Degree certification
Each public institution in possession of an official seal is entitled to authenticate documents, e.g. public authorities, notaries or publicly organized churches.
In contrast, authentications from the following institutions (even if they are in possession of an official seal) are not accepted: attorneys, associations, accountants, auditors.
The official authentication has to be submitted in original and should contain at least the following:
A note certifying that the copy/ transcript corresponds to the original (authentication note),
the signature of the authenticating person and
the imprint of the official seal.
The official seal generally includes an emblem.
A simple stamp is not sufficient.
In case that the copy/transcript comprises several cut sheet, it has to be proven that each page originates from the same certificate. It is sufficient if only one page contains the authentication note and the signature insofar as all sheets are put on top of each other (e.g. scalelike) and are crimped and sealed in a way that on each page a part of the imprint of the official seal appears.
It is self-evident that also each page may be authenticated separately. In this case, please pay attention to the requirement that your name has to appear on each page of the original. If it is not indicated on each page, it has to be included in the authentication notes together with a note regarding the kind of certificate.
In case that a copy is on front and verso of a sheet and that the content of both sides is important, the authentication note has to refer to the front and verso of the sheet
(e.g. "Hereby is authenticated that the copy on front and verso corresponds to the original."). If this is not the case, front and verso of the sheet have to be authenticated separately. br />
In case that the original contains a seal imprinted in the paper (a so-called embossed stamp), this will in general be visible on the copy. In this case the authentication note on the copy has to be complemented by the comment that the original contained an embossed stamp of the issuing institution of the certification/ certificate.
If an authentication not meets the requirement mentioned, TU Chemnitz does not accept the respective document.