Information for students
The application for scholarships for the winter semester 2022/23 has ended.
What should I know about the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz?
Technische Universität Chemnitz grants scholarships to students of TU Chemnitz based on the Act for a National Scholarship Program (StipG) of 21 July 2010 respectively in the relevant version, on the regulation of the implementation of the Scholarship Program Act (StipV) of 20th December 2010 and the Directive on Scholarships under the Scholarship Program of 26th January 2011 as amended on 01st August 2012. The scholarships are awarded for one year with the amount of €300 monthly. These are financed by one half with funds from private sponsors and the other half with funds from the Federal Government. In accordance with Article 1, No. 15, letter c) of the 23rd law amending the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (23. BAföGÄndG) of 24th October 2010,
Scholarships up to the amount of €300 will not be credited against the support received as per the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (BaföG).
What requirements must the students meet for an application?
In addition to previously rendered academic services, social commitment, willingness to take responsibility as well as special social, family or personal circumstances, which result for example from family or migration background, are taken into account when choosing the scholarship holders. Funding is excluded if the student has already been granted a gifted or merit-based material support in line with § 1 subparagraph 3 or § 4 subparagraph 1, sentence 1 of the Scholarship Program Act (StipG); unless it is less than the average of €30 monthly.
How does the application and selection process take place?
The application and selection process consists of two stages.
Stage 1:
The application for the pre-selection takes place online.
The pre-selection is carried out by the awarding committee of the faculty according to the following performance criteria.
- for new students and freshmen according to the average grade of the university entrance qualification,
- for already enrolled students in Bachelor degree programs according to previous study achievements in the form of the intermediate grade according to the study progress,
- for students in Master degree programs according to the final grade of the previous studies.
Stage 2:
Based on the result of the first stage the pre-elected applicants are requested to submit additional application materials in writing within a period of 10 days. This completed application must include:
- letter of motivation
- Curriculum Vitae
- certificate of the higher education entrance qualification
- certificate of enrolment
- certificate of grades / university performance list
- Bachelor certificate (only for applicants in the Masterprogram)
Depending on the requirements of the faculty the following additional documents must be submitted in writing:
- references
- internship and job certificates as well as supporting documents of any other knowledge, certificates and awards,
- documentary evidences beyond acedemic or professional activities such as volunteer work, social, higher education policy or political commitment, participation in religious communities, associations or organizations,
- plausible description of particular personal or family situations such as illnesses and disabilities, care for own children, especially if single parent or close relative in need of care, family or migration background.
What happens after the second stage of the selection process?
Based on the award recommendations of the faculties the head of the university decides on granting the scholarships. The approval includes the decision on the relevant approval period, the amount of the scholarship and the funding period.
Where can I get more information on the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz?
For more information refer to the contact point for the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz or