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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health
Bachelor PRF
Institute of Human Movement Science and Health 

Prevention, Rehabilitation and Fitness Sports | Bachelor

Welcome to the Bachelor's Degree Program

In a society that is under constant pressure to succeed, more and more younger people are already complaining about so-called diseases of modern civilization. To prevent these diseases as effectively as possible, a healthy level of physical activity makes sense. At the same time, however, the number of older people is growing. The associated decline in performance and increasing diseases of the cardiovascular and the musculoskeletal systems can be counteracted by targeted exercise.

The aim of the Bachelor's degree program PRF is to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to enable them to act in a practice-relevant manner in the areas of prevention, fitness, rehabilitation, and therapy of people at risk of disease, patients, and disabled people using exercise and sports. The students acquire in-depth knowledge regarding the indication areas of internal and orthopedic diseases, at the same time taking into account the changing requirements in the culture of exercise and sports.

Graduates can obtain the following licenses from the German Association for Health Sports and Sports Therapy (DVGS e.V.) upon completion of the program, which are recognized as qualifying for employment as a sports therapist (further information at: additional qualifications):

  • Principles of sports therapy (license level II)
  • Specialization in internal diseases (license level III): cardiology, vascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes mellitus, oncology
  • Specialization orthopedics, rheumatology, traumatology (license level III): back school, osteoporosis, medical Nordic Walking

Students can also apply for the following licenses from the Deutscher Behindertensportverband (DBS e.V.) after completing the P8 course: Exercise instructor for rehabilitation sports in orthopedics (Block 30) and internal medicine (Block 40).

Admission requirements: usually general university entrance qualification, sports aptitude test


Standard study period: 6 semesters


Degree: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)


Begin: usually in the winter semester


Career Prospects

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Prevention, Rehabilitation and Fitness Sports have a wide range of professional fields of application:

  • rehabilitation clinics,
  • health clinics,
  • larger hospitals,
  • vocational training facilities,
  • health insurance companies,
  • sports offices in cities and counties,
  • city, district, and state sports associations,
  • sports clubs,
  • health and fitness centers and
  • as well as in their own facilities.

The profiles of economics/management or technology also provide students with additional professional fields of application.

In Chemnitz, depending on the chosen professional specialization, these include in particular the Master's degree programs in Human Movement and Exercise Science in Prevention and Rehabilitation (focus A "Sports and Training Therapy; focus B "Health Management and Health Promotion") or Human Movement Science.

Program Structure

Basic Modules (1st - 4th semester)

  • Scientific work, research methodology and statistics
  • Theory and practice of sports
  • Fundamentals of biomechanics and movement science
  • Fundamentals of sports psychology
  • Fundamentals of exercise science
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Fundamentals in humanities and social science aspects of sports
  • Motor skills

Advanced Modules (4th - 6th semester)

  • Theory and practice of health sports
  • Clinical foundations of internal medicine and orthopedics/traumatology
  • Fundamentals of sports therapy and physiotherapy
  • Sports medicine and nutrition
  • Sports medicine examination procedures
  • Sports therapy for internal and orthopedic/traumatological indications
  • Assessment procedures in exercise science
  • Possibilities and limits of the musculoskeletal system

Practical training

The program includes two 4 and 5-week internships in the areas of rehabilitation and fitness sports.

Module Bachelor’s thesis (during the 6th semester)


Applications for German students can be made online via the application portal.

Further information and instructions for admission can be found on the Student Services website.

Admission Requirements

  • A general or relevant subject-specific university entrance qualification (e.g., High School diploma, A-Levels, etc.), a master craftsman's examination, or a university entrance qualification recognized as equivalent by law
  • Proof of a successfully completed sports aptitude test (the Examination Board is responsible for determining aptitude)
  • German lifeguard certification in bronze and a valid course in “emergency first aid” (it is also possible to obtain these certificates during the course of your studies, preferably by the second semester).


Subject Advisory Service

Portrait: Dr. Claudio Zippenfennig
Dr. Claudio Zippenfennig
Professorship of Human Locomotion

Chair of Examination Board

Portrait: Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger
Professorship of Social science of physical activity and health