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The „Wissensbox Recht 4.0“ is online

The “Mittelstand 4.0 center of excellence Chemnitz” provides a platform for the legal framework of digitalization

The application of the “Industry 4.0” technologies and digitalization applications require to take a look at the respective legal framework. Many questions arise such as “Who owns the data?”, “How does the data protection regulation affect the data protection law?” or “Will the labor law become the labor law 4.0?” The “Wissensbox Recht 4.0” (Knowledge Box Law 4.0) is a fixed component of the homepage of the Mittelstand 4.0 competence center Chemnitz since the beginning of March 2017. Thus, the legal framework relating to digitalization acquired a platform: The “Wissensbox Recht 4.0” takes up on questions regarding the subject of digitalization and law as well as on events taking place in the Mittelstand 4.0 competence center Chemnitz.

The information pool “Literature & Legislation” is a major component providing selected literature and legal regulations. “Specific questions are taken from different legal topics and are concisely stated and sicussed within a jurisprudential contribution”, says Prof. Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl, Owner of the Chair of Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights at the Chemnitz University of Technology. This is supplemented by the uncomplicated access to the respective relevant legislations. Additionally, information about current jurisdiction is contained by summarizing the main points for daily business. In the course of “Interactive Contents” the topics are completed by illustrated pictorial short information.

In order to coordinate the topics with regard to the needs of the entrepreneurs, the “Mittelstand 4.0 center of excellence Chemnitz” offers the possibility to submit questions and requests via the “Questions & Answers” template. The resulting questions will then be included into the range of topics of the “Wissensbox Recht 4.0” and will further be composed in a clearly arranged FAQ-catalogue providing a fast information option for everyone.

About Mittelstand 4.0 – digital production and operating processes

In the course of the funding priority “Mittelstand-Digital – Strategien zur digitalen Transformation der Unternehmensprozesse“ by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) the support initiative “Mittelstand 4.0 – Digitale Produktions- und Arbeitsprozesse” nationally promotes Mittelstand 4.0 centers of excellence, one competence center for digital handicraft, and four Mittelstand 4.0 agencies. The funding priority provides guidance for companies in the intelligent application of modern information and communication technologies (IKT) in order to strengthen their competitiveness. “Mittelstand Digital” consists of the support initiatives “Mittelstand 4.0 – digital production and operating processes”, “eStandards: Geschäftsprozesse standadisieren, Erfolg sichern” and “Einfach intuitiv – Usability für den Mittelstand”.

The transfer project is jointly implemented by five consortium partners: The Chemnitz University of Technology with the leading Institute for Management and Factory Systems and its two professorships Factory Planning and Factory Management, Ergonomics and Innovation Management, and the Professorship Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights; the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU); the ICM – Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagebau e.V., the TUCed – An-Institute für Transfer und Weiterbildung GmbH with the division Chemnitz Automotive Institute (CATI), as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Chemnitz.

Further information are available from Kathrin Nitsche, research associate of the professorship Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights at the Chemnitz University of Technology, phone +49 371 531 30306, email kathrin.nitsche@betrieb-machen.de

Matthias Fejes

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