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Chair of Microeconomics

The Subject

The course Microeconomics deals with economic behaviour and decisions of individuals. Important branches are the theory of the firm and the theory of the household. Furthermore, questions on which results are genrated by competitive processes are analysed and evaluated. In addition, macroeconomic aspects are examined which result from the complex relationships among individuals typical for a capitalistic system.


July 18 2024 - Berufsfeldseminar and Bachelor level seminar in Economics in the upcoming
winter term 2024/25

The Chair of Microeconomics will offer a Berufsfeldseminar and Bachelor level seminar in economics on  "Selling to the highest bidder: Economic aspects of the cannabis legalization" in the upcoming winter term 2024/25. Students can sign up directly in the Opal course until October 14th, 2024. More detailed information will follow in the Opal course.

February 06 2024 - New research article published

Rochowicz, N.: "Planning progress: Incorporating innovation and structural change into models of economic planning", in: Competition & Change. The full text can be found here.

January 18 2024 - Publications of the Chair of Microeconomics in the years 2022/23


Torsten Heinrich, Yoojin Jang, Luca Mungo, Marco Pangallo, Alex Scott, Bassel Tarbush, Samuel Wiese: "Best-response dynamics, playing sequences, and convergence to equilibrium in random games", in: International Journal of Game Theory, DOI.


Dressler, G., Groeneveld, J., Hetzer, J., Janischewski, A., Nolzen, H., Rödig, E., Schwarz, N., Taubert, F., Thober, J., Will, M., Williams, T., Wirth, S. B., & Müller, B.: "Upscaling in socio-environmental systems modelling: Current challenges, promising strategies and insights from ecology", in: Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, DOI.

Janischewski, A.: "Inequality, non-linear consumption behaviour, and monetary growth imperatives", in: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, DOI.

December 11 2023: Learning bridge Chemnitz-Lviv: Dr. Larysa Zomchak as guest researcher in Chemnitz

Dr. Larysa Zomchak (third from right) und Prof. Dr. Torsten Heinrich (fourth from right) discussing with the team of the Chair for Microeconomics.
As part of the learning bridge Chemnitz-Lviv, Dr. Larysa Zomchak was at the faculty as a guest researcher on the invitation of the Chair for Microeconomics in December 2023. Dr. Zomchak is associate professor for Economic Cybernetics at the Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, Ukraine. Experiences and ideas for teaching cooperation in the context of the learning bridge as well as possibilities for research cooperation were discussed during her one-week stay in Chemnitz.

October 04 2023 - Prof. Dr. Heinrich gives lecture on Computational Economics for students from Lviv, Ukraine

In the context of the learning bridge Chemnitz-Lviv, Prof. Dr. Larysa Zomchak (Ivan Franko National University Lviv), Prof. Dr. Torsten Heinrich (Chemnitz University of Technology), and Anja Janischewski (also Chemnitz University of Technology) are teaching a course on Computational Economics for students in Lviv this term. The course started off with the first lecture given by Prof. Heinrich via the BBB video conferencing system of the Chemnitz University of Technology last week. The course covers an introduction to Python programming and computational methods and their application in economics. Lecture videos and other materials compiled by Prof. Heinrich at Chemnitz University of Technology are used in this course.

Link to the course.

Oct 14 2022 - Makronom: Economist for Future - new article by Torsten Heinrich published

Here you can find a current article on the topic "Innovationspolitik in Zeiten des Klimawandels" by Torsten Heinrich.

Oct 20 2021 - New research article on the frequency of convergence and divergence in n-player strategic games published

Samuel Wiese and Torsten Heinrich, "The Frequency of Convergent Games under Best-Response Dynamics", published in "Dynamic Games and Applications" - the full text can be found here.

Sep 16 2021 - New research article on the micro level of structural change published

Torsten Heinrich, Jangho Yang, and Shuanping Dai ("Levels of structural change: An analysis of Chna's development push 1998-2014", Journal of Evolutionary Economics) consider structural change at the firm level using the example of China's economic development 1998-2014.

Further information is available here.

March 19 2021 - New research article on systemic risk in insurance published

Torsten Heinrich, Juan Sabuco, Doyne Farmer "A simulation of the insurance industry: the problem of risk model homogeneity", Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. Further information is available here.

Several insurance trade publications reported: ARTEMISInsuranceERM and Reinsurance News.