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International Office

Across - Aiming for a European Education Area

The Chemnitz University of Technology is part of a consortium of eight European universities. Funded for three years by the German Academic Exchange Service with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the program "European University Networks - National Initiative" the project aims to develop " Across- European Cross-Border University". This transnational project represents a first step on the joint path towards a European University.

In addition to TUC, the consortium includes: University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Politechnika Białostocka (Poland), Universitatea din Craiova (Romania), Universitat de Girona (Spain), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (France), Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy) and Angel Kanchev University Russe (Bulgaria).

Key Goals of Across

Entrepreneurial and creative - Across members are dedicated to build up a European higher education alliance. Joint study programs, a uniform digitization strategy and open, responsive governance will facilitate the cooperating universities to create low-threshold mobility offers and thus make a significant contribution to the digitization and Europeanization of the higher education and educational landscape.


Thanks to their geographical location - in close proximity to borders - all cooperating partners are familiar with the requirements and challenges of a highly diverse and mobile student body. Learn more about Across and visit our website

Across Partner Universities




Portrait: Dr. Benny Liebold
Dr. Benny Liebold
(Geschäftsführer IUZ)
Portrait: Ariane Korn
Ariane Korn
(Projektkoordinatorin UNIVERS)