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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health


The scientific questions and research activities of the Institute of Human Movement Science and Health focus on human movement - whether in sports, everyday activities, work activities, or in the therapeutic process and analyses of disease patterns. Movement and physical activity are described, analyzed, or evaluated as forms of intervention in the context of health promotion (alternatively: preventive or rehabilitative context) from both natural science and social science perspectives.

The research activities of the Institute of Human Movement Science and Health are strictly empirical. The institute has an excellent research infrastructure with modern movement science, biomechanical, sports medicine /sports physiological, and social science laboratories.

Main Research Areas


The professorship of Sports Medicine and Exercise Therapy deals with both theoretical and practical issues of physiological exposures of physical training in rehabilitation, health, and performance-orientated sports. Thereby, effects of exercise and training on biological adaptation processes in healthy, chronically ill, and disabled people of every age are examined.

Another Focus is the development of performance diagnostic methods in different scopes of application of sports and exercise, as well as the assessment of their transferability and relevance for prevention, therapy and rehabilitation, as well as for sportsmen in recreational sports, health, and performance-orientated sports practice.

The professorship of Human Locomotion is a center of excellence for research on the neurophysiological and biomechanical function of the human body under daily, clinical, and athletic loads. Basic research investigates the importance of sensory systems for human movement under clinical aspects.

Furthermore, research focuses on the interplay of genetics, environment, and lifestyle with respect to effects on the musculoskeletal system. The applied research is dedicated to developing and analyzing sports footwear, where the mechanical properties of the shoe and the effects of different construction methods on the musculoskeletal system are analyzed.

The professorship Social Science of Physical Activity and Health focuses on individual and social conditions of sports and exercise behavior, questions on the effectiveness and implementation of (physical activity-related) measures to promote health in different settings (e.g., community, nursing homes) and with different target groups (e.g., seniors, children and adolescents, people with immigration backgrounds).

The professorship Research Methodology and Data Analysis in Biomechanics conducts research on biomechanical, ergonomic and clinical issues in the context of human movement, the associated load and stress on the musculoskeletal system, and the effect of rehabilitation measures. The research work includes the development of assistance systems, the evaluation of the function and effect of orthoses, tools, sports equipment, and other aids, as well as the development of the necessary measurement methods and data analysis procedures.

Work Groups

In the group "Motor Function, Cognition and Neurophysiology", the main research focus is on motor function and cognition as an integrated system. Subsequently, the main topics include brain activity, movement coordination, balance control, asymmetries and senso-motor development in all phases of life.

In the group "Theory and Practice of Movement Fields", the focus is on practical execution, as well as the teaching and learning of movement. The spectrum ranges from classic individual sports and sports games, to a variety of outdoor activities in summer and winter, to offers in preventive and therapeutic areas. The courses combine empirically based theoretical foundations, the learning and practice of movement, and the teaching of methodological skills.

Current Publications

Einfluss aktivitätsbezogener und krankheitsspezifischer Selbstwirksamkeit auf das körperliche Aktivitätsverhalten von pneumologischen Patient:innenMüller, Katrin* et al.2024
International Women-in-Science Day at Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC): report of a meeting held in February 2024Germano, Andresa M. C. et al.2024
Prospektive randomisierte kontrollierte klinische Studie zur Wirksamkeit eines Eigentrainings mit der Digitalen Gesundheitsanwendung „Mawendo“ bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten der Patella (ICD-10-GM M22)Mayer, Tobias et al.2024
Unveiling invisible struggles: Diagnostik psychischer Begleitsymptomatik bei pneumologischen ErkrankungenMerleker, Johanna* et al.2024
Toward the professionalization of sponsorship management in voluntary sports clubs: a comprehensive analysis of components and their specificationsSchulz, Luc* et al.2024
Benefits and functionality of an interorganisational workplace health management network - insights from the companies' perspectiveHente, Luisa* & Schlesinger, Torsten2024
Subjective well-being of female football players in the German Women's Bundesliga and 2nd Women's Bundesliga with special consideration of educational statusEhnold, Peter* et al.2024
Steuerung Dualer Karrieren von Spitzensportler*innen in den Sportfördergruppen der Bundeswehr – Konzeption und empirische Befunde zu den aktuellen FörderstrukturenEhnold, Peter* et al.2024
What determines voting behavior to host the Olympic Games in the Rhine-Ruhr Area: A multilevel modelMenge, John* et al.2024
Live game attendance and the desire for (un)certain game outcomes in football: Evidence from the German 2. BundesligaMenge, John et al.2024