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Service & Consultation
University Library 


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Service & Consultation

The publication service of the Open-Access-Team offers assistance to all members of Chemnitz University of Technology with regard to their Open Access-publication.


The Open-Access-Team provides the following services for support of your Open Access-publication:


You would like to publish Open Access? We would be delighted to assist you in selecting appropriate ways of publishing.

You are looking for a primary publication in Open Access?

We assist you in the selection of scientifically appropriate and high-quality journals for your article and explain the concession of Creative-Commons licences. In addition, we offer information regarding opportunities for cost coverage by the University Library.

You would like to make available your elaboration Open Access as secondary publication?

We advise you with regard to opportunities for self-archiving e.g. on MONARCH-Qucosa, the publication server of Chemnitz University of Technology or within the checking process of your publication rights.

You would like to make an appointment? Please book a date via the service Book a Librarian.


In case of questions around the topic of Open Access, you are welcome to send an email to the Open-Access-Team or to address directly to the respective contact person.


Portrait: Ute Blumtritt
Ute Blumtritt
  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-31290
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Straße der Nationen 33, 09111 Chemnitz
  • Room:

Further information