course of study.

If a department should not be able to award scholarships the President’s office will reassign the funds.

Any student enrolled in the first or in a higher semester at the Chemnitz University of Technology can apply.

In the selection process of the scholarship holders, the academic performance as well as social engagement, willingness to assume responsibility, certain social, familial, or personal circumstances for example the family or migrant background, will be considered. A student already receiving an ability and performance dependent funding according to §§1 paragraph 3 or 4 1 S. 1 of the StipG is excluded from the scholarships except if the funding is lower than a monthly average of 30 euros.

Scholarships of up to 300 euros will not be added to BAföG funding according to §21 paragraph 3 sentence 1 Nr. 2 of the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz.

Application and selection processes will take place in two selection rounds.

Application and necessary document for the first selection round:

Applications for the first selection round are possible in the period from June 9 to June 30, 2023.

Application for the first selection round takes place online. Further submission of documents is not necessary in the first selection round.

The award committees of the departments will in the first round select applicants according to the following performance criteria:

  • Students of the first semester: average grade of the university entrance qualification
  • other Students of bachelor studies: average grade of the university entrance qualification plus the intermediary grade of the studies regarding the academic progress – so far achieved credit points
  • other Students of master studies: average grade of the university entrance qualification plus final grade of the previous course of studies
  • other Students of the field of state examination: average grade of the university entrance qualification plus the intermediary grade of the studies regarding the academic progress – so far achieved credit points

(Explanation: Applicants can find their intermediary grade and so far achieved credit points in the SBService in the section Prüfungsverwaltung (test administration), Leistungsübersicht (performance overview), “Module/Zwischennote” (Modules/Intermediary grade) 9200 – if the course of studies is already activated otherwise you can ask in the Zentrale Prüfungsamt (Central Examination Office.)

The award committees of the departments will select their applicants until July 21, 2023.

Application and required documents for the second selection round:

Selected applicants will be informed by their departments latest July 21, 2023, and asked to submit the following documents via mail or email until August 7, 2023:

  • Letter of Motivation (i.e. presentation of current interests: detailed specialist interest, desires internships, already existing practicalrelated contacts, statements to the future career planning)
  • Curriculum Vitae in tabular form
  • Certificate of the university entrance qualification
  • Enrollment Certificate
  • Performance Overview
  • Bachelor Degree Certificate (only for master study applicants)

Further documents depending on the department:

  • References
  • Internship and working references as well as proof of additional awards, skills, etc.
  • Proof of extramural or extracurricular commitment (voluntary work), social, university or political commitment, participation in clubs, organizations, or religious communities.
  • Convincing representation of special personal or familial circumstances such as illness and disability, care for own children especially as single parent, or dependent family members, family or migration background.

The award committees of the faculties will make their final decisions on the award recommendation until September 22, 2023.

Extension of the scholarship:

Applicants whose scholarship will end at the summer semester 2023 can also re-apply online for the first selection round in the online application portal. The following documents have to be simultaneously submitted to the contact point of the scholarship program:

  • Letter of Motivation (short selfreflection on the personal development during the scholarship period with regard to the study, if applicable with regard to personal or familial circumstances, and on the business contact development with the private supporter)
  • Certification of the achieved academic performances including credit points during the previous scholarship period
  • Confirmation of enrollment

Permit of scholarships:

Based on the award recommendations of the award committees of the departments the President’s office will decide on the permit of the scholarships until October 11, 2023.

The scholarship holders will be informed on the scholarship permit by the President in written form and in this context asked for the relevant bank details. Entitlement to the granting of a scholarship does not exist.

Further information is available from the contact point of the scholarship program at the Chemnitz University of Technology or at: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/verwaltung/deutschlandstipendium/