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Publication costs
University Library 


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Publication costs

In order to assure the transparency of its funding, the University Library provides publically the publication costs paid within the international data set Open APC.

It includes data sets regarding:

The filter Hybrid FALSE shows data related to publications in Gold-Open-Access-Journals. The filter Hybrid TRUE shows data related to publications in hybrid journals, i.a. within a transformation agreement.

Open Access Monitoring counts among the key tasks of the University Library. Information with regard to publication numbers and to publication costs serve as basis for acquisition decisions, budget management and, last but not least, also for the allocation of human and infrastructural resources. Data related to Open Access development and allocation of costs are facilitating and enhancing the assessment of the transformation process of subscription costs of scholars of Chemnitz University of Technology to Open Access publication costs.

National Open Access Monitor

One assessment tool is the Open Access Monitor of the Research Center Jülich. Currently, there are processed data related publications in scientific journals. The requirement is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). As sources of data serve the Web of Science, the database Dimensions, Unpaywall, the Directory of Open Access Journals, the project OpenAPC and other systems.

Market Watch of the ESAC-Initiative (ESAC: Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges)

The ESAC-Initiative aggregates figures and facts regarding the change of the scientific publishing market to Open Access. The initiative provides information related to transformative agreements with publishers as well as to their business models and impacts on the open access.

The Market Watch is supposed to serve as an instrument for scientific institutions and libraries to gather information concerning important trends in demographics and allocation of scientific secondary releases within the transformation process to Open Access. This enables them to determinate their proper position within the scientific publishing market and to conclude strategic consequences for their negotiations with the publishers.

  • Allocation of article publications on the publishers and countries
  • Growth of Open Access by transformative agreements and impacts on the enabling of open access to scientific articles on the local (country) and global level (publisher)
  • Information regarding Article Processing Charges