Information about our course programme
1. Goals of foreign language training.
Our course programmes for foreign language training at the Foreign Language Centre are oriented towards future graduates’ professional requirements. Thus, most of our foreign language courses are designed as an integral part of the study and examination regulations in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes at Chemnitz University of Technology and run parallel to other courses during the semester.
The language training contents are designed in such a way that there is an overarching academic and career orientation, with integrated self-study phases for in-depth study of subject-specific language texts and content. In addition to developing the necessary receptive and productive language skills, we also attach importance to raising awareness in the area of intercultural communication and include this aspect intensively in our language courses. In terms of structure and content, we are guided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
2. Participation options and target groups
Our language courses are usually offered during the semester tuition period, running parallel to major subjects, and are designed to be completed within one semester. Students or employees with previous knowledge can take part in a placement test or be integrated into the course programme according to their language level after consultation with the teacher.
Our language courses can be taken
- as standard modules within the framework of compulsory or elective areas of degree programmes,
- as optional modules within the framework of the Studium Generale, or
- as voluntary language courses open to students or employees.
The courses are assessed and participants may obtain a course certificate documenting the result.
In addition, students and employees may take part in our language certificate programme, which stretches over a number of modules, upon completion of which participants’ linguistic and intercultural competences are examined and certified by the TU Chemnitz for various languages and language competence levels. Successful participants will receive the TUC language certificate.
Please note that our courses are not open to guest students.
3. Foreign languages offered
The course programme is offered in the language competence levels A1 to C1 of the CEFR for the following languages: (Link to all languages offered at the FLC):
- Arabic
- Chinese
- German as a Foreign Language A1-A2 | German as a Foreign Language B1 bis C1
- Englisch for all Faculties | Business English
- French
- Italian
- Latin
- Polish
- Russian
- Spanish
- Czech
In addition to the curricular foreign language courses, we also offer English conversation classes, taster courses in Ukrainian as well as courses in German academic writing.
4. Specialisation options
In all curricular courses, the four language skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking – are developed in parallel. Certain modules nevertheless concentrate on developing specific skills. At the same time, especially in courses at levels B1, B2 and C1 (CEFR), we aim to provide a mix of general, academic and vocational language. This is done through the practice of communication tasks in situations derived from the requirements of professional and academic practice.
The following specialisations are available:
- English (engineering/natural science/social science/humanities orientations): targeted towards language competence levels B2 and C1 (CEFR)
- German as a foreign language (oral and written professional communication): Orientation towards language competence level C1 (CEFR)