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Chemnitz University of Technology Hosted the Network Meeting of the Renowned Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

129 young researchers from 36 countries met at Chemnitz University of Technology and learned about the research conditions on site

From February 8 to 10, 2023, the network meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), a non-profit organization funded by the Federal Republic of Germany, took place at Chemnitz University of Technology. A total of 129 international research fellows from 36 countries currently residing in Germany were in attendance.     

The aim of the network meeting was to exchange experiences across disciplines and national borders, to explore cooperation opportunities and to visit laboratories and research facilities at Chemnitz University of Technology. In addition, the AvH guests also visited the Chemnitz University Library (UB).

"The university is way ahead in internationalization"

The participants were welcomed by Dr. Benny Liebold, head of the International Office at Chemnitz University of Technology, and Dr. Steffen Mehlich, head of the AvH's Funding and Network Department. "It is a great feeling to welcome such a large group of excellent young researchers to Chemnitz University of Technology. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation makes a significant contribution to promoting young talent, which also enriches some research groups at Chemnitz University of Technology," said Dr. Benny Liebold. 

"Chemnitz University of Technology has pleasantly surprised our nearly 130 foreign scholarship holders from 36 countries, hardly anyone knew the city before. Lectures and laboratory visits have provided insights into innovative research topics as well as structures, which can obviously emerge faster here than elsewhere. It was the extremely welcoming atmosphere that everyone found pleasant. The university is at the forefront of internationalization - foreign students make up more than 30 percent of the student body, compared to just half that figure in Germany," says Dr. Steffen Mehlich.

Even before the official start of the network meeting, representatives of Chemnitz University of Technology and the AvH had come together at the "Host Round Table" to exchange experiences in the field of internationalization in the "Alten Heizhaus" at the Straße der Nationen campus. Among others, Dr. Steffen Mehlich from the AvH participated in the discussion. From Chemnitz University of Technology, the following participated: Prof. Dr. Teresa Pinheiro, head of the Professorship of Cultural and Social Change, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lampke, head of the Professorship of Materials and Surface Engineering, Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn, head of the Professorship of Semiconductor Physics, Prof. Dr. Martin Stoll, head of the Professorship of Scientific Computing, and Prof. Dr. Josef Schmied, former head of the Professorship of English Language and Linguistics.

Getting to know different research areas at Chemnitz University of Technology

The research areas visited included laboratories and workplaces of the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Computer Science and the Institute of Physics. These areas were presented by Prof. Dr. Martina Hentschel, head of the Professorship of Theoretical Physics of Complex Dynamic Systems at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Insights into the research area of engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering were provided by Prof. Dr. Martin Wagner, head of the Professorship of Materials Engineering.

The research focus of the Institute of Chemistry was presented by Prof. Dr. Robert Kretschmer, head of the Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry, and Prof. Dr. Martin Breugst, head of the Professorship of Theoretical Organic Chemistry. The research focus "Applied Physics" also included a tour of the laboratories of the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) at Chemnitz University of Technology. Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn guided the visitors through the laboratories.

The Institute of German and Communication Studies at Chemnitz University of Technology was presented by Dr. Martin Siefkes, research assistant at the Professorship of German Linguistics (Head: Prof. Dr. Ellen Fricke). The AvH guests also visited the Institute of European Studies and History. Besides Prof. Dr. Teresa Pinheiro, who led the visit, the guests were welcomed by the director of the institute, Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedobitek, head of the Professorship of European Integration with a focus on European Administration at Chemnitz University of Technology. Other representatives of the professorships gave the new Humboldtians exciting insights into their research areas.

In addition, the Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz and the Klinikum Chemnitz, two external institutions, were involved as hosts for an exchange in the research area "Life Sciences".

Background: Network meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation maintains a network of over 30,000 top international researchers and awards the Humboldt Professorship, one of the most highly endowed research prizes in the Federal Republic. In addition, the members of the Humboldt Network regularly include Nobel laureates. The AvH receives annual funding, particularly from the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in the hundreds of millions. As part of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, the AvH also supports scholars at risk.

The AvH regularly organizes network meetings at different university locations for international research fellows who have recently arrived in Germany. The aim of this format is, in particular, the exchange and networking of participants amongst themselves, the presentation of a university location in the AvH network, the contact between  research fellows and AvH employees as well as the presentation of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's goals and tasks to the host institution.

(Article: Matthias Fejes & Katharina Wohlgemuth / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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