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Master Management & Organization Studies
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Master Management & Organization Studies 

Master Management & Organization Studies        Akkreditierungssiegel für den MOS-Studiengang

The competitiveness of organisations and economic areas, their innovative capacity and productivity is highly dependent on the knowledge, skills and creativity of the workforce. In addition, an urgent need for action is emphasised in politics, society and especially among economic actors with regard to shaping this competitive factor in the context of the fourth industrial revolution (digitalisation).

The MOS Master’s program primarily aims to enable its participants to adopt a behavior-oriented perspective in times of global crises, high economic dynamics and social changes and thereby to promote and shape the competitive factor “human competence, creativity and motivation” in its development and use in organizations and global networks.

The MOS degree program is unique in Germany in its international behavioral science orientation (strategy, organizational behavior, human resources management and leadership, innovation, technology and sustainability management) in conjunction with options from related economic and technical fields, aimed at developing a systemic and multidisciplinary understanding. The degree program is supported by an excellent combination of four behavioral science-oriented professorships in organizational theory, human resources management and leadership theory, sustainability management and innovation and technology management at a business faculty. The internationally oriented degree program also offers numerous individual options in the context of in-depth business management skills. In this specialist combination and with a close connection to current research findings, students can acquire a sought-after competency profile in the professional world

Why MOS? - 7 Special features of the degree programme

  1. Linking personnel, organization, innovation and sustainability

  2. Social science orientation

  3. International orientation (integrated semester abroad &/or English-speaking semester in Germany)

  4. Close care relationship and family atmosphere

  5. Integration of Anglo-Saxon teaching concepts

  6. Application orientation through application projects and case studies

  7. Short transition period to the job

We are certified by the United Nations for our sustainable management education at the faculty. We align our teaching and practice with the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Management Education. (PRME)


What students, alumni and alumnae say about the Master's program


17th of October 2024

Two students are part of the Deloitte Foundation scholarship program

Congratulations to Sarah Seyller and Bodamer Jannis!

In cooperation with the Deloitte Foundation scholarship program, we support talented and committed students with special needs who are characterized by innovative strength and entrepreneurial spirit.

As part of the scholarship program, the two will receive for a total of 12 months:

  • Financial support of 500€ per month
  • Access to target group-specific networking events and keynote speeches
  • Exclusive entry into the Talent Community of the Deloitte Foundation
  • Individual mentoring for professional development

We are proud to support these two scholarship recipients and look forward to accompanying them on their journey.

8th of October 2024

MOS introductory event

You can find the slides of the event here.

26th of July 2024

Update Study Commission

In the Study Commission, Ms. Anika Fundament will be replaced by Ms. Sarah-Josephine Seyller as a voting student member.

19th of July 2024

Possibility to switch to the newly accredited MOS SG

MOS students enrolled from the winter semester 2022/2023 can choose to study in accordance with these revised study regulations. This decision must be communicated to the Central Examination Office by written declaration by October 30, 2024. The recognition options between the study regulations can be found here.

10th of July 2024

The 16th AAE Summer School will take place in March 2025 in Chemnitz and Berlin

We are pleased to announce that an AAE Summer School is being prepared and held for the 16th time. Applications for participation are now possible until September 9th, 2024!

Interested in further information?
Click here to go directly to the AAE Summerschool 2025 website:
AAE Summerschool 2025

30th of May 2024

Master Management & Organization Studies is successfully accredited

The Master Management & Organization Studies program has been classified as worthy of accreditation. The internal accreditation of the Master Management & Organization Studies has been approved for a period of eight years. The MOS website will be updated soon to reflect the new content.

22th of May 2024

New video about the MOS course available

You can find a new video about an interview about the MOS course here.

15th of May 2024

Update Study Commission

Ms. Hanna Sauer, M.Sc. will be on the study committee by Ms. Anja Ernst M.Sc. replaced.

24th of April 2024

Update subject advisory service & examination committee

You can find the current members of the subject advisory service and the examination committee here.

5th of April 2024

Accreditation and further development of the MOS course “MOS 2.0” in preparation

Preparations for the accreditation and further development of the MOS degree program are already underway, so we are optimistic that we will be able to welcome the new cohort to our revised degree program from winter semester 24/25. We have already put the new structure online for those interested. Further updates will follow once the changes are official.

6th of February 2024

Current decision of the examination committee

Further information can be found under “Decisions of the Examination Committee”.

24th of January 2024

Election results of the dean of studies for the Master's program in Management & Organization Studies

At the meeting of the Faculty Council on January 22nd, 2024, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hüsig was elected dean of studies for the Master's program in Management & Organization Studies at the Faculty of Economics for the term of office April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2027.

16th of November 2023

Awarding of the University Prize 2023 to Dr. Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel

The ceremonial award ceremony for the 2023 University Prize took place on November 16, 2023. The university awards have been organized jointly by the TUC and the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology since 1994. V. awarded annually. Dr. Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel (Faculty of Economics/Chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management) was honored for her dissertation on the topic “Sharing Economy – Innovations in Economy and Society enabled by Digital Technology”. The prize is sponsored by the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology. V. More about this here.

24th of October 2023

Update Study Commission & Examination Committee

The current members of the study commission and the examination committee can be found here.

4th of October 2023

MOS introductory event

You can find the slides of the event here.

4th of October 2023

MOS introductory event (attention to room changes! (N006 instead of N111))

On Tuesday, October 4th, 2023, the introductory event for first-year students in the master's program in Management & Organization Studies (M.Sc.) will take place from 10:00 a.m. in the central lecture hall and seminar building (Orangery), room 2/N006. Participation is strongly recommended!

11th of May 2023

Knowledge management module is offered in WS 23/24

In the winter semester 2023/24, the knowledge management module will be offered entirely in English, consisting of lectures and exercises as well as the associated seminar.

20th of March 2023

15. AAE Summer School in Durban, South Africa

Start: 30.08.2023 | End: 08.09.2023

Organizer: Professorship Business Administration IX - Innovation Research and Technology Management

The AAE Summer School is taking place for the 15th time and this year will again be a multicultural experience for students and members of Chemnitz University of Technology. Under the topic "A holistic and integrated approach to creativity, innovation and sustainable development in the age of disruption" an extensive program with theory and practice will be designed. More information and tips on how to apply can be found on the AAE Summer School website.

20th of March 2023

Presentation of the CWG Prize 2022 to Lisa Wittwer

On January 23, 2023, the CWG Prize 2022 was awarded for particularly good theses at the Faculty of Economics. In addition to two other graduates, Ms. Lisa Wittwer received the award for her outstanding master's thesis, which was created as part of the master's degree in Management & Organization Studies and was supervised at the Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management. More about this here.

21th of December 2022

Update study commission

The current members of the study commission can be found here.

16th of December 2022

Prizes go to students and lecturers from MOS SG

On December 15, 2022, Chemnitz University of Technology honored the outstanding achievements of its members and relatives in the areas of study, teaching and research as well as in social and intercultural commitment. The following prizes went to students and lecturers from MOS SG:


Teaching prize for young academics teaching

Christian Huber, research assistant at the Chair of Organization and International Management

As part of a SoTL project (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning), Christian Huber succeeded in innovatively combining research and teaching. SoTL projects are suitable for teachers who want to develop a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of their didactic interventions and student learning. Huber researched his own teaching in the sense of the SoTL and can use the knowledge gained in this way for future teaching development processes. His teaching is strongly based on the "Shift from Teaching to Learning", and he also follows the concept of "Constructive Alignment". Furthermore, he bases his teaching on the principles of the "Principles for Responsible Management Education" in order to promote sustainable management education at the Faculty of Economics. Huber has been professionalizing since he began teaching at Chemnitz University of Technology and successfully completed the certificate program at the Saxony University Didactic Center. His courses were regularly evaluated as excellent.


MOS student Luisa Closmann received the university award for her master's thesis on "Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a non-governmental organization" for the Faculty of Economics. The sponsor of the award is the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology. V. The work was supervised at the Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management.


An award with the Marie Pleissner Prize went to the MOS student Johanna Hölig for the Faculty of Economics for her master's thesis on "Stories from the 'Outskirts' - A Structured Review of Critical Entrepreneurship Literature as Narratives". The work was supervised at the Chair of Organization and International Management.


You can find more information here: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/aktuell/11645

26th of October 2022

Update Examination Board

The current members of the examination board + study commission can be found here.

4th of September 2022

MOS launch event

The slides for the event can be found here.

29th of September 2022

Partner universities update

The University of Johannesburg/South Africa was added to the partner universities.

14th of September 2022

MOS launch event

On Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. in the central lecture hall and seminar building (Orangery), room 2/N112, the introductory event for freshmen in the Master’s program Management & Organization Studies (M.Sc.) will take place. The details of the room will follow. Participation is strongly recommended!

29th of June 2022

Update Examination Board

The current members of the examination board + study commission can be found here.

1th of June 2022

New to the MOS team: Prof. Dr. Michael Mayer

On June 1st, 2022 Prof. Dr. Michael Mayer to the Faculty of Economics at Chemnitz University of Technology for the professorship "Business Administration - Organization and International Management".

The entire MOS team is called Prof. Dr. Michael Mayer welcome and looks forward to future cooperation!

You can read the university's press release here.

23th of May 2022

MOS poem for the business game

On the occasion of our rescheduled business game in SS22, creative peak performances developed, which culminated in the first MOS poem on the business game. This historically important work is hereby presented to an interested public. May it inspire further generations!


What's wrong with jeleeschn?

We can't get out
of this green house.

When the environment bothers us,
we are all outraged.

Every period the same porridge.
At the end of the day there is a lot of screaming.
Communication goes past each other.
But we won't be there tomorrow.

Even in the rules, no one has a plan
and major problems are simply dismissed.

But we don't want to red, blue or yellow
because we like it so much in house green.

Now we're in the mood for beer.
Unfortunately we have to wait until four.

Nevertheless, we learned a lot
from this wonderful business game.

Please no destructive feedback from Prof. Hüsig.
Because: Writing the poem was very idle.

© MOS simulation game cohort 2022


14th of December 2021

Awarded the Marie Pleißner Prize to Diana Heinbucher

We warmly congratulate Diana Heinbucher on being awarded the Marie Pleißner Prize 2020 for the Faculty of Economics. Your award-winning master's thesis “Being creative together. The influence of shared mental models on the ideation process of innovation teams" was presented by Dr. Julien Bucher supervised and assessed by Prof. Stefan Hüsig.

Luise Marie Pleißner (1893-1987), a Chemnitz teacher and women's rights activist, gave its name to the prize, which has been awarded in the social sciences, humanities and economics faculties since 2013. The University Management and the Equal Opportunities Commission of Chemnitz University of Technology have been awarding the Eleonore Dießner Prize and the Marie Pleißner Prize annually since 2013, thereby honoring outstanding theses from graduates of all eight faculties in master's or diploma courses.

Diana Heinbucher is already the third winner to be supervised by the Professorship for Innovation Research and Technology Management. Further information can be found at „Uni aktuell“.

25th of November 2021

"The AHRche e.V." from MOS-Student helps in the Ahrtal

Lucas Bornschlegl founded the association “Die AHRche e.V.” to help those affected by the flood disaster in the Ahrtal quickly and unbureaucratically. Further information can be found at Uni Aktuell, on YouTube or on the „Die AHRche e.V.“ website . There are also opportunities to support the association.

7th of October 2021

6th of October 2021 MOS introductory event

You can find the slides of the event here.

15th of September 2021

MOS introductory event

On Wednesdy, 6th of October 2021 at 13:30-14:45 in the Central Lecture Hall and Seminar Building (Orangerie) in room 2/N114 the introductory event for first-year students in the Master's programme Management & Organisation Studies (M.Sc.) will take place. Registration via Opal is required for participation.

2nd of September 2021

The 14th AAE Summer School: Call for Abstracts & Participants

The 14th AAE Summer School: “From disruption to development: Moving forward with the relationship between creativity and sustainability” will take place in Nancy, France, from 24st of March – 02nd of April 2022.

Further information on the Summer School, e.g. the application modalities, can be found on the official homepage.

1st of September 2021

New transfer booklet 2021

The transfer booklet was updated. Read more here.

27th of April 2021

Update Audit Committee

The current members of the Audit Committee can be found here.

23rd of February 2021

Partner Universities Update

Kazan Innovative University in Kazan, Russia (Republic of Tatarstan) was added to the list of partner universities.

11th of February 2021

Update Study Committee

The current members of the Study Commission can be found here.

4th of November 2020

Award of the Marie Pleissner Prize to Violetta Helbling

We warmly congratulate Violetta Helbling on being awarded the Marie Pleißner Prize 2020 for the Faculty of Business and Economics. Her award-winning Master's thesis "Development of a reference model for the introduction process of an e-learning software" was supervised by Dr. Dr. Martin Albert and assessed by Prof. Stefan Hüsig. Luise Marie Pleißner (1893-1987), a teacher and women's rights activist from Chemnitz, gave her name to the prize, which has been awarded in the faculties of social sciences, humanities and economics since 2013. The university management and the Equal Opportunities Commission of the TU Chemnitz have been awarding the Eleonore-Dießner-Prize and the Marie-Pleißner-Prize annually since 2013 to honour outstanding final theses by female graduates of all eight faculties in Master's or Diploma programmes. Due to Corona, there was unfortunately no official award ceremony this year. Violetta Helbling is already the second prize winner after Anne Lange (née Dreßler) 2018, who was supervised by the Chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management.
Further information here.

28th of October 2020

Current decision of the examination board

Further information here.

27th of June 2020

The new team of the Chair of Business Administration - Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies

The new team of the Chair of Business Administration - Human Resource Management and Leadership for the new semester is complete: Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen, Jacqueline Happ (secretariat), Hanna Sauer, Julien Bucher, Dr. Simone Schmid together with the MOS-Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Stefan Hüsig (from left to right)

18th of June 2020

Update study committee

The current members of the Study Commission can be found here.

18th of June 2020

Update Study Commission and Examination Board

The current members of the examination board and the study commission can be found here.

18th of June 2020

Update study programme

Dear prospective students,
starting in the coming winter semester, there will be changes in the structure of the Master's programme, Management and Organisation Studies.

Due to the replacement of the Chair of Business Administration VI - Human Resource Management & Leadership, the content focus of the programme will change from winter semester 20/21 in that Module 6 "Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management" will no longer be offered. Aspects of organisational learning and knowledge management will, however, continue to be found within the framework of Module 5 "Human Resource Management".

8th of June 2020

New addition to the MOS study programme team

We welcome our new addition to the MOS degree programme team: On 1 June 2020, a new professor was appointed at Chemnitz University of Technology - Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen now heads the professorship "Business Administration - Human Resource Management and Leadership".

23rg of April 2020

Current decision of the Audit Committee

Further information here. 
11th of December 2019

Year-end greetings from the Dean of Studies

With these creative MOS cupcakes, the Dean of Studies would like to send year-end greetings to everyone involved in the MOS degree programme!

9th of October 2019

Introductory event & MOS presentation

On Thurday the 10th of October 2019 at 11:30  in N001 the regular introductory event for the Master's degree programme MOS will take place. Further more on am Monday the 14th of October 2019 at 11:30  in 2/W017 an intern Welcome as well as the MOS presentation for all new students will take place.br />
Slides on the event

29th of August 2019

Research semester Prof. Hüsig

In the coming winter semester 19/20 Prof. Hüsig has a research semester. The teaching is partly organized in block lectures or by the chair team. The details are published in the syllabi at OPAL.

29th of August 2019

Application form for master's theses

The current application form for master's theses can be downloaded here.

16th of July 2019

Semester abroad : Info & form updated

Due to uncertainties about the semester abroad MOS, a "Semester abroad MOS timetable" has now been created and the form for the semester abroad has been updated. More information here.

5th of July 2019

Members of the committees updated

More information here.

13th of May 2019

Report on the excursion to the industrial museum in the MOT seminar

More information here.

17th of February 2019

New regulations for the recognition of semesters abroad

The regulations for the recognition of semesters abroad have changed with regard to responsibilities. Please take into account the changed information here.

04th of February 2019

Application form for master's theses

The current application form for master's theses can be downloaded here.

11th of January 2019

MOS business game at "Uni aktuell"

More information here.

10th of December 2018

Current decision of the examination board

More information here.

09th of December 2018

Prof. Hüsig: Research semester in WS19/20

In winter semester 19/20 Prof. Hüsig has a research semester. Details on the organization of the courses in WS19 / 20 will be announced in SS19.

03th of December 2018

AWP Flyer 

The AWP flyer has been updated.

03th of December 2018

Update study committee  

The current members of the study commission can be found here.

30th of October 2018

Partner universities update

The ICN Business School in Nancy, France was added to the partner universities.

04th of October 2018

Introductory event MOS  

08.10.2018, Mo 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., room W 020

Download possible here.

04th of October 2018

Films from MOS-Welcome

Download possible here.

25th of August 2018

Update Website 

The overview page of the degree program has been updated.

01th of August 2018

New version of the study and examination regulations online!

A revised version of the August 2018 study and examination regulations for Management & Organization Studies is online. (here, here and here)

06th of July 2018

MOS graduate honored with final award

MOS graduate Anne Dressler at the chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management awarded the Marie Pleißner Prize 2018 for her master's thesis.

04th of June 2018

Press release on the revised Master MOS published

More information here.

02th of June 2018

Update study committee

The current members of the study commission can be found here.

15th of May 2018

Update Website

The homepage of the degree program has been updated.

02th of May 2018

New version of study and examination regulations online!

The 2018 version of the study and examination regulations for Management & Organization Studies is online.

28th of April 2018

Update Website

The overview and the contents of the course have been updated.

29th of March 2018

The 12th AAE Summer School: Call for Abstracts & Participants

The 12th AAE Summer School: “Responsible and Sustainable Management of Innovation in Urban and Global Contexts” will take place in Durban, South Africa, from 13th – 25th of August 2018. 

For more information on Summer School, for example, how to apply, are on the official homepage available.

18th of March 2018

New module "Managing Global Networks and Cooperations" in summer semester 2018

Due to the new appointment of the Chair of Organization and International Management, the module "Managing Global Networks and Cooperations" will be offered in English for the first time in SS 2018. The advanced module "Current Leadership Theories" is no longer held. The new course can be introduced in the MOS-SG in place of the advanced module "Current Leadership Theories". You will find further information on this shortly on the homepage of the chair.

13th of March 2018

SG MOS decided according to the new framework regulation of FR

The Faculty Council unanimously decided on the SG MOS according to the new framework.

26t of February 2018

New decision of the study commission

The StuKo unanimously decided on the SG MOS according to the new framework and passed it on to the Faculty Council for a vote. You can find more information here.

13th of December 2017

Scholarship successes for MOS students


Violetta Helbling received a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation erhalten. Martin Ulber has received a Germany Scholarship. The dean of studies congratulates the scholarship holders on these successes!