Application for a doctoral programme
If you would like to enrol as a doctoral-student at Chemnitz University of Technology, please apply for admission via our application portal. For the application, please have your previous educational certificates and the notice of admission to doctoral studies (provided by the Dean's Office/Doctoral Committee of the Faculty) ready. In addition, a written confirmation from your supervisor is required that you have the required language skills for your doctorate.
Application deadlines and admission to doctoral studies
You can apply for a doctoral programme at any time. Please contact the relevant doctoral committee to enrol on a doctoral programme. In order to enrol on a doctoral programme, you need to be admitted to doctoral studies. If this is not available at the time of enrolment, you can be enrolled for a limited period of one semester on the recommendation of the doctoral committee. In this case, you must provide proof of admission to doctoral studies by the end of the first semester. After this period has expired, you can only continue your enrolment after providing proof of admission to the doctorate.
Notification of admission
After your application documents have been checked by TU Chemnitz, you will receive an admission letter for doctoral programme studies containing further information.