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Publication manners


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Open Access

Publication manners

The most familiar Open Access publication manners are the Golden and the Green way. Both manners are supported by Chemnitz University of Technology. In addition, there are plenty of further Open Access color variants like Diamond, Blue, Bronze or Black.

Golden Way of Open Access for primary publications

The Golden Way designates the immediate free availability of original publications. The contents may be published either in an Open Access journal, an Open Access monograph or in a freely available conference publication. Frequently, charges are raised for that which are often covered by the institution.

  1. Scholar does research and elaborates / revises article
  2. Submits article to publisher
  3. Editor forwards article for review to other scholars
  4. Review: approval / rejection / request for revision
  5. Scholar does research and elaborates/ revises article
  6. Author resp. his / her institution pays APC’s to the publisher
  7. Publisher releases article in journal
  8. Article openly accessible for all

What means the publication within the Golden Way of Open Access?

The publications are released by a publisher and are immediately freely accessible already at the time of primary publication.

What should be observed?

The same as in the case of traditional publishing, quality assurance plays also an important role here. For the coverage of the business model, Article Processing Charges (APC) are often raised. Please observe the information regarding dubious publishers. In case of doubts face to the policy or business model of the publisher, please address to the University Library PRIOR the submission of the paper as in the worst case unnecessary expenses may emerge. We also assist within the selection of an appropriate publication carrier. Normally, a publication contract is concluded with the respective publisher including information which rights for use will be conceded to the publisher and which conditions for use are contracted. The concession of rights may be implemented in the manner of a simple or exclusive right for use for a limited or unlimited period of time.

In addition, the usage may be expanded by a Free License erweitert werden. In that way, the authors concede further detailed rights to the users. In Germany, the Creative-Commons-Licenses are very familiar. Out of those, CC-BY is the most open one. The publication by CC-BY is recommended by the Open Access Policy of Chemnitz University of Technology.

CC-Licenses containing the ND-clause are not in compliance with the Berlin Declaration asking for concession of the right of processing to the users.

Green Way of Open Access for secondary publications

The Green Way of Open Access offers the opportunity of re-publication of already released articles or other kinds of documents without restricted access. The so-called secondary publication is implemented within a subject-specific or institutional repository (self-archiving). The re-publication may happen either at the same time or subsequent to the publication of the contents by a publisher.

  1. Scholar does research and elaborates / revises article
  2. Submits article to publisher
  3. Editor forwards article for review to other scholars
  4. Review: approval/ rejection / request for revision
  5. Scholar does research and elaborates / revises article
  6. Publisher releases article in journal
  7. Re-publication within a repository
  8. Article openly accessible via repository

What is the difference between the Green Way and the Golden Way of Open Access?

The Golden Way is somehow the direct Open-Access-publication at the publisher. The selection of a CC-license is safely possible as far as you are the holder of copyrights.

On the Green Way, a re-publication happens, this time within a repository. Normally, no publication charges will be raised for that. An Open Content-license is frequently not possible in this context as the rights were often already conceded to the publisher unless the publisher has assigned that kind of license to the primary publication. In the case of publication on the Green Way, the embargo delays and the requirements of the publishers/ journals have to be observed

How do I find relevant articles appropriate to turn them into Open Access?

Dissemin is a tool for searching for publications which are currently not openly accessible but could be provided for that on the Green Way. By a color code, Golden and Green Open Access-publications are marked which are already openly accessible.
Blue publications are appropriate for Open Access-publishing according to the valid regulations of the publisher. By an ORCID, the Upload into one of the following repositories is immediately possible.

  • HAL is the Open Access-repository for all current and former adherents and members of Darmstadt University of Technology.
  • Zenodo is a repository run by CERN. A DOI is assigned to the document.
  • We recommend you to contact the Open Science Team with regard to archiving within the publication system MONARCH-Qucosa of Chemnitz University of Technology.

How do I settle usage rights for a secondary publication?

Information regarding policies of the publishers and of the respective journals are provided by the database SHERPA/RoMEO of Jisc. Within the category “Publisher policy”, Open Access-rights are indicated according to the version of the article. The record contains the requirements for a secondary publication, information concerning potential embargos and the conditions such as i.a. “Must link to publisher version”.

By example of the journal “Nature”, which may be found by simple search as title or via ISSN, the structure and the meaning of the icons are easily comprehensible.

Within the category “Help” video tutorials and user guides are provided. The tab “About” leads to detailed information about the database.

In the case you have already published in a journal, we would be delighted to assist you to archive your article in an openly accessible way. Please get in touch with us!

Hybrid Publications

Graphic: Logos of the projects ..../ Composition by Katrin Pötschke / University Library

Publications released as print as well as digitally are designated as hybrid publications.

For instance, it may be possible that articles released in subscription journals may be provided also openly accessible by payment of a charge. Within the transformation agreements with publishers, hybrid Open Access-publications become more and more significant.

By targeted negotiations, double-financing of different expenses shall be avoided. As new business model, the transfer of publication costs to publication-based payment is intended and the permanent reading component is integrated (PAR-fee = Publish & Read).

On that way, adherents of involved institutions get unrestricted access to all academic journals of the publishers and may at the same time publish Open Access without additional expenses (costs for printing or surcharges are not included).