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Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability
Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability 



In Chemnitz, cycling is not yet widespread in everyday life: less than 10 per cent of all journeys are made by bike. This also includes the choice of transport for journeys to school. At the same time, cycling has the potential to become a supporting pillar in the environmental network and is particularly relevant for the nahmobile development and routes of medium length between 5 km and 10 km. The project "RADerFAHREN - Etablierung einer öffentlichen Rad-Kultur durch zielgruppenorientierte Befähigung zu einer intensiveren Fahrradnutzung im Alltag" (Cycling - Establishing a public cycling culture through target-group-oriented empowerment for more intensive cycling in everyday life) aims to address the use of bicycles in everyday school life by schoolchildren and to motivate the target group's choice of transport mode in favour of cycling. The project focuses in particular on the training of mobility skills. The time of transition from primary school to secondary school is a key moment in terms of mobility. In this context, the project RADerFAHREN addresses mobility (education) and traffic education as part of the environmental education of children at the age of about 10 years, as well as their parents and teachers at secondary schools. The overarching goal of RADerFAHREN is to increase the mobility skills of children (narrower target group) and their parents and teachers (broader target group) in cycling, to strengthen the bicycle as a mobility alternative in everyday life and ultimately to increase the proportion of pupils who cycle. Furthermore, the children should also act as multipliers in their individual social environment. The RADerFAHREN project is intended to strengthen intermodal mobility management in Chemnitz and make an effective and multi-layered contribution to the implementation of the NRVP. The funding from the federal budget is provided in accordance with the Directive on the Funding of Non-investment Measures for the Implementation of the National Cycling Plan of 1 September 2017.

Further information: Nationaler Radverkehrsplan

Project period: 01.10.2020 to 08.07.2024

The project "RADerFAHREN" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan.


Contact: Dr. Katja Beyer & Juliane Weidenhagen & Prof. Dr. Marlen Arnold


- Projekt "RADerFAHREN" geht an den Start

- Praktische Tipps für die schulische Radverkehrsausbildung

- Online-Umfrage zum Fahrradklima in Chemnitz ist gestartet

- Wie stellen wir uns die Mobilität von morgen vor?

- Die BIKE Bande - Der Mini-Comic aus Chemnitz: "Auf zwei Rädern durch die Freizeit" (Ausgabe 1/2021 - offizielle Pressemitteilung "Premiere für Mini-Comic zum Fahrradfahren in und um Chemnitz")

- Die BIKE Bande - Der Mini-Comic aus Chemnitz: "Auf zwei Rädern zur Schule und zurück" (Ausgabe 2/2021 - offizielle Pressemitteilung "Die BIKE Bande“ gibt nützliche Tipps zur Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr")