University News: Business
Two Chemnitz University of Technology Spin-offs Present at Hannover Messe
CMMC GmbH and startup NanoSen are represented at one of the most internationally significant industrial fairs until April 21, 2023
Chemnitz University of Technology in 4th Place Among the Best Medium-Sized Universities in the Gründungsradar 2022
Gründungsradar 2022 of the Stifterverband certifies the university's outstanding activities, support and networking in the area of start-ups
Making efficient polymer sensors ready for production
Start-up project NanoSen builds production line for market entry of innovative force sensors for smart materials
Wanted: Entrepreneurial ideas for the products of tomorrow
New round of the SAXEED ideas competition and announcement of the special prize "Social Entrepreneurship" – Submissions explicitly also from students possible until November 21, 2021.
New Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Chemnitz Starts Work
Chemnitz University of Technology is part of a consortium that supports medium-sized companies in Saxony in the introduction and implementation of digitization solutions
TUClab-Funded Start-Up Successful in Product Development for the Steel Industry
University spin-off and one of the 2019 TUClab winners – mecorad is making steel production more digital and sustainable today
Transferring Innovations from Academia to Business
SAXEED start-up network supports scientists in transferring their research results into new products and business models with digital workshop series starting May 21, 2021
Chemnitz University of Technology has Outstanding Performance in the Gründungsradar 2020
According to the Gründungsradar 2020, Chemnitz University of Technology’s start-up activities place it in the Top 10 of medium-sized universities nationwide - the Stifterverband certifies the university's outstanding support, promotion, and networking activities
Third TUClab Competition Launched: Up to 450,000 Euro Start-up Financing for Founders
Saxon start-ups and potential business start-ups can apply for start-up financing as well as consulting and support services at Chemnitz University of Technology until 31 August 2020
1st TUClab Competition Underway: €450,000 in Seed Capital for Start-Up Founders
Saxon start-ups can apply for seed capital and advisory and supportive services through Chemnitz University of Technology until August 31, 2018
Million investment for the future of autonomous vehicles
The Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen and the GPS Ventures GmbH invest two million euros in the Chemnitz University start-up NAVENTIK GmbH
The „Wissensbox Recht 4.0“ is online
The “Mittelstand 4.0 center of excellence Chemnitz” provides a platform for the legal framework of digitalization
For more start-ups in the science region of Chemnitz
Start-up network SAXEED launches a new project from the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of TU Chemnitz with approximately two million euros provided for this purpose until 2017
A worthy record: 100th spin-off at the TU Chemnitz
A job engine in Saxony: the start-up network SAXEED has generated more than 300 jobs since 2006 – the firm Maiwald Engineering is the most recent example of this success story