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University Computer Centre
Requirements for web authors

Requirements for web authors

This page intends to provide guidance to potential departmental webadmins as well as to those responsible for hiring student or research assistants to maintain their websites.

Since webadmin activities usually begin with the assignment of far-reaching rights for directories readable by the web server (in AFS), this checklist is also very important from a security perspective.



  • profound knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP
  • media literacy, knowledge of media design: dealing with graphics, design specifications, etc.
  • good spelling and grammar (if necessary also for web pages in another language)
  • willingness to read documentation (e. g. URZ help pages) and to document one's own work
  • competence to send support requests with meaningful information to


Necessities at the beginning and the end of an employment

If webadmins are new to an assignment

  • Grant necessary permissions in AFS with appropriate responsibility instructions.
  • Allow sufficient training time to become familiar with the existing content and the style of the previous staff.
  • Provide appropriate materials (consultation) for content that needs to be changed or added.

If webadmins resign from the position or from TU

  • AFS access rights must be revoked.
  • Database passwords and the like may need to be changed.
  • Have a documentation handed over, especially for web applications, so that the successor can familiarize himself/herself quickly.