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University Computer Centre
Corporate Design
University Computer Centre 

Corporate Design for websites

Screenshot of the HSW faculty website

As part of the further development of the TU Chemnitz Corporate Design, the online presence was redesigned in 2014 (see Presidential Newsletter 08/2013).

The design is carried out by the Press Office and Crossmedia Communications team, the technical implementation is the responsibility of the University Computer Centre. The faculties, institutes, professorships, central facilities, projects, etc. themselves are responsible for creating and updating the content. The URZ is happy to advise all web authors and offers courses and workshops on this topic as well.



For the implementation of the corporate design for websites on the central web servers and on own (virtual) servers we recommend the use of the authoring and layout system TUCAL.

TUC-Template for Django

This Django app allows the use of the corporate design of the TU Chemnitz with the Django template system. For this purpose, a basic template for own Django pages as well as a customized template for contents of the admin pages are provided.