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EU funding
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EU Funding

EU-Framework Program for Research and Innovation "Horizont Europa" 2021-2027

Project results are supposed to be publicly available as fast as possible. Academic publications and their data within Horizon Europe have to be released Open Access (see Intellectual Property Rights ).

In the category Grant agreements and contracts, HE General MGA v1.0 you find regulations regarding Open Access of academic publications and research data management.

Open Access of academic publications

The persons funded have to assure an open access to their research results within peer-reviewed academic publications.

  • Publication of a machine-readable electronic copy of the released version or the peer-reviewed manuscript within a reputable repository
  • Instant open access to the released version by conceding the most recent Creative Commons Attribution International Public License (CC BY) or a license conceding equivalent rights; in case of monographs or other long-text types, the license may exclude commercial usage and processing (e.g. CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND)
  • Provision of supplementary information or tools and instruments required for assessment of the theses of the academic publication within the repository.

The metadata of the archived publications have to be available by Creative Common Public Domain Dedication (CC 0) or an equivalent license according to the FAIR-principles.

Research data management

The persons funded have to process the digital research data generated within the funding in a responsible way according to the FAIR-principles.

  • Elaboration of a data management plan (DMP) and its periodical update
  • Release of the data as fast as possible according to the delays determined in the DMP within a reputable repository; in case that this is demanded by the call conditions, the repository has to comply with the EOSC-requirements
  • Release of the data within the delays determined within the DMP by making use of the most currently available Creative Commons Attribution International Public License (CC BY) or Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC 0) or a license conceding equivalent rights according to the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary” including the commercial use unless this infringes the justified interests of the funded person(s) or is opposed to other requirements, e.g. competitive interests of the EU or other obligations. In case that the Open Access (to some or the entire data) is not conceded, this has to be justified within the DMP.
  • Provision of information on research results or other tools and instruments required for assessment of the data

OpenAIRE as service platform

OpenAIRE is a European project for the promotion of Open Science.

The platform includes a network of Open-Science-experts promoting Open Science and offering corresponding tutorials as well as technical infrastructure collecting the research results of affiliated data providers. The objective of OpenAIRE consists on the establishment of an open and sustainable infrastructure for scientific communication enabling the complete management, analysis, processing, provision, monitoring and networking of the entire results.

Open AIRE assists by:

  • Coordination of policies and their implementation
  • Interoperable networking of scholars, content providers and sponsor
  • Linking of research outputs in order to assure their traceability, transparency, reproducibility and quality
  • Monitoring and reporting of Open Science
  • Tutorials regarding Open Science, factsheets, helpdesk
  • Promotion of standards
  • Support of innovations