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Chemnitz University of Technology in 4th Place Among the Best Medium-Sized Universities in the Gründungsradar 2022

Gründungsradar 2022 of the Stifterverband certifies the university's outstanding activities, support and networking in the area of start-ups

According to the Gründungsradar 2022, Chemnitz University of Technology is the fourth best medium-sized university in the area of start-up support. Considering all 77 medium-sized universities with 5,000 to 15,000 students, Chemnitz University of Technology ranks 14th and is thus one of the 20 best institutions in this university size category, which are attested as having exemplary performance. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) in cooperation with the Marga and Kurt Möllgaard Foundation on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), which compares start-up support at German universities in terms of both quality and quantity.

Seven building blocks for the quality of start-up support were examined in the Gründungsradar. In three of these components, Chemnitz University of Technology is among the top universities in Germany: In the categories "start-up support" and "networking in start-up support", Chemnitz University of Technology achieved the best score. In the category "start-up activities" it scored the second best result.

"Chemnitz University of Technology has successfully supported well over 100 spin-offs since 2017, making it one of the best start-up incubators in Germany. This is underlined by the results of the Gründungsradar 2022 and is the result of the outstanding commitment of Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, Vice President for Transfer and Academic Qualification, our Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, our start-up incubators and accelerators SAXEED and TUClab, as well as many members and affiliates of our university, whom I would like to thank very sincerely," says Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, President of Chemnitz University of Technology. "The ranking also shows levers for further improving and expanding start-up support, which we will work on together. However, this also requires the continuation of funding for start-up support. In addition, sustainability in the business models of start-ups will continue to grow in importance in the future - including at Chemnitz University of Technology," adds Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze.

The TUClab established at the university to support start-ups and the start-up network SAXEED play a significant role in the success of Chemnitz University of Technology. In addition, potential founders can take advantage of the services offered by the Patent Information Center (PIZ) on the subject of industrial property rights. The Enterprise Europe Network is also available as a contact for initiating research, technology, and business cooperation as well as for information on specific topics with a European background. SAXEED, the TUClab, the PIZ, and the Enterprise Europe Network belong to the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer - a central institution of Chemnitz University of Technology, where transfer processes are designed and supported and specific, higher-level transfer projects are realized.

Background: SAXEED 

Since 2006, more than 1,500 start-up projects at the four universities in Chemnitz, Freiberg, Mittweida, and Zwickau in southwest Saxony have been supported by the SAXEED start-up network, which is funded by the Free State of Saxony and the BMWK, resulting in around 515 start-ups. Together with strong regional and supra-regional partners, SAXEED contributes to an increased culture of independence, initiative, and entrepreneurial thinking at universities and research institutions, thus contributing to the innovative strength of Saxony's economy. Through the wide range of networking and teaching events, founders are qualified and accompanied by experienced start-up mentors from the evaluation of the business idea to the development of the business model to the founding of their own start-up.

Background: TUClab

As part of its transfer strategy, Chemnitz University of Technology pursues the goal of improving the link between science and research and industry. In particular, Chemnitz University of Technology has set itself the goal of intensively promoting innovative spin-offs in its core competencies Materials and Smart Systems, Resource-Efficient Production and Lightweight Structures, and Humans and Technology. Against this background, the Sächsische Aufbaubank as the development bank of the Free State and Chemnitz University of Technology initiated the establishment of a so-called TUClab in 2018 for joint unbureaucratic support and funding for founders. Their selection takes place annually by means of a competition. The start-ups selected in this way receive start-up financing in the form of equity capital from the Sächsische Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (SBG). In addition, there is access to the infrastructure of Chemnitz University of Technology and selected transfer partners as well as integration into the university's transfer and mentoring networks.

For further information, please contact Dr. Susanne Schübel, SAXEED project manager, tel. +49 (0)371 531-37689, e-mail susanne.schuebel@saxeed.net.

Mario Steinebach

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