University News: International
Mourning for Internationally Recognized Professor of Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Klaus Banert, who held the Professorship of Organic Chemistry since 1993, died on 19 September 2020
Virtual Summer School Enabled Professional and Intercultural Exchange Between Germany and Tunisia
Researchers from the Faculty of Economics at Chemnitz University of Technology and the FSEG at the University of Sfax in Tunisia approached cultural differences in tax morale and the tendency to shift profits - the focus was also on intercultural exchange
Join the Chemnitz 2021 NMUN Delegation
Students From all faculties at Chemnitz University of Technology can apply until October 4th, 2020 to participate in the world's largest UN simulation in March 2021 and take part in the online information event on September 22nd
Lighter headrest for child car seats thanks to German-Polish research cooperation
Researchers at Chemnitz University of Technology, together with companies in Thuringia and Poland, have developed a 26 percent lighter headrest for a child seat and established the technical foundations for its resource-efficient production
Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn takes over the management of Fraunhofer ENAS and a professorship at Chemnitz University of Technology
As of September 1, 2020, Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn takes over the management of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS in Chemnitz and a professorship at Chemnitz University of Technology, which has been rededicated from "Microtechnology" to "Smart Systems Integration."
New all-time high for DAAD funding
TU Chemnitz generated around 1.85 million euros in third-party funding from DAAD programs for international mobility and projects in 2019 – International Office supports application
Chemnitz Robotics Researchers Invent New Robot Joint
New patent granted to the Professorship of Robotics and Human Machine Interaction (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Thomas) for compliant robot joint - invention will make human-robot interaction safer
TUCtalk 40 is Online - Subtitles available
Prof. Dr. Georg Jahn is spokesman of the Collaborative Research Center "Hybrid Societies" at Chemnitz University of Technology and talks about human-machine interaction and embodied technologies in the new episode of TUCtalk
3x Gold and a Silver at the German Athletic Championship in Braunschweig
Successful "partner university of top-class sport": Max Hess and Maria Purtsa won the championship title in triple jump, Corinna Schwab sprinted her personal best 400 metres on the way to 1st place and Rebekka Haase sprinted over 100 metres to 2nd place
Chemnitz University of Technology Presents “Wahlprüfsteine” for Mayoral Election
University Academic Senate passed “Wahlprüfsteine” – an election questionnaire – for Chemnitz’s mayoral election at their last session.
Successful Career Start Thanks to Transfer to Chemnitz
Hannah Gerold from Frankfurt (M.) is a graduate of Chemnitz University of Technology and works on the Respect Coaches project in Chemnitz - How she found the right job
Chemnitz Hydrogen Research Networked Throughout Europe
Chemnitz University of Technology is a member of Europe's largest research network for hydrogen research
Language Skills Open Career Doors
Ladislav Weber completed a unique double master's degree at the Universities of Technology in Prague and Chemnitz and then stayed in Saxony
Third TUClab Competition Launched: Up to 450,000 Euro Start-up Financing for Founders
Saxon start-ups and potential business start-ups can apply for start-up financing as well as consulting and support services at Chemnitz University of Technology until 31 August 2020
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Corona Virus and the current measures at Chemnitz University of Technology (update: 16 July 2020)
Funding for scientists at risk
Professorships at Chemnitz University of Technology can again submit applications in the Philipp Schwarz Initiative until 25 August 2020
Support for refugees and international students in entering the German job market
TU project offers vocational language courses and arranges volunteer work to establish key skills for entry into the job market
New DAAD scholarship program for PhD candidates
Apply for research stays abroad until 31 August 2020!
Crossing borders: Virtual Internship at Chemnitz University of Technology
French student Florian Jullien contributes to the Virtual TUCdays with his own machine tool simulation
Watching the Brain Program
Interdisciplinary research team including professor at Chemnitz University of Technology analyzes brain activity in understanding program code for the first time - First-class publication in the journal Communications of the ACM