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Robotics and Human Machine Interaction
Advanced Robotics
Robotics and Human Machine Interaction 

Advanced Robotics / Deep Learning for Robotics

Organizational issues

Term: summer semester (2/1/0/4)
Requirements: Fundamentals of robotics
Exam: oral
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Thomas
Sign up Deep Learning for Robotics: >>> OPAL
Sign up Lab: >>> OPAL
Timetable: Link to the timetable of the TU
Practical course

In the practical part of the course, students learn about and apply different reinforcement learning methods in several experiments. At the end of the practical course, a robot manipulation task is solved using these methods.


The content of the lectures will be robot learning, locomotion and intelligent systems. It is a one semester course combined with practical course work. The focus is on learning algorithms for robotics.


  • Machine Learning for robotics
  • Bayes Filters in robotics
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Learning how to graps
  • Learning how to walk