FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
As of: 15.01.2025
Remark: For reasons of readability, the masculine gender was mostly used. However, the terms, titles and functions equally refer to all genders.
1. Questions concerning the decision to study
There are various ways to get information or contact advisors depending on your age group and interests. You can find an overview at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/kinder_jugendliche[DE]
- The Central Course Guidance Service advises and informs you on questions concerning the general study at TU Chemnitz. The office also
distributes information material. Please see:
- The course advisors are representatives of the faculties (professors or teaching assistants) who are responsible for answering questions
concerning the content of the respective course of study. Further, they consult students who have already decided on the course and still
have specific questions.
- Studying while being a parent can pose special challenges. TU Chemnitz aims to help you manage your life as parents at university as best
as possible
- If you are interested in going abroad or come to Chemnitz for a study visit, please contact the International Office. They also support
international cooperations and projects in teaching, study and scientific research.
- For future students with special needs we suggest getting in contact with the
Central Course Guidance Service
as soon as possible in order to get help with individual challenges. They also offer support and can refer you to other advisors in your
chosen course of study.
- You can find an overview of all consulting facilities of TU Chemnitz at:
Learning by research - the key principle of the study at TU Chemnitz. We offer a variety of interdisciplinary courses with input from many fields of study. You can find an overview of all of Diploma, Bachelor and Master courses as well as the teaching program for primary schools here.
TU Chemnitz has been offering the primary school teaching course since winter semester 2013/2014. Since the winter semester 2016/17 it is possible to minor in German as a foreign language and since the winter semester 2024/25 the master programme Primarstufe Plus Mathematik is available. For further information on the primary school teaching course, please go to: www.tu-chemnitz.de/zlb/studium/studium.php[DE]
The diploma degree is an undergraduate degree. The standard period of study for a diploma degree at TU Chemnitz is 9 semester (maximum), 10 Semester (exceptions).
The bachelor degree is an undergraduate degree which allows graduates to enter their field of work. The standard period of study for Bachelor degrees at TU Chemnitz is 6 semester. An exception is Medical Engineering with a standard period of study of 7 semester.
The master degree is a higher academic graduate degree which can only be received if the student already has an undergraduate degree. The standard period of study at TU Chemnitz is 4 semester. An exception is Medical Engineering with a standard period of study of 3 semester.
The only way to receive the Staatsexamen at TU Chemnitz is through the primary school teaching program. The standard period of study is 8 semester. Additionally, students have to go through a period of teacher training for one year after the first Staatsexamen.
Further information regarding the courses of studies offered can be found at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/studiengaenge/en
2. Questions regarding the type of study
The majority of the study courses at TU Chemnitz are full-time studies with a work load of 900 hours per semester. That corresponds to a week
of 40 hours.
Some courses at TU Chemnitz can also be studied part time. In that case, the standard period of study is twice the normal amount
and the average work load per semester is 50 % of full-time studies.
In case of professional, particular familiar obligations or special health impairments this degree program may also be studied in part-time.
Please have a look at our homepage
to see if a course is offered part time. Further, the respective study regulations of the courses provide information on the type of study.
If you wish to continue your full time studies in the following semester as a part time study course (or vice versa), please inform the student
service in writing before the reregistration deadline. Please do not forget to hand in the respective proofs.
If you have already completed a different course of study at a university and want to start another one, it is considered a second course of study. A Master course on the basis of an undergraduate degree is exempted from this. Further information on the application process for a second course of study can be found under “general questions regarding the application”. Questions about possible fees under “questions regarding fees and finances”.
For a secondary study you need a first professional qualification from a university, e. g. an undergraduate degree which allows you to get another qualification. Master's study courses providing further education require qualified practical professional experience of, as a rule, no less than one year. At TU Chemnitz, such accompanying studies are offered in cooperation with the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer[DE]
Doctoral/PhD studies require a graduate degree from a university (Diploma, Master, Magister, Staatsexamen). PhD candidates can be enroled. However,
they must enrol when they are admitted to a graduate study program or when they are a PhD candidate at a graduate college in the Freestate of
Saxony. Normally, PhD candidates can be enroled up to 3 years. Otherwise, they have to apply for prolongation which has to be confirmed by the
doctoral examination board (Promotionsausschuss). Once successfully finished the PhD studies, students are granted the doctoral degree.
In order to enrol for a PhD study at TU Chemnitz, please use our
online application portal You can apply at any time.
Please see further information (e. g. necessary documents, etc.) at:
https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/bewerbung/promotion.php [DE].
It is considered multiple enrolment when a student is enroled in more than one course of study at the same time. The admission requirements have to be fulfilled for every course of study. It is not possible to enrol in more than one course that is under restricted admission. Exempted from this are students enroled in the teaching program who want to minor in German as a foreign language. You can apply for multiple enrolment online via our application portal. A leave of absence would affect all courses the student is enroled in. However, the semester fee is only paid once per semester.
Parallel course of study means that a student is enroled at TU Chemnitz and at another German University at the same time. It is only possible for students to enrol when the parallel course study is useful for the objective of the course and when the admission requirements are fulfilled. You have to apply online via our application portal. Please note that you have to submit a letter of the parallel course[DE] as well as the certification of enrolment of the other university. The students have to pay the semester fee at both universities. It is enough to apply for such a parallel course once (for the entire study period). A special form of the parallel course study is called "Nebenhörerschaft" meaning that the student is also enroled in two universities: in one as a main auditor and in the other one as a “Nebenhörer”. In this case, the student does not have to pay the total semester fee to both universities. Please see question 2.7 for more information.
It is possible for students to enrol at more than one German university (see question 2.6) under the condition that the student has to decide where to be the main auditor and “Nebenhörer”. If you want to apply for a secondary study course at TU Chemnitz, please apply online via our application portal and choose "Nebenhörerschaft". Please note that only for admission free study courses a secondary study program can be chosen. Additionally, you have to submit a letter of the parallel course[DE] as well as the certification of enrolment of the other university. In the case of a "Nebenhörerschaft", the student only has to pay the amount for the student body and the Deutschlandsemesterticket. It allows students to participate in exams of the respective study course. However, the secondary study course needs to be renewed every semester by submitting the certification of enrolment of the other university.
As guest auditor you can attend lectures and courses of up to 18 SWS ("Semesterwochenstunden" - semester periods per week). You do not need a university entrance qualification. You will be given a guest auditor card that can be shown whenever needed. However, it is not allowed to participate in exams. Please find further information here[DE].
When applying for early studies, pupils get the opportunity to study even before they finish their A-levels. Unlike “real” students, early studies for pupils are not offered in full-time. Pupils only attend lectures at TU Chemnitz for one semester. During this time, they are enrolled as an early student meaning that they are allowed to take part in examinations or to gain course performance certificates. They may have credited their course performance certificates from the early studies later during their “real” studies at TU Chemnitz. Further information can be found here[DE].
3. Questions about admission / requirements of admission
The required qualification for the admission to the courses of studies at TU Chemnitz is normally a general higher education entrance qualification, a relevant subject higher education entrance qualification or a passed final examination of a German university. Moreover, it is possible to get access due to professional ascension of further education (e. g. master craftsman, technician, certified specialist). Please ask our Central Study Guidance Service for more information or see the Immatrikulationsordnung[DE] of TU Chemnitz.
Studying without an Abitur (A-level) is possible under certain conditions. With at least two years of vocational training and
- a) advanced training and a counselling interview by the Central Course Guidance Service of TU Chemnitz,
- b) a successful entrance examination and at least three years of professional experience and a counselling interview with the Central Student Advisory Service, or
- c) a successful course of study of at least two semesters in which the required work was completed and a semester classification by the Examination Board
you fulfil the requirements for admission or continuation of studies at Chemnitz University of Technology.
If you have an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences and have successfully completed at least two semesters of study in which the required coursework was completed and have been graded by the Examination Board, you also fulfil the requirements for continuing your studies at Chemnitz University of Technology.
A detailed description of university admission can be found in § 18 of the “Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz”. Further information is available from the Central Course Guidance Service or at www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/ohneabi.php[DE].
The entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife) entitles you to attend universities of applied sciences (universities of applied sciences according to § 18 Paragraph 2 S. 1 No. 3 SächsHSG). It is therefore not directly possible to study at Chemnitz University of Technology with the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences.
Prospective students with an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences can continue their studies at Chemnitz University of Technology after successfully completing two semesters of study and a corresponding semester classification in the same or a related degree programme (see information on studying without an Abitur[DE]).
After a first qualifying university degree from a university of applied sciences (e. g. Bachelor), you can also apply for the Bachelor's degree programmes at Chemnitz University of Technology and study certain Master's degree programmes if you have the relevant subject-related aptitude.
A Fachhochschulreife is not the same as a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification and does not directly entitle you to study at Chemnitz University of Technology. The term "Fachabitur" is not an official school-leaving qualification in Saxony and is often used colloquially for the Fachhochschulreife.
At TU Chemnitz, a fitness test is only necessary for the Bachelor degree program "Präventions-, Rehabilitations- und Fitnesssport". This test can be done at TU Chemnitz. Please find more information here. Further, the TU Chemnitz accepts fitness tests from other universities. Tests can be certified by the Institute of Human Movement Science and Health. In order to do so, please submit the proof when signing in to the fitness test.
For the Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology, the Psychology Aptitude Test of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) can be taken into account. Further information can be found under question 6.9.
The certificate of the passed fitness test for the Bachelor program Präventions-, Rehabilitations- und Fitnesssport has to be submitted in the Student Service with the provided application form of enrolment which can be found at the application portal. The test must not be older than 2 years.
Some study courses require an internship prior to the studies (please take note of the respective study and examination regulations). However, it
is possible to do that while studying. The regulations can be found at:
Foreign language skills are required in the Bachelor courses "Germanistik", "Medienkommunikation" and "Anglistik/Amerikanistik" as well as in some Master courses (also
see “§ 3 der Studienordnung”).
English language skills are essential for English-speaking study courses. Please find further information at:
Language requirements for foreign students are answered in the question complex: Questions concerning application for international students.
4. Questions about the application process
All applicants have to register and apply online. Please note that the application process differs for Diploma, Bachelor and Master Programs; and Teacher Training for Primary Schools as well as for study programs with free-admission and study programs with restricted admittance. Additionally, please pay attention whether your application concerns a change of study program; second degree programs, application for higher study semesters or doctoral study programs. All required documents vary from study program to study program. Please find further information with regard to the application process here[DE].
Currently, applicants for the Bachelor program for the first semester need to apply via hochschulstart.de in Medienkommunikation, Psychologie and Lehramt an Grundschulen (except Erweiterungsfach Deutsch im Lehramt). In addition to their registration at Hochschulstart applicants need to register in our online application portal of TU Chemnitz. For further information click www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/bewerbung/inform_bewerbungsverf.php[DE].
- The application deadline for programs with restricted admission (also for high school graduates):
- The application deadline for programs with free admission:
It is possible to apply for more than one study program with restricted admittance. However, the applicant needs to apply for every single program online via our application portal by clicking the button "add application". Nevertheless, the online matriculation can only be permitted for one study programs.
For programs with free-admission more than one application is unnecessary, as an A-level degree is the requirement to get matriculated.
For Master programs with free-admittance more than one application can be handed in online. In case you do not present a Bachelor degree of equal value the authorised examination board proofs your qualification for the course. The Student Service will arrange the proof for your qualification for the course from the examination board.
First, please register online and choose a password on your own. Upon registration you will receive an email with your user name. Please use these
dates in order to login to your account, add a new application and edit your data or to receive information on your application status. If you
already have a student account, please login to the sbservice portal and start your application about the qicklink "online application”.
You will find the application number on the top right hand corner. Further, it is indicated on the enrolment form. If you have any questions that
cannot be answered online, please contact your
Student Service. Please keep your application number ready for a faster processing.
Throughout your online application you will be asked to upload certain documents. Once you received an admission offer and went through the online application process, you will be told what documents you need to submit to the Student Service. Please find an overview of the process and required documents here[DE].
For study programs with restricted admittance and after accepting the university place, please print the enrolment form (click on button "Request
for enrolment") and submit all required documents including the enrolment form to the Student Service and transfer the semester fee to the account
of TU Chemnitz. Please note that the transaction may take up to 5 days before it is registered at TU Chemnitz.
For study programs with free admittance, the enrolment form and all other required documents can be sent to the Student Service by the end of the
application deadline.
You can find all necessary information regarding the status of your application via the online application portal. A soon as there are any changes, you
receive an email (if you have given your permission in the application portal). Among others, you will be informed about missing documents and be able to see offers for admission, etc. More information on
deadlines and distribution of notifications, etc. can be found
More information on deadlines and distribution of notifications, etc. can be found
Applicants must have their insurance status confirmed by a statutory health insurance fund to the university prior to enrollment. To do this, you request proof of insurance status from the health insurance company, i.e. whether or not you are covered by statutory health insurance. The health insurance company then sends the proof of insurance status electronically directly to the university.
Students with a private insurance are required to hand in an insurance certificate of their private health insurance that is proven by a statutory health insurance (AOK Plus, Techniker Krankenkasse).
A confirmation of a valid health insurance or a copy of the insurance card cannot be accepted.
Please note that the Student Service automatically forwards the information of your enrolment at TU Chemnitz to the health insurance. Further information can be found on our website.
Yes, you can. Every authority is allowed to certify copies of certificates having been issued by yourself. The attestation takes place in the Student Service. By means of the official certification it is confirmed that the copy corresponds to the original. Please bring the original of which the attested copy is to be made to the Student Service and note that a fee of 5,00 € shall be charged for the first copy (for any further copy 2,50 €).
In this case, the application can only be sent on the next possible date.
By means of a power of attorney you allow another person to sign documents in your name. In an informal letter you declare who (full name and date of birth) is allowed to sign documents for you. Please name the documents to be signed in detail. It is advised to add a copy of the ID card of the person that gets authorised.
3 % of all available university places are reserved for applicants who seek a second degree. This applies only to Bachelor study programs with
restricted admittance and the Primary School Teaching course with an application for the 1st semester. All study places are measured by the index number that is calculated from the final
exam grade of your first degree and the reasons why you wish to study a second degree. The TU Chemnitz uses the requirements from hochschulstart.de.
The application for a second degree is exclusively possible with a completed degree from a German university until the end of application deadline. Otherwise the application refers to a first degree study program. Every applicant
needs to apply and register
online. During the application process you will be asked to upload your first degree
certificate and your motivation letter.
Further information can be found at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/bewerbung/inform_bewerbungsverf.php[DE].
During your online application for master programs you are asked to upload your current transcript of records. The transcript usually contains
detailed information about all your exam grades. By means of your transcript of records the authorised examination board will decide whether you
gained all required qualifications in order to participate in the Master course. Additionally, your transcript of records serves as alternative
proof in case you cannot provide your Bachelor degree by the time of the application deadline.
The transcript of records is also needed if you attempt to apply for a higher study semester. The authorised examination board checks what exams
were taken and how you performed. The examination office provides you with a detailed and updated transcript of records.
You need a confirmation about the duration of your studies in case fees for a second degree program will be charged. This applies to applicants who can provide a completed Master or Magister degree, a diploma or state exam. You can find the form[DE] on the website of the Student Service of TU Chemnitz. The form needs to be added to the enrolment form and sent to the Student Service via post.
5. Questions about the online application process
As long as you have not finally finished the online application (Status "in preparation"), you can still correct all data. In order to so, please click on the link "Edit application".
If you have already submitted an application for a Master course or a Bachelor course with restricted admission and the university has not yet processed it (status: received), you can edit the application by clicking the link "Cancel and edit request". In this case, you have to submit the application again until the application deadline.
In all other cases, a correction of the online application is not possible anymore. Please contact the Student Service (email: studienbewerbung@tu-chemnitz.de) and name the correction that has to be made.
A pre-semester is the semester that was completed right before the beginning of your course.
HZB is the abbreviation for "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (university entrance qualification) such as the high school certificate qualifying for university admission (or an equivalent diploma). Normally, it is indicated as an average "Abitur" grade.
It is also possible to finish school with a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification. Please note: This kind of school leaving certificate gives only a qualification for certain study programs.
Please note that a university entrance qualification for applied sciences does not entitle you to a Diploma, Bachelor or primary school teaching course. Only after earning a degree at a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) are you considered eligible to begin an academic program at TU Chemnitz.
The HZB can also be a completed university degree in case you have not completed the A-levels.
Next to the HZB grade (please see previous question), course grades are important when it comes to Bachelor programs with restricted admission. These grades are defined and can be found on our website[DE] under the link „NC-values of previous winter semester“. Normally, the course grades are composed of the 4 half-year grades 11/1, 11/2, 12/1 and 12/2 or 12/1, 12/2, 13/1 and 13/2 (in case of 13 school years).
6. Questions concerning admission
Free admission means that all study-holders fulfilling the appropriate access requirements for a formal and in due time application, regardless of the final grade of the university entrance qualification or the Bachelor's degree, will receive a study place in any case. For Master degree courses your report/certificate of your Bachelor degree as well as the proof of your professional competence (given by the board of examiners) are needed.
There are limited courses of study for which a large number of applications is expected. Therefore, a certain number of study places is set. The places for locally admission-restricted courses are awarded with certain points in a selection procedure.
Whether a course is admission-free or restricted changes every year. The current status can be found at:
Yes, it is. You can get a preferred place after your service in case you have applied for a restricted course and received a letter of admission. In the following year you have to apply again via the online application portal for the same course. If the course is still restricted then you have to choose the option “preferential admission” in the admission portal. If the course has not been restricted for applications during the period of your service and it is now restricted for the application procedure, you are also entitled to preferential admission. You will then be asked to upload a copy of the completed service and a copy of the letter of admission from the previous year if the study course was restricted at the time of the service, or to upload the judicial decision to an already concluded tender procedure in the online application portal. This regulation intends to protect against a possible tightening of the selection limits and to prevent you from any disadvantages that may arise from a service.
If you have received an admission for a course of study, and wish to withdraw from it, please login to the online application portal and click "Relinquish university place". Please note that this action can not be undone. Another application for the same study course after the application period[DE] is not allowed. If you have already got the enrolment documents you have to withdraw the enrolment and send back all documents including student-ID-card (deadlines: winter term 30.09.; summer term 31.03.). The entire semester contribution will be refunded in case you have given your bank details and complied with the terms. The refund may take up to 3 months. Please do not forget to apply for exmatriculation after the beginning of the new semester.
Please use this form for the refund of your paid semester fee.Admission-restricted Bachelor degree programs/ primary school teaching course: In the selection procedure, the study places are allocated according to quotas. After taking into account the quotas, application for preferential admission (completed service), foreigners, second degree, professional advanced further training, exceptional hardness and for athletes with a status of federal squad (youth squad 2, youth squad 1, complementary squad, perspective and Olympic squad) of Olympic and Paralympic sports who are bound to the place of study Chemnitz due to justified circumstances the remaining study places are given in the following order:
- 20 % according to the high school average score (NC)
- 20 % according to the waiting period: number of semesters between completion of the High School/A-Level and start of study (except for study times)
- 60 % according to the aptitude score: this is usually formed from a course notes of the university entrance qualification relevant to the chosen course of study and the average grade of the university entrance qualification. For the primary school teaching course a bonus is awarded for a completed educational vocational training of at least 2 years, for a voluntary sixth-month contiguous all-day and predominantly practical activity at a school, knowledge of the Sorbian language (level B2) or for a successfully completed youth leader training and three assignments as a supervisor of a youth recreation program (selection procedure of the university).
This procedure is enshrined in the Zulassungsordnung[DE].
Admission-restricted Master study courses: In the selection procedure for master study courses, cases with exceptional hardness are considered first. The selection of further applicants is based on the final grade to the course entitling the student to the chosen Master degree program. If the grade is not available yet, the applicant can participate in the selection process with an average grade of at least 80 % of the credits of the course of studies. As a result, the admission is made on the condition that the final certificate of the course of study, which is a prerequisite for admission, will be handed in by the end of the first semester of the master degree program. If there are external applicants for Master degree programs as well as for internal applicants applying for a different subject, an examination of their professional competence will be carried out. For this reason, a latest performance overview, if applicable, must be uploaded in the online application portal. On the basis of the overview, the responsible examination board decides on the suitability of the professional competence. The criterion for the decision-making is, as a rule, the study content of the basic Bachelor degree course on which the Master degree program is based.
Admission-restricted study courses in a higher semester: The selection of the candidates is based on the previous studies and an average score. This proof must be confirmed by the respective examination office and must be uploaded by the applicant to the online application in the online application portal. Preference is given to those having an extraordinary hardness in case of non-approval.
All previous NC values can be found at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/bewerbung/ncwerte.php[DE]
This procedure is regulated in the “Sächsischen Studienplatzvergabeordnung” and in the „Zulassungsordnung“ of the TU Chemnitz[DE].
The numerus clausus (NC) - or limit value - is the value of the last authorized. The NC´s are, therefore, not determined by the university. Depending on the offer (study places) and demand (applicants), these values may vary from year to year. The most recently established limits may only serve as an orientation for future applicants.
The results of the selection procedure of the previous year can only be used as a guide for the forthcoming selection procedure because of a change in the selection process, a change in the number of study places and the number of applicants included in the award procedure. The results of the last selection procedure can be found at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/bewerbung/ncwerte.php[DE]
In addition to the numerus clausus, there are also limit values for waiting periods. The waiting time is the time between the acquisition of the
Abitur (A-Level) and the start of the study in a half-year modus. In the selection process only a maximum of 7 waiting semesters are considered.
Study times are not counted as waiting times.
An exception is the qualification at a Saxon vocational academy. According to the
"Sächsischen Hochschulgesetzes"”, this is not to be credited as a first
qualification. When applying for a Bachelor's degree, the acquired degree of the professional academy is not counted for the duration of studies,
but as a waiting period.
From the winter semester 2024/2025, the result of the Psychology Aptitude Test of the German Psychological Society (BaPsy-DGPs) can be taken into account in the selection procedure for the Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology. From a percentage rank of 65, the result has a bonus effect on the average grade of the university entrance qualification. The bonus value is calculated as follows: Percentile rank / 100 * 0.5. The maximum bonus is 0.5.
The final selection grade is calculated at 10 per cent from the mathematics course grades and at 90 per cent from the average grade, which can be improved by the above-mentioned bonus.
The admission certificates for admission-restricted study courses are sent on fixed dates. These can be found
online[DE]. When it comes to admission-restricted degree programs which
take part in the DoSV procedure admission letters are sent constantly in the process. Refusal certificates will only be sent after completion
of the respective approval procedure (including the withdrawal procedure).
If you have applied for an admission-free Bachelor study course and have passed the online enrolment, you will receive the application for
enrolment in the online application portal with the information on the transfer of the semester contribution and the documents to be submitted in the
Student Service. After a processing period of approximately 2 weeks, you will receive the
student ID and the enrolment documents. In the case of admission-free master study courses, the necessary steps are carried out analogously, as
long as the required professional access requirements for the master degree course have been fulfilled.
When applying for a Master's degree programme, you automatically take part in the moving-up procedure.
The date of the moving-up procedure can be found under www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/termine.php.
There is no moving-up procedure for degree programmes that participate in the DoSV procedure.
Irrespective of this, you can apply for the lottery.
In the moving-up procedure, the study places are given which, for different reasons, are not accepted or were returned by the applicants. For
Master´s studies, a maximum of two moving-up procedures take place.
The dates and deadlines are available
For the degree programs that take part in the DoSV procedure there will be no moving-up procedure.
The university is conducting a lottery, provided that there are still study places available after completion of the award procedure. The application for the lottery is possible from 10.08. to 31.08. for the winter semester and from 10.02. to 28.02. for summer the semester through the application portal.
There are different reasons why a student can be denied to enrolment. According to the § 8 "Immatrikulationsordnung” of the TU Chemnitz [DE], the matriculation must be refused if the student:
- does not fulfil the access requirements for the study
- is not granted admission in an admission-restricted study course
- does not prove that he/she is insured or exempt from health insurance
- does not prove the fulfillment of the statutory obligations arising in connection with the enrolment for the payment of fees or contributions
- is already enrolled at a German university and a parallel study is not appropriate for the purpose of the study
- has definately not passed a final examination for the completion of the chosen course
- has not provided any proof of performance provided for in the examination regulations in the chosen course of studies or a course of study with the same professional orientation at a German university within four semesters
- has already passed the final examination in the chosen study program
Enrollment may be refused in particular if the applicant:
- does not comply with the procedural rules applicable to enrolment
- is under the provisions of the Civil Code
- cannot be enroled in certain semesters
- does not prove the necessary language skills
- is suffering from an illness which could seriously endanger the health of other students or affect the studies; the examination may require the submission of an ambulatory certificate
- has been legally sentenced to a term of imprisonment of at least one year, the conviction is still subject to unrestricted information, and a threat or disturbance of the study programs is to be feared in the nature of the offense
7. Questions about the application with foreign citizenship
Applicants for a bachelor, teaching or master degree apply via "uni-assist“.
uni-assist e.V.
11507 Berlin
You can find more information online.
Applicants for a doctoral program apply directly at the TU Chemnitz and use the online application portal.
You can find more information online.
Applicants for a partial study course apply at the International University Center (IUZ) in a simplified procedure for the study.
You can find more information online.
If you are a registered refugee, you must apply through uni-assist.
You can find an overview of all application documents to be submitted here.
At TU Chemnitz, all bachelor courses are offered in German. The following Master degree courses are taught in English:
- Master Advanced and Computational Mathematics
- Master Advanced Functional Materials
- Master Advanced Manufacturing (former Master Merge Technologies for Resource Efficiency)
- Master Automotive Software Engineering
- Master Design and Test for Integrated Circuits
- Master Embedded Systems
- Master English Studies
- Master Information and Communication Systems
- Master Micro and Nano Systems
- Master Web Engineering
The following applicants have to apply for a degree at the TU Chemnitz via uni-assist:
- foreign study applicants without German Abitur (A-level)
- foreign study applicants with a foreign Bachelor or Master degree
- foreign study applicants for the Integrated International MA / PhD program in Mathematics
- foreign study applicants with completed FSP examination of a Studienkolleg in Germany without permission at the TU Chemnitz
In the following cases, applications are not to be submitted via uni-assist, but via the online application portal of TU Chemnitz:
- Applicants with a German nationality and a foreign high school diploma or a foreign university degree
- Study applicants with a German Abitur or a completed examination of a Studienkolleg (education nationals)
- Applicants with a European Baccalaureate (Beschluss der KMK vom 14.06.2018)
- Study applicants with a German university degree
- Study applicants having successfully completed a German Language Test for the university entrance (DSH) at TU Chemnitz
- Application for degree change
- additionally applications for doctoral studies or partial studies
Foreign applicants who apply for a German-language study program must demonstrate language proficiency in German. You can find an overview of recognized language certificates online.
Applicants which apply for a degree program offered in English language, need to show a German language proof at minimum level A1 at the time of the application. Until the end of their third study term at TU Chemnitz, they have to submit a German language proof at level A2. Exception German training is part of the chosen course of study. More information online.
For English-language courses, knowledge of English at level B2 is required. You can find an overview of recognized language certificates online.
8. Questions concerning the course of study
The Bachelor and Master degree programs have a modular structure. Modules are closed thematic units, they consist of several courses which belong to a common sub-area of a study subject. In order to be a teaching unit or module, examination services have to be successfully completed in various forms. The completed Bachelor's or Master's thesis forms the end of the studies. The final grade consists of the grades obtained in all modules of the respective studies. Successful completion of module examinations is used to assign performance points (LP). Within a six-semester undergraduate study, a total of 180 credits have to be completed in order to successfully complete the course. For the successful completion of the four-semester master's program 120 performance points are required. As a rule, the workload for one semester is an average of 900 working hours.
The university shall issue an examination regulation for each course of studies, which in particular regulates the examination procedure and the examination subjects. On the basis of the examination regulations, the university shall also issue a course of study for each course of studies. The regulations regulate the access requirements, objectives, contents, structure, course and execution of the studies. In addition to a study course plan, the subject, type and scope of the courses are determined, as well as the studies required for the successful completion of the studies. The applicable study and examination regulations for a course of study can be found at:
The applicable study and examination regulations for a course of study can be found at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/zpa/sopo/index.php.en.
The exams usually take place at the end of the semester, during the central examination period. The examination deadlines are announced by the Central Examination Office by screen or via the Internet. In addition, some of the examination schedules are planned by the faculties, which are only announced there.
The examination plans are available online[DE].
The overview of the grades is an overview of the achievements performed so far. This overview is issued by the Central Examination Office. For most of the degree programs the transcript of records can also be accessed via the SBservice.
Teaching hours indicate the number of hours per week in each semester. One teaching hour is 45 minutes. As a rule, 2 of these courses are combined into a teaching unit of 90 minutes.
For events with an odd number of participants, the event or parts of the event can take place over a period of 14 days. For even and odd weeks, the counts of the weeks in the calendar year are responsible.
- 1. Week = odd
- 2. Week = straight
For example:
V3 = 3 x 45 minutes: A lecture takes place weekly and a further lecture in the first or second week.
The week before the beginning of the lecture period of the winter semester is used as introductory week. Introductory events are offered by the Faculties, the student bodies of the Faculties and Central Institutions for new students. This orientation phase is used to get to know fellow students, the university and the events within a semester. Information are published promptly by the respective institutions on the Internet[DE].
A bridge course is offered for study beginners before the beginning of the study. They have the purpose of adapting different prerequisites on the
basis of school education in order to create a homogenous initial level. The following faculties currently offer bridging courses: Faculty of
Natural Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science,
Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.
Internships are always helpful to gain practical experience, for professional orientation as well as for making new contacts. Information on the course, content and duration of an internship is regulated in the study program of the course concerned, but also in the respective practical courses of a faculty. Contact persons for internships are usually the faculties, institutes and professorships. Some faculties provide additional information at internship offices.
The general study program at the TU Chemnitz allows an interdisciplinary study and promotes exchange between the humanities, human and social sciences as well as engineering, natural sciences and economics. Students have the opportunity to take examinations that are not part of their course plan. In addition, it offers the possibility to attend selected courses of the Master degree programs even when they are still enroled in a Bachelor program.
You can find out which courses and courses are offered as a general course in the lecture directory[DE].
In principle, you can apply at any foreign university that offers a partial or non-degree program. An international semester or internship is
particularly recommended at a university that maintains a partnership or ERASMUS agreement with the TU Chemnitz. In some study courses, a stay
abroad is even an explicit component and serves the language acquisition and experience of other cultures and professional fields.
The International Office (IUZ) advises on foreign studies.
The TUC Card is a multifunctional student ID card that combines the following functions in one card:
- student ID with passport and validity period
- library card
- access to PC pools
- purse for the canteen
- purse for copying
In case of loss or damage, a new TUC card will be issued in the Student Service. To do so, complete the application form for the issue of a new TUC card and hand it over to the Student Service. Proof of theft or non-self-inflicted damage will result in not having to pay the fee of 15,00 €. In all other cases, the fee has to be paid in the Student Service with a German EC card or in exceptional cases by cash.
Every semester, students are required to re-matriculate in due time and form for their further studies (“Reregister start”). The semester fee must be paid in the SBservice by means of a direct debit order or a transfer in the specified period so that the re-matriculation is successful. In exceptional cases it is possible to re-matriculate in the Student Service by paying via German EC card.
For each course of study, there is a regular study time as defined in “§ 1 Prüfungsordnung”. According to the examination regulation, a final examination, which has not been taken within four semesters after completion of the regular study period, is deemed to be "failed". The student will be informed about this by post. A failed final examination can be repeated once within one year. Admission to a second re-examination is only possible on request (application) for the next possible examination date. Please note that long-term study fees may be charged (see question-group "Questions on fees, contributions and finances" for further information)
A re-enter must be submitted to the Student Service in writing, and upon request/application (Wiedereintrittserklärung zur Studentenmitgliedschaft) before the re-matriculation in SBservice.
Further information of the re-matriculation can be found on pages regarding the re-enrollment.
In principle, you should be registered as a student, as long as you have not already registered for all examinations or as long as your studies have not yet been completed (completion with receipt of the certificate). As a student at a university you have the right to use the university, to register for examinations as well as an accident protection.
In order to extend a PhD-program, please submit a letter of the respective supervisor or PhD student indicating the reasons for the extension. This informal letter is to be confirmed by the doctorate committee chair and to be submitted to the Student Service.
The user card for the University Library is implemented in the TUC card (student card). A user account for the University Library is automatically created upon enrolment at TU Chemnitz. Your membership at the University Library is restricted for one year and starts as soon as you have used the Library for the first time. In order to extend your membership, you can either login to your user account or contact the University Library via email or contact via phone (+49 371 531 13190) or personally. Please find further information on the web pages of the Seiten der University Library.
9. Questions concerning the SBservice
The SBservice offers students a variety of functions related to their study needs, which can be organized and managed around the clock by any Internet-enabled computer.
The functions of the SBservice include the modification and retrieval of personal data, the re-matriculation into the following semester, the retrieval and printing of study certificates and, in many cases, the examination administration.
This can have different reasons. Guest students, for example, do not have an account and thus no access to the SBservice. It is also not possible to login after the exmatriculation or if the student does not re-matriculate for the next semester in due time. In addition, maintenance work between 0 o'clock and 1 o'clock, as well as technical faults lead to problems with the registration.
The home and semester address can be changed under the item "My data" in the SBservice. The topicality of these addresses ensures that the students can also be reached via post by TU Chemnitz.
A name change can be requested per e-mail or in written form at the Student Service. Please hand in additional proof of your name change (e. g. passport, certificate of name change or supplemental identity document from the dgti e. V.). Please note, that a new student card (TUC-Card) can be requested separately with costs.
10. Questions concerning fees, contributions and finances
According to the Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz long-term study fees will be levied for students who were enrolled from winter semester 2012/13 on and who have exceeded the standard period of study or individual standard period of study and another four semesters in the respective degree program. For every further semester a fee of 500 EUR will then be levied at re-registration.
The semester contribution is composed of the “Student_innenschaftsbeitrag”, the “Student_innen-Kulturticket”, the “Deutschlandsemesterticket”
and the Studentenwerk contribution. The contributions may change from semester to semester. These contributions are solid contributions and must
be paid by all students on the basis of the student's contribution to the student union. The university is obliged to collect contributions in
the context of the enrolment and re-matriculation and forward the respective amount to the student council and the Studentenwerk.
You can find more information about the current semester contribution
On the 1st of April 2024 the Deutschlandsemesterticket was introduced at the TU Chemnitz. The Deutschlandsemesterticket enables students of the TU Chemnitz to use public transport within the validity of the Deutschlandticket. The contribution for the Deutschlandsemesterticket has to be paid by all enrolled students by the time of enrolment or re-matriculation. Further information on the scope of the ticket can be found on the pages of the student council[DE]
The Deutschlandsemesterticket can be used in the winter semester from 01.10. until 31.03. and in the summer semester from 01.04. until 30.09.
After completing the online enrolment, you will be provided with the application form in the online application portal. In this form you will find the information on the amount and the transfer data for the semester contribution. After receipt of your contribution and the filled in application form (including all necessary enclosures), you will be enroled.
In the case of admission-restricted study courses, the semester contribution must be transfered by the end of the acceptance period (see registration certificate or online application portal).
BAföG is the best way to finance your studies. In the course of the regular study period, it is granted half as a non-interest-bearing loan, while the other half is granted as a grant. At the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau , you will receive the BAföG application form and further information on funding. In addition to BAföG funding, certain foundations also provide financial study support. It is also possible to be granted loans or non-interest-bearing loans from the Studentenwerk. Popular among students are still secondary jobs right at the university. An overview of all support offers can be found here[DE].
A large number of students from the TU Chemnitz live in one of the 9 student residences of the Studentenwerk. These are located in close proximity
to the university and have different facilities, depending on the students' requirements and financial possibilities. The dormitories consist of
single, double or apartment rooms and have internet access. An overview of the individual student residences as well as price information can be
obtained from the
Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau[DE].
However, there are also cheap apartments and shared rooms available on the free housing market.
A second degree course is subject to a fee only if:
- a first degree with the diploma, master or state examination was successfully completed at a German university and
- the total duration of the studies exceeds the regular study period of the previous studies by 6 semesters (e. g. The regular study period of the first degree is 9 semesters and after 11 semesters the study was completed. Consequently, the first 4 semesters of the second degree program are free of charge)
The fees are 350 € per semester in addition to the regular semester contribution.
Information about a possible exemption for the “Student_innen-Jahresticket” or Studentenwerk contribution can be found on the pages of the student council (Student_innen-Jahresticket) or the Studentenwerk (Studentenwerksbeitrag).
Basically, the fee must be paid when reregistering for the next semester. On a case-by-case basis, the TU Chemnitz may agree to a payment in installments/deferment as long as the payment all in once would mean a great hardship. A great hardship means that the payer would have serious payment difficulties when paying the whole amount directly.
In case of a deferment, a decent interest rate (1 % of each commenced month) is set.
After the examination and confirmation of the application, an official notification will be issued in which all payment modalities are included.
The deadline for the submission of fee-relevant forms is 31.07. (winter semester) and 31.01. (summer semester). Please submit the documents to the Student Service.
Please enclose the following documents to the application form (Link):
- bank account details of the last 6 months
- written statement of the applicant that there are no other incomes or assets (except from the ones prooved)
- proof of family income (only for married persons)
- proof of expenses without one´s fault
- proof of maintenance obligation
First of all please check if your mandate has been enabled already by the Student Service. Only an active mandate entitles to participate in the direct debiting procedure. You can view the status of your deposited mandate in SBservice -> Study Service -> tab "Bank accounts" in the main data of the mandate.
Furthermore, a mandate is not to be understood as a standing order in the sense of an automatic debit from the deposited account. In case of an intended re-registration you must initiate the corresponding direct debit order manually for every semester in SBservice – only then the bank debit will be executed.
11. Questions concerning leave of absence, non-crediting of study times
An application for leave of absence is only possible for an important reason and should not exceed 2 semesters.
Semesters of leave count as university semesters, but not as professional semesters.
Possible reasons for semester leaves are:
- own disease
- internship (insofar as not obligatory according to the Study Regulations)
- stays abroad/exchange programs (insofar as not obligatory according to the Study Regulations)
- fulfillment of a statutory duty
- children´s care
- maternity/parental leave
- employment ban (during pregnancy)
- justified social emergency
The application for leave of absence is to be submitted within the deadline for the re-matriculation, though 2 months after the beginning of the semester at the latest. In case of own disease or maternity leave, please submit the application by the end of the semester.
Please note that applying for leave of absence for previous or first semesters is not allowed.
You can find the application form and further information here:
Yes, it is possible to participate in examinations.
Yes, a re-matriculation is still necessary.
According to the "Immatrikulationsordnung"[DE] of TU Chemnitz, students can apply for a non-crediting of study times in case they can prove committee activities or delays for which they are not responsible at the Student Service, given the following conditions:
If students have been involved in the executive bodies of the university, the student body, the Studentenwerk or the study commission for at least one election or appointment period or have worked as an equal opportunities officer or representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, a period of study of one semester is not counted towards the standard period of study. The period of participation has to be verified by the student and is issued by the electoral office or the Dean's Office.
A further semester is not counted towards the standard period of study for each additional election or appointment period. A maximum of three semesters are not counted towards the standard period of study.
If a student proves a delay for which he/she is not responsible, semesters can also not be credited to the standard study period. If this happens in connection with the examination procedure, the student also has to submit a statement of the examination board.
12. Questions concerning the de-registration
Your membership as a student at TU Chemnitz ends with the de-registration. The de-registration happens either on
application or automatically. Once de-registered the retroactive
de-registration is excluded.
A de-registration happens automatically when there is a definite fail of an examination, no re-matriculation or a successful completion of the
studies. Surely, every student can apply for an earlier de-registration from the university before the current semester ends. Detailed
information can be found in the § 14
"Immatrikulationsordnung"[DE]. Students will receive a
de-registration certificate and the annuity insurance certificate that lists a detailed description of your university education qualification.
These certificates will be sent to the de-registered student by mail.
Upon successful completion of your studies, you will be de-registered automatically at the end of the semester. In case of an earlier date, please fill in the application form and send it to the Student Service. After successful de-registration the de-registration certificate and the annuity insurance certificate that lists a detailed description of your university education qualification will be sent by mail.
Please send your de-registration certificate from your previous university together with the enrolment form. All applicants that apply for admission-free programs can send their de-registration certificates until the end of the application deadline.
There is no need to come in person. You can find the application form online[DE]. You can send the filled in application for de-registration by mail to the Student Service. After successful de-registration the de-registration certificate and the annuity insurance certificate that lists a detailed description of your university education qualification will be sent by mail.
Enrolment documents, testimonials, proofs and certificates can be obtained at the
Student Service and are kept for one year after graduation.
Duplicates of graduation certificates can be obtained within one year after graduation at the
Central Examination Office.
If you have graduated more than one year ago, please contact the university’s archive.
13. Questions concerning a change of the course of study
All students that request a change of the course of their studies need to apply and register online before the beginning of the semester. Please keep in mind that there is a deadline for subjects with restricted admittance. Upon application you will come across a question whether you are already a student of TU Chemnitz and if you request a change of study. Changing the course of study may imply the loss of BAföG. We recommend a consultation with the BAföG-Amt prior to your application.
In the online application portal you can check the status of your application by logging in with your username and password. If you applied for a subject with restricted admittance[DE], you will receive a letter of admission by mail. You only accept the study place by applying for enrolment. For admission-free Bachelor degree programs, please also apply online. You accept the study place by submitting the enrolment form. Should you wish to apply for an admission-free Master program, please apply online. You will receive information on your application status after a subject-specific review by the authorised examination board. In case of acceptance, you accept the study place by submitting the enrolment form.
At first register and apply
online for the study program (and the respective semester) of your choice. Upon
application for Bachelor programs with restricted admittance or the Primary school teaching course, please fill in the application form
"Antrag auf Fachsemestereinstufung / Anrechnung von Prüfungsleistungen". You are
required to take care of the classification into a higher semester/transfer of periods of study by yourself. However, the classification into a
higher semester/transfer of periods of study are assessed by the
examination board. Please submit the respective forms until th end of the deadline to
Student Service by mail.
For admission-free Bachelor programs, please submit the forms being confirmed by the examination board along with your application documents and
the enrolment form to the Student Service.
All Master applicants are asked to upload the classification into a higher semester/transfer of periods of study at the end of the online
registration. At this point, the approval of the transcript of records is not required. The Student Service will forward your application to the
authorised examination board.
The change is possible as long as you can prove a higher education entrance qualification certificate (Abitur). The authorised examination board will decide on the classification into a higher semester.
14. Questions concerning the transition from Bachelor into Master programs
Applicants have to apply and register online within the set deadline by uploading the Bachelor certificate and transcript of records. In case you
cannot provide the Bachelor certificate yet, you can, alternatively, provide a transcript of records that proofs that you achieved at least 80 %
of your credits and lists a preliminary average grade.
Further information about the transition from Bachelor to Master programs you be found
In case the grading of your Bachelor Thesis is not yet completed or the Bachelor certificate has not yet been issued, we provide an alternative option to enrol in Master programs. It is called “limited enrolment" and ensures a secure transition from the Bachelor into the Master course. “Limited enrolment" means that you have to hand in your Bachelor certificate to the Student Service by the end of the first semester in order to be able to re-matriculate into the next semester. Failing to that results in de-registration from TU Chemnitz.
By the time of enrolment in a Master degree program you are not enrolled in the Bachelor degree program anymore. In consequence, you are not entitled to register for examinations within the Bachelor degree program anymore. You may only take those examinations for which you had previously registered. Make sure you have registered for all remaining exams to be able to take part in them. If you de-registered before the registration of your remaining exams, you will not be able to register them or take part in them.
Applicants have to register and apply online. The application for a “limited enrolment” is to be submitted, too.
Further information about the “limited enrolment" can be found here.
Yes, you can apply with degrees from a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) or a university of cooperative education (Berufsakademie).
The authorised examination board will proof your professional suitability. Please register and apply
online for the desired Master program. The Student Service will then forward your
application to the examination board.
Please note that study fees for second degree programs might be charged due to your already achieved Diploma/Master or Magister degree.
For this you can apply for a parallel study. You will be enrolled at your current university and at TU Chemnitz concurrent. For this you need to apply for a letter of the parallel course at TU Chemnitz[DE]. Furthermore please hand in the enrolment certificate of the other university and all relevant documents that will be indicated in your printed request for enrolment from TU Chemnitz. Until the end of the first term of your Master study it will be mandatory for you, to hand in here the exmatriculation certificate of your current university. Otherwise, you cannot pay for the coming term at TU Chemnitz.
15. Questions concerning studying with children
Pregnant women are recommended to inform the Student Service about their pregnancy in order to make use of their protected rights according to the Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG). However, they are not obliged to inform the Student Service. Furthermore, she is asked to inform the respective institution about her breastfeeding, should she intend to actively participate in the ongoing study course. Please note that pregnant women can only make use of their protected rights according to MuSchG when the TU Chemnitz was informed about the pregnancy or breastfeeding period. More information on the Maternity Protection Act for female students and the information on the pregnancy or breastfeeding period can be found here[DE].
Moreover, as the first university in Saxony, TU Chemnitz is considered as a family-friendly university since 2006 and, therefore, strives to comfort and support students that have to meet their parenting skills. Further information about the aims of a family-friendly university can be found at: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/gleichstellung/familie/[DE].
For further information you can consult:
Students with children have several opportunities to receive financial support: parental allowance, care allowance, maternity allowance, child benefit, employment benefit (ALG II), BAföG childcare allowance, scholarships and alimony allowance. Further information can be found online[DE] or at the pages of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau[DE].
There is a close collaboration between TU Chemnitz and the Office for Youth and Family at the Municipal Department Chemnitz. TU Chemnitz works closely together with four kindergarten that normally offer places for children of students. Further information can be found here[DE].
Zwergencampus: Due to irregular lecture times, TU Chemnitz offers emergency or temporary childcare services. Opening and flexible hours are to be found here[DE]. Additionally, TU Chemnitz offers Parent-Child-Rooms and nappy-changing facilities at various university campuses[DE]
Welcome-Present: Since 2013 students and members of staff get a welcome present that includes information material and small tokens. Further information can be found here[DE].
Child ID Card: Children at the age of 0-7 years receive a child ID card from the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau. This card can be used in the Mensa, where children get a free lunch. Please address your application for the child ID card to the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau[DE].
16. Questions concerning studying with special needs
In accordance with the “UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (Art. 1 Abs. 2)” and the “Bundesteilhabegesetz (§2 Abs. 1)”, disability is defined as a longterm physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, whether environmental or attitudinal, may hinder their full and effective participation in societal activities. Longterm in this case means an impairment that lasts longer than 6 months. Therefore, disability is not only a result of the interaction of envorinmental or attitudinal barriers, but also of societal framework conditions and experiences with discrimination. In the context of a university, "studying with special needs" can be seen as a synonym for "studying with a disability or a chronic disease". This can be traced to a study of the German Studentenwerk[DE] ("BEST - beeinträchtigt studieren: Sondererhebung zur Situation von Studierenden mit Behinderung und chronischer Krankheit") published in 2012. There are various forms of impairments. Further details can be found here[DE].
According to the 21. social survey of the German Studentenwerk (2016), approx. 11 % of the students suffer from health impairments which have a big impact on their studies. The TU Chemnitz strives to support students with special needs as best as it can in terms of coping with their study life, compensation of possible disadvantages, etc.
TU Chemnitz offers the following counselling options:
- Central Course Guidance Service[DE]
- psychosocial Advice Office at TU Chemnitz[DE]
- Social counselling sevice of Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau[DE]
- Customer care service of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau with regards to accommodation[DE]
(for housing questions; it offers 7 handicapped accessible appartments on Vettersstraße 72[DE]) - Psychological counselling service of Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau[DE]
We advise to consult the contact person of the Central Course Guidance Service first and as soon as possible in order to answer questions concerning the beginning of the studies and their course.
Further details for students with special needs can be found here[DE].
The 4 different venues of the TU Chemnitz are mainly barrier-free and accessible via elevators and ramps for wheelchair users. You can find handouts including more information here[DE]. Since every student concerned needs different equipment according to the impairment, there are different contact persons that will help them answer questions concerning the reallocation of rooms, etc. The first contact point, however, is the Central Course Guidance Service[DE].
Students concerned can apply for a compensation of disadvantages (according to “§ 5 Abs. 2 Prüfungsordnung”) so that they can also take part in
exams equally. This means that students with special needs are entitled to compensations of disadvantages during their studies, but not to a
specific form of the compensation. A compensation of disadvantages is to be applied for by the students at the same time of the registration for
the examination (find application form
Students concerned are asked to describe the reasons for the compensation and prove them respectively (medical certificate or report). Further,
they should suggest compensatory measures and submit the application to the Central Examination Office. The responsible Examination board will
decide about the application. In order to set appropriate compensatory measures, the interaction of the individual impairment and the specific
examination conditions and the aims of the study program are to be considered.
Please contact the contact person of the
Central Course Guidance Service for further information.