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University Computer Centre
University Computer Centre 

FAQ – Frequently asked Questions

Here you will find a brief overview of the most frequently asked questions about the services of the University Computer Centre. Your question is not included? Write to us at

The most relevant Information for Students

Digital Learning

User Account

On the account activation website students can activate their account themselves. For this, they need the information sheet on account activation that was sent to them by the student service together with their enrolment documents. The terms of use only have to be agreed to digitally, a signature is no longer necessary.

The data and resources for your user account (e.g. the mailbox) are managed by the IdM Portal. In the event of changes (e.g. relocation), please adjust your personal data via the SB-Service. This ensures your availability in case of doubt.

You can change your password in the IdM Portal. You should do this whenever you feel someone might know it or if you have accidentally entered it in another place than intended.

Please, send a request with the matriculation number to our helpdesk.

You'll have to come in person to the user service desk and present a photo document.

You see the current validity date of your user account in the IdM Portal. The date is adapted automatically, if you e. g. report back for next term.

Campus Network

The "eduroam" network is available to them at almost all German universities and many more worldwide. The configuration tool helps you to set up access.

For your dormitory internet connection, the Chemnitzer StudentenNetz (CSN) is responsible. You find the registration link directly on the website of the CSN.

There are offers at the Chemnitz University of Technology that require a connection within the campus netword, e.g. some research offers of the university's library. Use the VPN clients in this cases.


Yes, students can register for Office 365 Pro Plus and use the software for free.

The use requires a valid university login and is regularly checked. Currently, please write us an e-mail to , if you want to use the service.

On the Software@Home website you find a list of providers of special student licences. The purchase is made via the manufacturers and not via the URZ.


Every student gets an own e-mail address following the scheme firstname.lastname@sstudyyear.tu-chemnitz.de. Within your e-mail client (e.g. Thunderbird or Outlook) you can set the access for your e-mails yourself To have a fast look into your mailbox, you can use IMP-Webmail, which offers mailbox access via the web brwoser.

In IMP webmail, deleted mails do not disappear permamenty at first, but are displayed crossed out. How to delete them permanently, is described in our blog entry.

When leaving the university, all services are no longer accessible. In preparation you can leave an alternaive mail address in the POST-TUC service, which will be send together with an error document, if somebody tries to reach you by using ne no longer valid university address.

You may have accidentally set the address of the sender onto your exclusion list. Further information to this is described in a finden Sie in unserem blog entry for the OPAL example.


On the campus area, there are public Devices for Copying and Printing at several locations.

Printing jobs can be deleted by pressing the STOP button in the list of printers.

To be able to use the public printers, there has to be money on your personal PaperCut account. Recharging can be done via the TUC PaperCut-Shop as well as by using your TUC-Card on the EKS terminals in the refectory.

Computer pools On the pool website you can inform about the current situation.

The University Computer Centre cares for 12 computer pools at the different campus locations. The occupation of the rooms can be viewed on the website. Please, also pay attention to the notes on the room doors, so that you do not disturb any lectures.

Your TUC-Card is your key to the computer pools. Near the door you find a card reader. Access is only allowd for persons with a valid TUC card.

You need your TUC username and password for that.

To start the real Windows, which is offered in some pools, restart ist necessary. In all pool rooms, there is also virtual Windows available, which can be reached via a corresponding icon.


At public university computers in the pool rooms or in the library, you have access to your home directory. In Linux or Unix systems you reach it directly after you logged in. Using Windows, you can reach it in drive H:\. From home, you can use the browser and visit the Web File Manager to acccess data in your your home directory. Detailed information is offered on our website.

To share data with others (internally or externally), use the TUCcloud. There, also a collaboration in text, table oder presentation document is possible. The service is based on Collabora.

The most relevant Information for TUC Staff

Mobile Work, Digital Teaching

User Account

Accounts are normally issued to new employees in person upon presentation of your identification document at the user service desk of the URZ. In the current situation, it is best to discuss the individual procedure by e-mail to .

For the period of parental leave/maternity leave or leave of absence your account rests. If a further use for this period is wished, it has to be requested by form and has to be confirmed by a superior.


Yes, this is possible with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). In our blog entry we describe, what to do.


To interact with partners in different locations, you can use create conferences by telephone, video or web. We support you in case of questions.

Please, do not attach large documents on e-mails. At Chemnitz University of Technology, you can use the TUCcloud for this purpose, which is a sync-and-share service based on nextcloud.


Die Lehr- und Lernplattform OPAL der Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH bietet Ihnen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, um Kurse, Lerngruppen und Zugriffsberechtigungen zu verwalten, Aufgaben und Material bereitzustellen oder Bewertungen vorzunehmen. Am Universitätsrechenzentrum werden in regelmäßigen Abständen Schulungen zur Arbeit mit dem Werkzeug angeboten.


In Ihrem Benutzerkonto im IdM-Portal haben Sie die Möglichkeit, bis zu 4GB selbst zu erhöhen. In begründeten Ausnahmefällen können Sie per Mail an eine weitere Erhöhung beantragen.

In Ihrem Benutzerkonto im IdM-Portal haben Sie die Möglichkeit, bis zu 15 GB selbst zu erhöhen. Bitte sprechen Sie sich ggf. mit Ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen ab, um den Grundbedarf für Speicherdienste Ihrer Struktureinheit nicht zu überschreiten.

URZ Briefly Explained

1. The User Account

All employees and students of the TU Chemnitz have a user account in which the most important digital resources are managed.

to the Service

2. The OPAL Learning Platform (from BPS GmbH)

Courses can be provided and managed digitally in the central learning management system OPAL. The administration of participants and provision of various media is just as possible as test and examination scenarios.

to the Service

3. Printing at the TU Chemnitz

Public multifunctional devices for printing, copying and scanning can be found at all campus locations. What requirements must be made in order to use them and how do they work? Mia has tried it out.

to the Service

4. Access the campus network with VPN

The Virtual Private Network also enables secure external access to content that is only available on the campus network. The solution recommended by the URZ is eduVPN.

to the Service

6. Videocampus Sachsen

Employees can make video and audio files available to the public or with restricted access via the joint video platform of Saxon universities and colleges. Embedding in OPAL or on websites is also possible.

to the Service

7. E-Mail

All employees and students at Chemnitz University of Technology receive their own e-mail address. The mailbox can be conveniently accessed via webmail in the browser, but can also be set up in any mail client.

to the Service

8. Phishing

Unfortunately, there are often attempts to gain access to sensitive data of users of the Chemnitz University of Technology via fake emails and websites. There are a few signs to identify such fraud attempts. If you're in doubt, the URZ support team will be happy to help.

to the Service

9. TUCcloud

With the in-house cloud, data at the TU Chemnitz can be shared both internally and externally as well as edited collaboratively.

to the Service

11. Computer Pools

The URZ maintains 10 computer pools at the various campus locations. With a broad software portfolio, they are available free of charge for teaching purposes, but also for independent student work.

to the Service

12. Multi-Factor-Authentication

For more security, an additional factor is used for logging in to the Chemnitz University of Technology Web Trust Centre from outside the campus. With an authenticator app the corresponding code can be generated.

to the Service