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Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability
Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability 


The challenges of sustainability and sustainable development are often located in the following contexts:

  • complex
  • non trivial
  • multi- und interdisciplinary
  • systemic

Therefore, adequate and innovative approaches and solutions are required.
In addition to business concepts the following three research areas are deepened in interdisciplinary cooperation.

The professorship deals with the core research areas:

  • Strategic environmental and sustainability management
  • Concepts of sustainability-oriented innovations and change
  • Inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research

In detail, we focus on:

  • Strategies and management tools, influencing factors as well as business models for permanent environmental protection and the facilitation of sustainable development
  • Analysis of trade-offs and rebound effects as well as the development of solutions for (quasi-) dilemmas by means of system analysis and systemic development of corporate tools (like LCAs, systemic structural constellations or simulations, etc.)
  • Harmonisation of human, environment, technology and society through intelligent systems and structures (like cradle-to-cradle, bionics and energy efficiency) as well as based on adequate frames (neurosciences)

Innovative, rarely investigated research fields can be developed very well with qualitative methods.
Furthermore, Mixed Methods are applied at the chair.