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Examinations at the Foreign Language Centre

1. General

Examinations are held at the end of the language courses.  The results of such assessments and the credits earned will be added to relevant degree programme records. Successful participants may also apply for documentation of this achievement as a course certificate.

The examination regulations are laid down in the examination regulations of the respective degree programmes.

For examinations within the framework of the studium generale or voluntary course participation, our university framework examination regulations and the corresponding module descriptions apply.

The FLC Commission is responsible for the organisation of the examinations and their proper conduct.

2. Organisational regulations for the examination procedure

Examinations are held within a certain period each semester, usually in the last and/or penultimate week of lectures, in Business English also during the examination period.

Students must register for examinations via the Central Examination Office (ZPA). Erasmus students, part-time students and staff members who would like to take an examination must contact the teacher of their language course or the coordinators of the foreign language.

Written Examinations (written tests)

Examinations are taken under invigilation. The duration  of each examination is specified in the respective module descriptions. Permissible aids will be announced in good time before the examination date.

The procedures and participation for each examination will be documented in a  written record.

Oral examinations

Oral examinations may take place as individual or group examinations. The duration of the examination is specified in the respective module descriptions. The oral examination is usually conducted by an examiner in the presence of an assessor. A written record of the oral examination will be made.

The written record of the examination shall be signed by the examiner and the assessor. It shall be kept for at least 5 years.

The assessment of the examination performance is determined by the respective examiner(s) and communicated to the candidate immediately after completion of the examination or at least within four weeks after the examination has taken place.

3. Admission requirements

Icon zu Zulassungsvoraussetzungen

The requirements for admission to an examination are specified in the respective module descriptions of the compulsory language training.

The FLC Commission will decide on the possible recognition of certificates of achievement from other universities or educational institutions (certificate of equivalence), unless the applicable degree programme examination regulations stipulate otherwise.

4. Compensation for disadvantages (special examination arrangements)

Icon zum Nachteilsausgleich

The purpose of disadvantage compensation is to ensure that students with a disability or chronic illness can perform equally in their studies and examinations. The application for special examination arrangements is to be made as early as possible, at the latest when registering for the examination, by using the corresponding application form. A late application can lead to examinations having to be taken without special arrangements because the examination board was no longer able to process the application.

You can find more information on compensation for disadvantages and on how to apply for it under this link (only available in German).

5. Viewing of written tests and examinations

You have the possibility to view your written exam / written test for the past semester after it has been corrected and evaluated. To do so, please submit an informal written request to the FLC Commission at the e-mail address unter der E-Mail-Adresse on or before the start of the new semester’s lecture period, stating the following data:

  • Your name
  • Matriculation number
  • Course name
  • Number of the course according to OPAL
  • Name of the teacher
  • Course times

Applications with incomplete information cannot be considered.  The coordinators of the language concerned will invite applicants to a central appointment to view their papers, which will take place within approx. five weeks after the start of the following semester.

The general rules of examination inspection apply, which the invigilator will explain at the time of the inspection.