Building partly on the Center for Sensing and Cognition, the Center for Humans and Technology (MeTech) was established at Chemnitz University of Technology in January 2023. Consequently, this page is not updated anymore.
CRC 1410 - Hybrid SocietiesHumans Interacting with Embodied TechnologiesCollaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich - SFB) involving many of the CeSeCo members and funded by the German Research Foundation. more information |
Connectionist Models of frequency and time estimationa joint project of the research groups Research Methods and Evaluation and Artificial Intelligence more information |
OptoGenTechimplantierbare optogenetische Mikrostimulationa joint project of the group Experimental Sensor Science , the Center for Microtechnologies, der University Medical Center Göttingen and the Photonikinkubator Göttingen funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
MANUACTHands and Objects in Language, Culture, and Technology: Manual Actions at Workplaces between Robotics, Gesture, and Product Designa joint project of the research groups German Linguistics and Ergonomics and Innovation Management as well as external partners funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
MOVA3Da joint project of the research groups Digital Signal Processing and Circuit Technology and Ergonomics and Innovation Management as well as external partners funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
ComfyDrivea joint project of the research groups Ergonomics and Innovation Management , Cognitive and Engineering Psychology, Communications Engineering as well as external partners funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Socially Acting, Cognitive Systemsa joint research group by Artificial Intelligence, Computational Physics, Cognitive and Engineering Psychology and Computergraphics and Visualization funded by the ESF |
Behaviour in Spacea project of the Department of General Psychology and Biopsychology in collaboration with the Institute of Physics |
See it, Hear it, Feel it: Human Exploration of Nanomechanical Surface Propertiesa joint project of the Chemical Physics Group and the Cognitive Systems Lab funded by the Volkswagen Foundation |
Multistable perception across modalitiesa joint project by the Cognitive Systems Lab and the Physics of Cognition Group, funded by the German Research Foundation. |