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Chair of Organization and International Management

(Selected) Publications


Year Title Authors
Research data management in German academia from a multiple logic perspective
Donner, E. K., & Huber, C. M.
Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften stellt sich vor: Professur für Organisation und Internationales Management
Mayer, M. C.J.
Find your match! How emerging economy firms combine different forms of openness to innovate
Ozturk-Kose, E, Mayer, M. C.J., & Stadler, C.
Handling the organizing paradox: A multiple case study of German cooperatives
Hartz, R., Tümpel, M., Hühn, M., & Rybnikova, I.
Marginalisierte Arbeit und deren Effekte. Aktuelle Befunde in und jenseits von Organisationen
Tümpel, M.
Strategic change in a pluralistic context: Change leader sensegiving
Day, L., Balogun, J., & Mayer, M. C.J.
The Influence of Informality in a Local Agri-food Supply Chain in Brazil
Assis, M. T.Q.M., Tümpel, M., Lucas, M. R., & Rainho, Maria J.M.
Corporate Political Activity and Firm Performance: The Moderating Effects of International and Product Diversification
Shirodkar, V., Rajwani, T., Stadler, C., Hautz, J., & Mayer, M. C.J.
Das GLOBE-Projekt – Kultur und Führung im globalen Kontext
Lang, R., & Steger, T.
Marginalisierte Arbeit und deren Effekte: Aktuelle Befunde in und jenseits von Organisationen
Tümpel, M.
Meanings of management in the post-socialist higher education: the case of Lithuania
Rybnikova, I. & Lang, R.
Mikropolitische Perspektiven und Widerstand im Arbeitsprozess: Der Elefant im Raum
Lang, R., Rego, K., & Rybnikova, I.
‘If Things Really Go On as They Are at the Moment, Then I Will Work Illegally. End of Story.’ Pandemic Realities in Marginalized Entrepreneurships
Tümpel, M. & Cardone, P.
Aktuelle Führungstheorien und -konzepte
Rybnikova, I. & Lang, R.
Family-supportive organisational culture, work–family balance satisfaction and government effectiveness: Evidence from four countries
Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Escribano, P.I., Kim, S., & Mayer, M. C.J.
How do weekly obtained task i-deals improve work performance? The role of relational context and structural job resources
Rofcanin, Y., Las Heras, M., Bosch, M.J., Stollberger, J., & Mayer, M. C.J.
Partizipation und Sinnstiftung in Genossenschaften
Hühn, M., Rybnikova, I., Tümpel, M., & Hartz, R.
Temporary employment, permanent stigma? Perceptions of temporary agency workers across low- and high-skilled jobs
Cardone, P., Tümpel, M., & Huber, C. M.
Partizipationspraktiken in Genossenschaften Eine Untersuchung des normativen Anspruchs und der Alltagsrealität
Hartz, R., Hühn, M., Rybnikova, I., & Tümpel, M.
Partizipative Führung: Auf den Spuren eines Konzeptes
Rybnikova, I. & Lang, R.
The Influence of Multinational Corporations on International Alliance Formation Behavior of Colocated Start-Ups
Aharonson, B. S., Bort, S., & Woywode, M.
Towards a Sustainable HRM: Bridging Professional Capital and Sustainable Micro-Political Influence Tactics of German Human Resources Managers
Lang, R. & Keuscher, T.
Corporate Social Responsibility Values in Transforming Societies: Are There Country-, Status-, and Hierarchy-Based Differences?
Lang, R. & Rybnikova, I.
Culturally endorsed leadership expectations of students from Slovenia and Germany
Lang, R., Čater, T. & Steger, T.
Partizipationspraktiken in Genossenschaften
Hartz, R., Hühn, M., Rybnikova, I., & Tümpel, M.
Technological Diversification: A Systematic Review of Antecedents, Outcomes and Moderating Effects
Ceipek, R., Hautz, J., Mayer, M. C.J., & Matzler, K.
The gym as intercultural meeting point? Binding effects and boundaries in gym interaction
Cardone, P.
Alliance Portfolio Diversity and Innovation: The Interplay of Portfolio Coordination Capability and Proactive Partner Selection Capability
Degener, P., Maurer, I., & Bort, S.
How Brexit is having an impact on SMEs
Mayer, M. C.J.
International and product diversification: Which strategy suits family managers?
Stadler, C., Mayer, M. C.J., Hautz, J., & Matzler, K.
Uncertainties in International Trade – How can firms respond?
Mayer, M. C.J.
Weder Etablierte noch Außenseiter. Figurationssoziologische Betrachtungen der Leiharbeit
Rybnikova, I. & Cardone, P.
A close look at British business: Was it destined to leave the EU?
Mayer, M. C.J.
Diversification and Internationalization in the European Single Market: The British Exception
Mayer, M. C.J., Hautz, J., Stadler, C., & Whittington, R.
Führung von unten in der kommunalen Verwaltung: Undenkbar und allgegenwärtig?
Genze, W., Wavrousek, K., Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I.
Mikroperspektiven im Neo-Institutionalismus: Zur Rolle von individuellen Akteur_innen
Rybnikova, I. & Lang, R.
Discursive constructions of women managers in German mass media in the gender quota debate 2011-2013
Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I.
Interkulturelles Management
Lang, R., & Baldauf, N.
Advance and Retreat: How Economics and Institutions Shaped the Fate of the Diversified Industrial Firm in Europe
Hautz, J., Mayer, M. C.J., & Stadler, C.
Few companies actually succeed at going global
Stadler, C., Mayer, M. C.J., & Hautz, J.
German Human Resource Management Professionals under Tensions: A Bourdieusian approach
Lang, R., & Rego, K.
Nicht in ferne Länder schweifen
Stadler, C., Hautz, J., & Mayer, M. C.J.
The relationship between product and international diversification: The role of experience
Mayer, M. C.J., Stadler, C., & Hautz, J.
Macro-Competitive Context and Diversification: The Impact of Macroeconomic Growth and Foreign Competition
Hautz, J., Mayer, M. C.J., & Stadler, C.
Ownership Identity and Concentration: A Study of their Joint Impact on Corporate Diversification
Hautz, J., Mayer, M. C.J., & Stadler, C.
Organizational commitment — A missing link between leadership behavior and organizational performance?
Steyrer, J., Schiffinger, M., & Lang, R.
The Practice of Change: Understanding the Role of Middle Managers, Emotions and Tools
Mayer, M. C.J., & Smith, A.
Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: a GLOBE study of 15 countries
Waldman, D. A., Sully de Luque, M., Washburn, N., House, R. J. et al. (including Lang, R.)
Global, National and Local Practices in Multinational Companies
Geppert, M., & Mayer, M. C.J. (Eds.)
Practices and Practitioners in Multinational firms
Geppert, M., & Mayer, M. C.J.
Practices of Strategising/Organising: Broadening Strategy Work and Skills
Whittington, R., Molloy, E., Mayer, M. C.J., & Smith, A.
Look who’s talking
Whittington, R., Molloy, E., Mayer, M. C.J., Smith, A., & Fenton, E.
Moderne Organisationstheorien 1 - Handlungsorientierte Ansätze
Weik, E., & Lang, R. (Eds.)
Corporate Reorganisations
Whittington, R., Mayer, M. C.J., Molloy, E., & Smith, A.
Economics, Politics and Nations: Resistance to the Multidivisional Form in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, 1983–1993
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Reorganising for success: A survey of HR’s role in change
Mayer, M. C.J., Smith, A., & Whittington, R.
Strategic, Cultural and Policy Perspectives of Internationalization
Mayer, M. C.J., & McDonald, F.
The Process of the Internationalization: Strategic, Cultural and Policy Perspectives
McDonald, F., Mayer, M. C.J., & Buck, T. (Eds.)
Après le défi américain: Tracer le multidivisionnaire diversifié dans l'Europe
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Career paths of the elite of former GDR combinates during the postsocialist transformation process
Steger, T., & Lang, R.
Diversification in context: a cross-national and cross-temporal extension
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Moderne Organisationstheorien 2 - Strukturorientierte Ansätze
Weik, E., & Lang, R. (Eds.)
Organising for success in the 21st century: CEOs’ and HR managers’ perceptions
Mayer, M. C.J., Smith, A., & Whittington, R.
Taking Strategy Seriously: Responsibility and Reform for an Important Social Practice
Whittington, R., Jarzabkowski, P., Mayer, M. C.J., Mounoud, E., Nahapiet, J., & Rouleau, L.
For Boundedness in the Study of Comparative and International Business: The Case of the Diversified Multidivisional Corporation
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Grand Designs: Why HR should be at the heart of restructuring
Whittington, R., Mayer, M. C.J., & Smith, A.
Organise for success: Restructuring roulette
Whittington, R., Mayer, M. C.J., & Smith, A.
Organising for success in the 21st century: A starting point for change.
Whittington, R., & Mayer, M. C.J.
Response to Kay: ‘Chandlerism in post‐war Europe: strategic and structural change in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, 1950–1993: a comment’
Whittington, R., & Mayer, M. C.J.
The European Corporation: Strategy, Structure, and Social Science
Whittington, R., & Mayer, M. C.J.
The odyssey of management knowledge to transforming societies: a critical review of a theoretical alternative
Lang, R., & Steger, T.
Moderne Organisationstheorien - Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Einführung
Weik, E., & Lang, R. (Eds.)
Dessinez-Moi un Patron Européen
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Strategy, Structure and Performance in European Industry: Corporate and National Perspectives
Whittington, R., Mayer, M. C.J., & Curto, F.
Chandlerism in post-war Europe: strategic and structural change in France, Germany and the UK, 1950–1993
Whittington, R., Mayer, M. C.J., & Curto, F.
Euro-elites: top British, French and German managers in the 1980s and 1990s
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Strategy, Structure and `Systemness': National Institutions and Corporate Change in France, Germany and the UK, 1950–1993
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.
Le istituzioni nazionali contano ancora?
Whittington, R., & Mayer, M. C.J.
Beyond or Behind the M-Form? The Structures of European Business
Whittington, R., & Mayer, M. C.J.
The N-Form: New Form or M-Form?
Whittington, R., & Mayer, M. C.J.
The Survival of the European Holding Company: Societal Contingency and Choice
Mayer, M. C.J., & Whittington, R.