
(Legal) Regulations
The University Library does not offer legal consultation with regard to Open Access and copyright issues but provides solely non-binding information and assistance for a better understanding of legal aspects of Open Access. Thus, all information is provided without liability on accuracy and integrity.
During academic Open Access-publishing, different legal questions may emerge, for example regarding rights of authors, rights of publishers or rights of the society related to the research results to be published..

Embedding of external provider's content
The display of embedded external content of the platform YouTube on the website of Chemnitz University of Technology and therefore the connection to the external server of the platform provider requires your consent before. First when you have given your consent for this provider (personal) data will be transmitted to the external server operator so that the content display can take place. The operator may be located in a non-European country.
With submitting the button you agree formally and voluntarily that you personal data as described in the Data Protection Policy with its there specified purposes will be processed for embedding of external content on the website of Chemnitz University of Technology. Your consent can be revoked separately or as a whole at any time without undue disadvantages for the future.
This video is part of the six-part online course "Open Science: From Data to Publications". It is an offer from the Open Science Team of the Communication, Information and Media Center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz. The course is dedicated to students and scientists in all subjects.
External information source: Legal issues (information platform