Level A1 - B1
Courses 1 to 4 are offered to students from all faculties with participants from the degree programmes of European Studies / Intercultural Communication / M.A. European Integration being given preference over other candidates such as retakers or students attending two courses in one semester.
The courses aim at enabling students to acquire the standard pronunciation and correct intonation of the Polish language as well as basic lexical and grammatical content and to use written and oral communication skills in relevant and selected situations from everyday life and professional situations on a basic level. In order to achieve these goals, all communicative skills (listening and reading comprehension, writing and speaking as well as oral interaction) are practised throughout the entire programme, and elementary national and cultural aspects of Poland are dealt with.
Regular participation in Course 4 and successful oral and written exams are prerequisites for acquiring the B1 Foreign-Language Certificate (please see Certificate Regulations of the Language Centre).
The languages used in class are German and Polish. A sufficient level of German is required for the participation in these courses.
- none (for beginners without any prior knowledge)
Course Materials:
- Razem neu A1 -A2, textbook including CDs, Publisher: Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-12-528641-2, chapters 1-7)
- Razem neu A1 - A2, exercise book , Publisher: Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-12-528642-9, chapters 1-7)
- supplementary materials (OPAL)
- dictionary
- grammar review
- Course 1 Certificate
Course Materials:
- Razem neu A1 -A2, textbook including CDs, Publisher: Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-12-528641-2, chapters 8-14)
- Razem new A1 - A2, exercise book, Publisher: Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-12-528642-9, chapters 8-14)
- supplementary materials (OPAL)
- dictionary
- grammar review
- Course 2 Certificate
Course Materials:
- Razem neu A1 -A2, textbook including CDs, Publisher: Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-12-528641-2, chapters 15-18)
- Razem neu A1 - A2, exercise book, Publisher: Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-12-528642-9, chapters 15-18)
- supplementary materials (OPAL)
- dictionary
- grammar review
- Course 3 Certificate
Course Materials:
- Hurra! Po polsku 3, A. Burkat, A. Jasińska, Podręcznik studenta, student textbook, Publisher: Prolog Verlag (ISBN: 978-83-60229-28-6, selected chapters)
- Hurra! Po polsku 3, A. Burkat, A. Jasińska, Zeszyt ćwiczeń, exercise book, Publisher: Prolog Verlag (ISBN: 978-83-60229-29-3, selected chapters)
- supplementary materials (OPAL)
- individual assignments
- dictionary
- grammar review
Level B2
The level 2 courses are offered to students from all faculties. Participants of courses 5 and 6 acquire and consolidate a good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, thus, enabling them to communicate in situations from everyday life as well as in professional and academic situations. They can cope in a Polish-speaking environment while successfully completing an internship or an exchange studies programme.
Regular participation in Course 6 and successful oral and written exams are prerequisites for acquiring the B2 Foreign-Language Certificate (please see Certificate Regulations of the Language Centre).
- Course 4 Certificate
Course Materials:
- Hurra! Po polsku 3, A. Burkat, A. Jasińska, Podręcznik studenta (student textbook), Publisher: Prolog Verlag (ISBN: 978-83-60229-28-6, selected chapters)
- Hurra! Po polsku 3, A. Burkat, A. Jasińska, Zeszyt ćwiczeń (exercise book), Publisher: Prolog Verlag (ISBN: 978-83-60229-29-3, selected chapters)
- individual assignments
- supplementary materials (OPAL)
- dictionary
- grammar review
- Course 5 Certificate
Course Materials:
- course file and supplementary materials
- individual assignments
- dictionary
- grammar review
Aktuelles Semesterprogramm
Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis wird momentan überarbeitet. (Freischaltung 03.03.2025 00:00 Uhr)
Beschreibungen der Sprachmodule
Modul | Stand | |
Polnisch Modul 1 | Polish 1 | 05.10.2018 |
Polnisch Modul 2 | Polish 2 | 05.10.2018 |
Polnisch Modul 3 | Polish 3 | 05.10.2018 |
Polnisch Modul 4 | Polish 4 | 05.10.2018 |
Polnisch Modul 5 | Polish 5 | 05.10.2018 |
Polnisch Modul 6 | Polish 6 | 05.10.2018 |

Phone:+49 371 531-39737
Address:Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
Room:C25.U05 (prev. 2/WK05)