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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 

Research at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Due to disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the faculty innovative solutions are developed - for the future of the regional economy and society and beyond.

Our faculty is part of the United Nations-supported initiative for Responsible Management Education (PRME) with its seven principles Purpose, Values, Teach, Research, Partner, Practice und Share.

Key research areas

Key research areas

Innovation and technology economy

  • Complex systems in economics
  • Data-driven innovation
  • Digital banking and FinTech
  • Digitized, connected and automated mobility
  • Disruptive innovations, potentials and business models
  • Effects of energy revolution on producing companies
  • Energy regulation
  • Innovation and change concepts to protect the environment and promote sustainable development
  • Innovation and technology law
  • Innovation controlling for products, process chains and materials
  • Innovation Economics
  • Organizational learning and ambidexterity
  • Sensory marketing and sensory product innovation research
  • Structural change
  • Technology management, assessment and strategies
  • Valuation and reporting of intellectual capital


  • Drivers for tax avoidance
  • Educational concepts in vocational teaching and learning
  • Europeanization of trade regulations
  • Municipal sustainable financing
  • Inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research
  • Resilience of hospitals
  • Resource and energy efficiency in production and logistics
  • Strategic environmental and sustainability management
  • Sustainable growth and environmental policies
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Sustainability assessment
  • Sustainability-oriented (financial) reporting
  • Tax morale


  • Analytics (machine learning, data mining)
  • Business intelligence (data warehousing, reporting)
  • Computational economics
  • Data governance
  • Data management
  • Digital market research techniques
  • Digital transformation of tax consultancy
  • Digitization from a socio-technical perspective
  • Digitization of innovation processes and business models
  • E-Commerce
  • Effects on accounting and auditing
  • Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins
  • Information, communication and media law

People and Work

  • Economic inequality and social security
  • Employment theory
  • Employment and growth effects of public budget policy
  • New forms of leadership
  • Resilience of leaders
  • Strategic Human Resource Management and HRM-systems
  • Transformation of work

Consumer behavior and consumer protection

  • Consumer education: purchasing rationality, self-protection and accountability
  • Consumer protection law
  • Decision anomalies and personality traits in consumer behavior
  • Macroeconomic effects of consumer decision making

Research projects

SFB 692 - High-Strength Aluminium-Based Lightweight Materials for Safety Components (Subproject C4 - Target Life Cycle Costing)

Development, fabrication and characterization of novel lightweight materials and their use in safety-relevant applications is at the heart of Collaborative Research Centre 692 – "High-Strength Aluminium-Based Lightweight Materials for Safety Components". Organized in 18 subprojects the research focuses on the following three fields of activity: high-strength Al wrought alloys, Al matrix composites and Al-coated magnesium.

The objective of subproject C4 "Target Life Cycle Costing and Management" is to design instruments for the appraisal and controlling of new materials‘ profits. It is concerned with the conceptual development of an evaluation technique for the lifecycle and target costs of new production materials as well as a proper configuration of relating processes.

SFB 692 - High-Strength Aluminium-Based Lightweight Materials for Safety Components

Chemnitz Economic Papers

Chemnitz Economic Papers are the working paper series of the Economics faculty of Chemnitz University of Technology. As an electronic publication series they replace the faculty's discussion paper series that was formerly available in print.

Chemnitz Economic Papers aim to reflect the full breadth of the faculty's research in economics, business administration, informatics and law. Chemnitz Economic Papers are distributed via the faculty's website as well as the research platform RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), which guarantees maximum international visibility.

Chemnitz Economic Papers

Chemnitz Economic Research Seminar

The Economic Research Seminar of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration takes place every term and is organized by the Chair for Microeconomics in cooperation with other research groups. The Chemnitz Economic Research Seminar aims to promote the exchange of knowledge with researchers from other German as well as international universities, research center, and institutes.

Chemnitz Economic Research Seminar

Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research

The Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research is a joint initiative of the Business Administration and Economics faculties at TU Chemnitz, TU Dresden, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Universität Leipzig. The program aims to offer method and research-oriented courses for Ph.D students and postdocs. Participation in the courses is free of charge for all academic staff and external doctoral candidates of the partners and associated partners.

From the winter semester 2020/21 onwards, each year at least four courses are provided which are held by internationally renowned researchers. These courses will take place in rotation at the four locations (Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Leipzig).

Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research

Konferenz Eventforschung

Live Kommunikation, Eventmarketing und Events sind besonders dynamische Forschungs- und Unternehmensbereiche. Zum einen verändert und verfeinert sich das Verständnis der Besucher und Konsumenten und deren Interaktion mit Marken, Veranstaltern und anderen Stakeholdern immer weiter. Dies wird primär durch wissenschaftliche Forschung und Studien getrieben. Zum anderen ist wohl kaum jemand näher an den aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um Events und deren Konzeption, Planung, Realisierung und Nachbereitung, als die Unternehmen und Agenturen, in deren Tagesgeschäft diese Live Kommunikation unverzichtbar ist.

Genau hier setzt die Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Eventforschung an - und das schon seit nunmehr 10 Jahren. Wir bieten Ihnen eine Plattform, auf der ein reger Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis erfolgt. Obwohl die Herangehensweisen manchmal gegensätzlich sind, ist es doch wohltuende Horizonterweiterung, sich der Medaille Event aus mehreren Perspektiven zu nähern. Der Erfolg wird so nicht lange auf sich warten lassen.

Zur Seite der Konferenz Eventforschung

Team and knowledge management

Team and knowledge management