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Student Service and Course Guidance Service
Central Course Guidance Service
Student Service and Course Guidance Service 

Central Course Guidance Service

The team of the Central Course Guidance Service gives advice and information with regard to all questions and problems concerning studies at Chemnitz University of Technology and it enables students to help themselves on their own, e.g.

If pre-registered by telephone before, also internal and external guidance services for groups are offered. Additionally the Central Course Guidance Service provides information material concerning courses of studies, student advisors at the departments and all matters belonging to studies to everyone who is interested in studying at Chemnitz University of Technology.

For prospective students

For students

Landingpage Study in Chemnitz Landingpage study portal TU Chemnitz

Information for prospective students can be found on landingpage „Study in Chemnitz“.


The study portal collects a huge number of information about study and living in Chemnitz to simplify your studies at TU Chemnitz.

www.tu-chemnitz.de/studiportal [DE]