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Robotics and Human Machine Interaction
Robotics and Human Machine Interaction 


The professorial chair offers these lectures and seminars. Unless stated otherwise, the lectures will mostly be in German.

Attentions for Students studying Master Microtechnic/ Mechatronic:

From winter semester 2019/2020, the new study regulations for the Master Microtechnology/Mechatronics no longer include the subject of robot control. We have been asked which possibilities there are for students of this field of study if they are interested in robot control. Unfortunately there is only the possibility to change the course of studies. In the winter semester 2019/2020 you can change to the study course Master Energy and Automation Engineering. Then the subject robot control is obligatory. In the course of studies Microtechnology/Mechatronics there is unfortunately no possibility to receive "credits" for the subject Robot Control as of the winter semester 2019, as it has been removed from the examination regulations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Courses held by the chair lecture excercise practical application seminar others credits
Winter term  
Introduction to Robotics A/B 2 1 2 (A)     6(A) 4(B)
Robot Control A/B 2 1 1 (A)     6(A) 4(B)
Introduction to Mobile Robotics 2 1       4
Seminar of robotics and human-machine-interaction       2 4 7
Summer term  
Robot Vision A/B 2 1 2 (A)     7(A) 4(B)
Advanced Robotics 2 2       5*
Praktikum zu Advanced Robotics     4 1   5*
Seminar Robotik und Mensch-Technik-interaktion       2 4 7