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Language Certificates

Issuance of Records and TUC Language Certificates

icon certificate

Important Info

Enquiry about issuing and collecting language certificates at the FLC

The grades and examination results for your language courses can be viewed in OPAL after the courses have been completed. The test results for all language courses are sent directly from the Foreign Language Centre ​​to the Central Examination Office.

Printed language certificates are ONLYprovided upon request. In this regard, please send us an e-mail to
anfragen-scheinausgabe@sz.tu-chemnitz.de and tell us:
  • the course(s) you have completed incl. three-digit course number (e.g. 101)
  • the name(s) of the teacher(s)
  • the semester(s) in which you passed the course(s) (e.g. summer semester 2023)
  • your date of birth
Without this information we cannot process your enquiry!

Contact and opening times


Reichenhainer Strasse 70,
Ground floor WK84 (C25.U84)
0371 531-29697
Studentische Hilfskräfte:
Daniela Valentin, Caroline Arnold

Opening times

11:00 am to 12:30 pm
01:00 pm to 02:30 pm

Further appointments upon request.

Any changes in opening hours are posted at short notice.




Records and Certificates to be issued

The Foreign Language Centre offers the following documents:
  1. Records of Achievement: in German and / or English including the marks achieved in the individual language courses for Arabic, Business English (BE), Chinese, Czech, English for all Faculties (EfaF), French, German as a Foreign Language (DaF), Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish
  2. Language Certificates: Foreign-Language Certificate or Subject-Specific Certificate in German and / or English according to the certificate regulations including marks for Czech, English, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish
  3. Overview of courses attended: in German and / or English including the marks achieved in the individual Business-English courses
  4. Certification of Language Level: record of language level according to CEFR in German and English without marks for all languages; attendance of a language course is a prerequisite