Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology
Increasing demands on precision and process reliability at the production of parts are a current challenge in different branches of industry.
The Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technische Universität Chemnitz investigates process chains, technologies and tools for the production of precision and micro parts. Fields of application of these components are the automotive sector and its suppliers, the mechanical engineering industry, as well as the medical technology, the sensor technology, and the electronics industry.
The development of the micro and precision manufacturing technologies is done under following aspects:
- flexible, reliable and economic manufacturing technology from prototype to volume production
- energy- and resource-efficient design of processes and process chains
- enlargement of machinable material spectrum for micro and precision components
- functional design and evaluation of micro-structured surfaces
- tool development and production for machining, erosive and forming micro and precision manufacturing technologies.
The Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology News
Für eine bessere Erforschung von Universum und Materie
Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der TU Chemnitz entwickelt umweltfreundlicheres Polierverfahren für Teilchenbeschleuniger
Präzise und verschleißfreie Fertigung von Komponenten für Elektromotoren
Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der TU Chemnitz schließt erfolgreich Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung hocheffizienter Prozesse für die Präzisionsfertigung von Permanentmagneten für Elektroantriebe ab
Forscher der TU Chemnitz für Simulationsarbeiten zur Aluminiumabscheidung auf internationaler Konferenz ausgezeichnet
Sascha Loebel, Dr. Philipp Steinert und Prof. Dr. Andreas Schubert von der Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der TU Chemnitz erhielten Best Paper Award der COMSOL Conference 2023
TU entwickelt besseres Polierverfahren für die Metallbearbeitung
Maschinenbauer der TU Chemnitz mit Best Paper Award der COMSOL Conference 2018 ausgezeichnet
The kick-off meeting of the bilateral BMBF project »Jet-PeP« of the funding program German-Israeli Cooperation in Applied Nanotechnology took place from 26th of March 2018 until 27th of March 2018 at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Excellent paper award at 18. CIRP Conference on Electro and Physical Machining (ISEM XVIII)
The EU-Project THERMACO is represented at the EuroNanoForum 2015.
Best Poster Award for the Professorship Micromanufacturing Technologies!
The Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology presented results of the EU-project »Thermaco« as well as of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio 39 »PT-PIESA« on the international nanoManufacturing conference 2014 - nanoMan in Bremen.
- On 01.07.2014 a guest lecture by Prof. Etsion on the subject saving energy by laser surface structuring takes place.
Chemnitzer Mikrofertigungstechniker erreichten das Finale des Sächsischen Umweltpreises 2019