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Foreign Language Centre

English for alle Faculties (Efaf)

Course Description

Level B2

Participants of Courses 1 and 2 acquire and consolidate their sound lexical and grammatical knowledge, and thus are able to cope with the most common every-day life, study-related as well as professional communication situations in an appropriate manner. They are able to complete successfully an internship or an exchange studies programme in an English-speaking environment. Special attention is paid to subject-specific language training within the framework of a Reading Project (Course 2).

Participating regularly in Course 2 and meeting all other requirements are prerequisites for acquiring the B2 Subject-Specific Language Certificate (please see Certificate Regulations of the Language Centre).

  • Previous knowledge of the English language (A-levels as a rule)
Course Materials:
  • Study-Related Standard Situations (Course File 30)
  • Grammar Appendix (Course File 33)
  • Course 1 Certificate
Course Materials:
  • English for Specific Purposes for Students of Science & Engineering (Course File 31)
  • English for Specific Purposes for Students of the Humanities (Course File 32)
  • Grammar Appendix (Course File 33)

Level C1

Courses 3 to 5 as well as a) to d) aim at enabling participants to act confidently and appropriately in many different communication situations using a wide variety of language skills. They have acquired a sound intercultural knowledge and are able to successfully meet all requirements in academic as well as professional contexts at conferences and workshops at home and abroad. They can complete complex academic as well as professional tasks (giving subject-specific presentations, leading discussions) and are able to express themselves in a confident manner in written form (different text types especially in everyday professional contexts).

Participating regularly in Course 4 and meeting all other requirements are prerequisites for acquiring the C1 Subject-Specific Language Certificate (please see Certificate Regulations of the Language Centre).

  • Course 1 and 2 Certificates or Placement Test (qualified recommendation)
Course Materials:
  • Advanced English in Job-Related Situations (Course File 34)
  • Course 1 and 2 Certificates or Placement Test (qualified recommendation)
Course Materials:
  • Academic and Professional Written and Oral Skills for Students of the Humanities
  • Academic and Professional Written and Oral Skills for Students of Science & Engineering
  • Please contact your instructor as different materials will be used.
  • Course 1 and 2 Certificates or Placement Test(qualified recommendation)
Course Materials:
  • Subject-Specific Reading
  • Please contact your instructor as different materials will be used.

Aktuelles Semesterprogramm

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)

Beschreibungen der Sprachmodule

Modul PDF Stand
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation I (Niveau B2) English I 09.12.2016
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation II (Niveau B2) English II 09.12.2016
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation IIa (Niveau B2) English IIa 03.04.2019
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation III (Niveau C1) English III 09.12.2016
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation IV (Niveau C1) English IV 09.12.2016
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation V (Niveau C1) English V 09.12.2016
Englisch in Studien- und Fachkommunikation VI (Niveau C1) English VI 09.12.2016


Portrait: Petra Naumann, Dipl.-Sprm.
Petra Naumann, Dipl.-Sprm.
Coordinator English for all Faculties
  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-32949
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
  • Room:
    C25.U03 (prev. 2/WK03)