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Feedback | Quality Management

Chemnitz University of Technology provides a number of counselling and complaints offices (data protection, equality, etc.), which may be contacted in various ways to report problems and questions. If such issues can be processed at their level, please use this link to contact the relevant representatives of Chemnitz University of Technology.

The Foreign Language Centre (FLC) is a central institution of Chemnitz University of Technology. The aim of our work is to fulfil our responsibilities towards students, staff and all members of the university to the highest possible standards.

If you should have problems or ambiguities with our language teaching, we will try to clear them up in direct conversation and find acceptable and practicable solutions for all parties involved – usually students and teaching staff. If this does not lead to an agreement, we recommend contacting the subject co-ordinators responsible for the languages concerned:

Sprache E-Mail-Adresse
Business English
German as a foreign language
English for all faculties
Slavic languages

If a mutually satisfactory solution cannot be found at this level, those involved may contact the FLC Quality Management:



All concerns will be handled in a highly confidential manner. The ZFS management will co-ordinate the processing and resolution of the problem as it progresses and will check on the effectiveness of the agreed measures.

Your ZFS team: