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Information for sponsors

Information for sponsors


Technische Universität Chemnitz is a future orientated and modern technical university with a high level of scientific expertise and strong innovation potential. The Chemnitz university profile is based on interdisciplinarity as well as national and international networking and integrates engineering and natural sciences with social sciences and humanities as well as economics leading to competitive top level research and providing the basis for an attractive range of courses.
With the support of the scholarship program initiative of the Federal Government Technische Universität Chemnitz is able to offer students with excellent academic performances financial support in order to enable them to concentrate on their studies without economic restraints. The scholarship program provides an incentive for both talented prospective students with very good school grades and students with outstanding academic performances on their way to a successful university degree.

Support the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz in cooperation with the Federal Government. With your commitment you will support our talented, young academics, improve the study and living conditions of the students of our university and develop the networking of science, industry and society in the region at the same time.

Who can become a sponsor?

Sponsor can be anyone, whether a company, a foundation, an association or a private person. It is necessary to conclude a written agreement for the funding of scholarship holders at Technische Universität Chemnitz, which must be submitted to the contact point for the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz.

Who shall be funded?

Students who are enrolled in the first or a higher semester at TU Chemnitz and who are among the best in their field of study can be funded. Applications may also be submitted by people who are about to enroll at TU Chemnitz and meet the relevant course entry requirements. The primary and most relevant funding criterion is the performance in the course of studies.
The following criteria, which go beyond a purely study-related performance orientation, can be used for the selection among equally eligible candidates:

  • relevant work experience or internships
  • special achievements, certificates and awards
  • voluntary work; social, higher education policy or political commitment
  • social situation.

How big is a scholarship and how long is the funding granted for?

The minimum contribution to support a scholarship is €150 per month, to which the Federal Government adds another €150. Scholarships are granted for at least one year (2 semesters). Thus, a minimum contribution of €1,800 arises. In terms of a long-term talent commitment you also have the possibility to extend the funding or to fund students already from the beginning of their studies for the whole number of semesters needed for a degree program (Bachelor: 3 years, Master: 2 years). You can also provide any number of scholarships. Private sponsors also have the opportunity to support the creation of a general scholarship fund of TU Chemnitz with smaller amounts. Here, however, you have no influence on the specific program design.

What opportunities and benefits are there for sponsors?

The announcement and the approval of research grants are carried out ​​by TU Chemnitz. You can specify whether your support should be used for students of a specific course of study or a particular degree program. As a sponsor of the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz you are invited to an event with all the sponsors and scholarship holders. You can meet the young talents personally and accompany them during their education. With your permission your company is published on the websites of the university as a sponsor and named in corresponding press releases about the scholarship program.
As a sponsor your donation is tax deductible.

How can you become a sponsor?

If you want to become a sponsor of the scholarship program of TU Chemnitz, please contact us. We want to develop the national scholarship program together with you.