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University Library
University Library 


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A plant grows from coins
Picture from Nattanan Kanchanaprat on Pixabay

The same as for Closed Access, charges may be raised also for Open Access-publishing. Those should be transparently be displayed and state which services are provided for them.

With regard to financing, the University Library assist by several actions:

  • Regarding articles, the publication fund is provided for adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology since 2013
  • Within federal agreements with publisher as well as within consortia and with individual publishers, agreements or memberships for the promotion of Open Access-publishing were concluded.
  • The University Library provides information concerning other funding opportunities (Federal Ministry of Education and Research – BMBF) and applies itself for additional funding resources at the German Research Foundation insofar appropriate funding programs are provided.

The University Library strives for a transparent and fair allocation of resources through all faculties and qualification levels at Chemnitz University of Technology. It manages the publication fund and reports financial data to the project OpenAPC. All publications funded are recorded on the fund website. The procedures and workflows are designed in a comprehensive and transparent way.