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Open Access at TU Chemnitz


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Open Access at Chemnitz University of Technology

Open Access Milestones at Chemnitz University of Technology


Online Publication Service

Adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology are provided with the opportunity to publish their elaborations electronically on the publication server MONARCH.


Open Access University Press

The University Press is founded. Publications are released in a hybrid way in the book trade as well as online as Open Access edition.


Assistance and consultation

Die Universitätsbibliothek erweitert den Beratungsservice zum Open-­Access-­Publizieren.


Open Library Badge 2016 (German)

As third library in Germany, the University Library was awarded with the Open Library Badge for its commitment to more openness in science and society.

ab 2019

Transformation agreements with regard to Open Access

The University Library signs several agreements with publishers for the transformation of costs emerging from subscription agreements to publication-based payment with Open Access component.


Research Transparency Statement

The Coordination Team of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences adopts a Research Transparency Statement.


Open Access Policy of Chemnitz University of Technology (German)

The President of Chemnitz University of Technology releases the Circular Letter 02/2006, dated 09.03.2006, regarding the promotion of Open Access as alternative publication manner at Chemnitz University of Technology.


Open Journal System

The University Library hosts now the Open Journal System Software (OJS) for the administration and management of self-edited serial publications of Chemnitz University of Technology.


Open Access-Publication-Fund

Chemnitz University of Technology funds for the first time jointly with the German Research Foundation the publications of its scholars within Open Access journals.


Open Access Policy of Chemnitz University Library (German)

The University Library releases its proper Open Access Policy and confirms to be an open library. Thus, it serves as role model and promoter at the same time.


Open Library Badge 2020 (German)

The University Library complies to 11 from 15 criteria for more openness in science and society and, subsequent to an assessment, is awarded again with the Open Library Badge.