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Secondary publication


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Open Access - Secondary publication

Secondary Publications

Declaration of rights

Information regarding policies of the different publisher and respective journals are provided by the database SHERPA/RoMEO of Jisc. Within the category “Publisher Policy”, Open Access rights are displayed according to the status of the article (submitted, accepted, published). The record contains the requirements for secondary publication, information concerning potential embargos and conditions such as “Must link to publisher version”.

By example of the journal “Nature”, which may be found by simple search as title or via ISSN, the structure and the meaning of the icons are easily comprehensible. Within the category “Help” video tutorials and user guides are provided. The tab “About” leads to detailed information about the database.

In the case you have already published in a journal, we would be delighted to assist you to archive your article in an openly accessible way. Please get in touch with us.

Secondary publication as pre- or postprint

Preprint designates a manuscript which was not assessed yet.

Postprint designates a publication already assessed and approved. It may be identical with the publisher version (publisher version, version of record) or differ from formatting (author’s manuscript).

Some publisher provide own preprint-server for publishing, e.g.:

Subject-specific preprint-servers are:

For searching for current preprints related to COVID-19, the preprint viewer of Preprint Viewer of ZB MED may be used.

Finding relevant publications

Dissemin is a tool for finding publications which are not yet openly accessible but may be provided on the Green Way of Open Access.

By a color code, Golden and Green Open Access-publications are marked which are already openly accessible. Blue publications are appropriate for Open Access-publishing according to the valid regulations of the publisher. By an ORCID, the Upload into one of the following repositories is immediately possible:

  • HAL - Open Access-repository for all current and former adherents and members of Darmstadt University of Technology
  • Zenodo - repository of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

We recommend you to contact the Open Science Team regard to archiving within the publication system MONARCH-Qucosa of Chemnitz University of Technology.

External information sources